Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

What he said.

Murg-alt Confirmed


Fine, then force these High Elf students down the Alleria route. Force them to trade the act of sucking a dark Naaru dry - killing it - to gain that power. Make them do something that is anathema to High Elves; draining another living being for power.

Murg-alt Confirmed


I would like to see Alleria changed to better reflect the void as well, we know the void is a constant whisper and constant factor moving forward I think it adds story for VEs too


I think you’re missing the point Murg. As I said


It’s relevant that that is what Danseur said in response to the question of where additional void elves were coming from.

Regardless, one of the most annoying things about void elves is they have so little lore and most of what we have is speculation and implications.

So it’s very easy for people to see what they are biased towards seeing in void elves. The above discussion is case in point.


It has so far even in the three sisters story she voided out but for some reason her model in game hasn’t been updated to reflect the void corruption like it should have but I’m sure eventually it will happen because she’s a Void Elf and Blizzard updates models like Calia, Thrall, Sylvanas, etc. all the time so.

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No, you’re ignoring the point I keep trying to make; they need a power source. Alleria has one, she sucked a Naaru dry and killed it. Void Elves have one; they were completely suffused with Void energy in the ritual designed to - and almost succeeded - make them like Ethereals. Where is their energy coming from? Every other magic-using character race/class has one. What’s theirs and why doesn’t that seem to matter?

Be it Lightwells, Sunwells, Moon Wells, praying to the Light, being filled with the Light, making pacts with demons, eating demons
it all has to come from somewhere. Or, as what seems to apparently be the case for some in this discussion, is it just to be a hand-waving “Oh, you know, they just picked it up in Void Elf 101.”?

Murg-alt Confirmed


Servers down, I blame Void Elves.


I have big shoulders - I’ll take the blame. :wink:

Murg-alt Confirmed


It’s worth noting Alleria had void elf abilities before Lura.


I blame all the Male Human Paladi

Actually, I blame all the Orcs.


I blame the lack of playable Ethereals.


On a par with a neophyte, if you’re going to posit a new group of Void Mages who are not Void Elves
who have some minor control over the use of Void energy then sure. But that’s not what you or anyone else is saying here. You’re saying those High Elf students are - without any rationale whatsoever and with no source for their power - full Void Elves. I don’t buy it.

Murg-alt Confirmed



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And here comes the part where you and I are in serious agreement.

There should never have been Void Elves. We should have had Ethereals.

Murg-alt Confirmed


No one said they were full void elves, they are still void elves though.


Well, I know I’ve killed more than a “crack squad” of void elves questing on Hordeside in BFA personally, so the damn things are coming from somewhere.

And how much void ability does, say, a hunter really have?


So then they won’t have the same powers and abilities as true Void Elves or Alleria. Ok, I’m cool with VElf Light. :wink:

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Which is where the Danuser quote comes in

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One that was torn apart in attempt to make that archer an ethereal-like being or one that sucked a Naaru dry? Plenty, I expect. :wink: