Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Despite my major disagreement with him I don’t recall him doing any harassment nor name and shaming, pretty sure if he was doing all that he’d be silenced.


Recently someone created a character to harass Lann, by copying his name, and by, what I think is, happenstance you have an alt with a similar name to another poster.

It’s just a very recent “wound” as it were.


Thank you.
I was very confused. That alt’s seriously just existed since Legion to smack down a monk statue and sometimes kick people in party sync BGs.

I’m a heckler, but I ain’t that.


Which is why Midares original post was more about behavior not being spoken on, the latter part could have been a mistake but it was a logical one to make. It wasn’t out of the blue or uncalled for like it was a logical red alarm being sounded.


I gave some criticism on the reactions to that as it should’ve solved the ticket. You have a right to react to that I understand but I won’t lie it probably wasn’t the best approach.

The problem is the only evidence is that they engage in alt hopping the race is different, the names spelling is completely different, the name isn’t that rare I could go on and on. They were posting on literally every alt they had and it’s never ever been used before as far as I could tell.

Was this person around when you brought up the blatant copy of you?

And also, the fact that that sort of thing happened before.


It has been happening, and the mods have removed post. Sadly, feels like the bahaviour goes unpunished. Don’t get me wrong, everyone, on both sides, have been quite toxic towards each other, but nothing really gets done.


I need to level some new alts.

Time to finally level the high elf?


I may have missed Midares original on this.

If so I apologize. I may be missing some context.

Still I don’t think this particular poster is intending to be one sided.

I got my High Elf Paladin right here.


Wouldn’t a better approach have been “I know this behavior has happened before so I get why you might say that but I think you’re wrong and you should be careful to make that comment so easily” that way you would have validated both sides when for me my issue is where you seem to give a free pass to some pretty glaring stuff in favor of HE fans when you do step in.

Because it was a logical red alarm to be set off it wasn’t like it came from no where. And you could have also solidified your stance that the original recent example was wrong where as previously all that came across was shaming peoples reaction to the behavior.

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I came in a little too strong too, but then again, would it be me if I didn’t?


I have a highvale elf I like to play of late.

Good time for it.

They were here for the aftermath I think or as it happened

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I made this girl a few months ago and am still too lazy to level her

I wish Blizzard would let me Chromie time to 60, not a fan of SLs leveling


So they possibly witnessed it or at least the fallout of it.



This one is mine. (Fenelon)

Gods yes.

Well that was my issue because they called out people’s reaction to that incident so basically the side that was upset it happened (which were people against HE options) no HE fans seemed to care their side was engaging as such.

That’s why I think it wasn’t cool they went about this issue the way they did just now too. Because your original point on behavior being called out stands and the secondary point / comment had valid reason to raise a red alarm to say that.

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God I want void paladin skins so bad.


It was near the end. Their context of the full situation was limited.

This is an unfortunate issue that comes up.

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