I think it’s hard to say but I would still say the visual distinction left in place is intentional.
Why would Blizzard defeat the purpose of its own AR to the fullest extent?
More options on VEs could also just be an ear toggle which Blizzard may know appeals to High Elf fans who want Half Elves.
I definitely feel if they discussed the options at length prior to doing them like they said, the hair options feel intentional.
Even a scenario with Farstrider tattoos being added for both though I would imagine they would add something exclusive for BEs, that would be another HE option on VEs all without ever touching the hair distinction.
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I can’t believe that and the Dranei tail toggle were left out of Shadowlands tbh. It feels unprofessional.
I believe void elves were added for a few reasons. One is because Blizzard thought they’d be cool, which they are. Another was to fill a slot caused by Nightborne going Horde.
They probably also attempted them as a compromise for Alliance high elves. I’d say judging by the options we got in SL, they were an absolute failure of a compromise before that. Now they’re a pretty good one (for me at least).
So if part of the ARs purpose was as a compromise for high elves, giving them high elf options doesn’t defeat their purpose imo.
I don’t think Blizzard intended to open up two visual themes for VEs until they wanted to add blue eyes on Blood Elves.
It feels like a huge win at the last minute and not something I would put too much stock in for another huge win (being complete visual distinction being replicated) small wins like tattoos and ear length sure but not another huge win Blizzard has other sections of their fan base which take issue with that request who haven’t gotten a huge win at the last minute.
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I have no idea what they’ll do in the future, nor do I claim to.
I was only saying leaning further into the territory they were intended as a compromise for doesn’t seem to me to go against their purpose.
Of course, maybe they were never intended as a compromise, and only ended up that way. I have no idea really.
I just think it’s not fair to use that statement to expect another big win for the HE community. Small wins at best maybe but a big win would be the final visual distinction being given or removed depending on how you look at it, and I don’t think it’s unfair for someone to point out the two huge wins the HE community had for VEs and to point out expecting another big win is a bit much.
Small wins I would argue wouldn’t destroy that visual distinction they left in place, ear sizes for Half Elf RP something they may know appeals to Alliance High Elf fans, maybe they consider the jewelry High Elf in nature someone pointed out long ago that HE fans used to ask for Dalaran like jewelry (as far as adding visuals that add to that vibe/theme I’ve seen HE fans want the jewelry especially the silver aesthetic) and maybe jewelry is on the way for Void Elves.
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Racial Hairstyles on the cash shop. Please look forward to it. Oh could you imagine the rage.
Yes. I hate when people are like “we’re definitely gonna get this because of X”. I hate the opposite argument too.
Both are just dead end arguments based on guessing at Blizzard’s intentions that do nothing other than kick up disagreements without purpose imo.
ill never understand the obsession with the lotr aesthetic. i dont see blizzard copying more blood elf culture onto the only void themed race. it doesnt exist in the alliance or with void elves. even the dalaran elves are described as assimilating. i dont see them tatting themselves up to appear more foreign and still trying to fit in with dalaran. they would likely want to appear as human as possible
there is the example of illidari demon hunters sharing customization. but they come from the same place. i dont see farstrider types leaving to embrace the void, magister types are heavily favored to be the ones seeking out the void elves. farstrider tattoos should not cross faction any more then the night elf tattoos and vines that do feel different from the ones nightborne have
if void elves get tattoos they should be reflective of the void, pinks, purples, and blacks. if you want blue or green farstrider tats then blood elves should be there for you
and its time to update alleria to something that makes sense and represents void elves
I’m literally playing a hunter. What, am I supposed to be a mage that picked up a bow after learning void magic? That’s just stupid narratively.
Waste of dev time that could instead go to more customization options for literally any race. I don’t care which.
For me I think the intention of the visual distinction left in place is fair game as to this day it holds. If you tie it in to their previous statement about the Horde is waiting, the core of their statement is basically still true.
I think the statement about more for HE options after two wins for people who don’t value visual distinction expecting another big win is too much. I would say hair as the main visual factor here is that big win so I wouldn’t personally expect it and I’d argue from that stand point as to why.
For the statement itself didn’t Blizzard promise warlocks a male version of a succubus? And that was explicitly to warlocks?
This statement depending on ones bias could mean what ever you want it to. Them saying more HE options to me makes sense because without BEs having a second visual theme all BE options are HE options so any future options on BEs could be called more HE options barring a second visual theme. And the statement they promised more HE options was simply a vague promise of more for VEs what that is who knows, but what we do know is Blood Elves are High Elves so the statement makes sense even without considering VEs at all.
To be fair it could mean more HE options for VEs but a big win like the final piece of visual distinction? I doubt it. Small wins like ear length options, sure.
And this is all even expecting them to keep a vague promise that could be construed either way.
They literally promised sex swapped demons for warlocks, yes.
Seeing as we still don’t have them, it kind of makes their word worthless.
This is a stance I’ve long held as well.
They update the leaders often enough, and it’s a valid way of delivering the demand to look like Alleria.
We probably differ on the Farstrider options opinion, as long as VEs don’t get the natural hair options I don’t see issue with it but I expect them to color lock the options like you said anyways too.
Keep in mind it could literally come at the cost of more customization options for blood elves.
Not for me it wouldn’t be. It would feel like an ill thought out copout.
That’s the same argument HE fans use to people who oppose their options though.
“The time you use to not let us get the options that take away from your visual distinction you could use to ask for more visually distinct options”
I don’t think it holds merit imo, did Sylvanas model updates cost Forsaken any customization or would they have been lacking anyways because Blizzard is Blizzard? Or what’s more the introduction of a new unique Calia could be argued to be the reason Forsaken are lacking options.
Would changing Allerias hair to better reflect the Void cost BEs options? I lean towards no by a large margin but in the effect it does it also saves the visual distinction we have left. Arguing for HE options certainly didn’t gain BE options either and in the idea of fairness on Blizzards part I would have thought it would have.
But only the hair being affected is nonsense from a lore perspective anyway. The most readily changed part of a Thalassian’s body by magic has always been their eyes.
To be honest, I don’t know why they didn’t just do this in the first place.
Regardless, she still has the tattoos.
i dont think void elves were in the pipeline when legion was still in the planning stages and allerias story already laid out
yes but they actually look voidy
After the introduction of VEs I don’t think this holds true.
If they call her the first VE I think she should reflect more of the Void.
I recognize your stance and respect it but I just have to disagree.
I mean, they could’ve just had her go permenant void form when they released void elves.
I’d be fine with them having a voidy glow like that.
The void did always affect void elf eyes until the SL pre-patch.
These are void touched eyes, and were the only ones available before.