Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I agree. A lot of it here definitely isn’t. I don’t want High Elf options for Void Elves, but I’ve been called narcissistic and selfish myself for having that opinion. Sorta sucks. These threads get so heated. And I’ve seen it happen on every side, too.


Well, depends on how the debate goes. Yes, things do get heated, and I admit, at times, I do get really toxic about it. But as you said,

I think all of us, Anti’s and Pro’s, just need to cool our jetpacks. Because none of us are going to get anywhere going on like this.


The truth is also that most of the people in these threads don’t represent everyone. These threads only consist of like .001% of the fanbase who feels this way. Most just aren’t active or even regulars in these threads.


And they’ve flagged me for saying too. Interesting.


And this.


Here’s a picture of a Red Panda

Here’s one of a Corgi

Animals calm and soothe when things get heated.


That’s yikes :face_with_monocle:


If only someone would just own up to what they did and just not do it again.

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It’s expected, like really expected.

I was going to say this in between doing my Korthia dailies but you beat me to it. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Pretty sure liking your own posts and using characters to talk to yourself or agree with yourself is a form of trolling too, as well as the obvious elephant in the room.


tbf Hes not been actioned on it that I can confirm so the mods don’t seem to care. At least here. They did in the Sethrak threads. But that is another story.

Moving back to the discussion.

I’m still very much in favor of scars and tattoos as well as the ear length and tentacle toggles. (Also for Bald heads Blizzard!)


I took a screenshot of the pet collections proving one person even though he deleted the character so I’ll keep that in mind thanks

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I want an elephant and yes part of me is serious but the other part wanted to use the elephant emoji’s. :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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Does it matter anymore? It happened in the past, it should just be kept in the past. All should just move on.

If VEs get some more void type stuff like the Void berg mock up maybe they’ll kind of bear a resemblance, do we have any elephant mounts in game

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Kind of on Alliance side from Draenei and Lightforged Draenei and then the Army of Light ones that are shared on both sides but they are called elekk not elephants but it’s the same thing and it would be on the right faction so it’s win, win. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Will you move on from everything else here?


No, seriously Fen, Gnomest told me about it, and said that he spoken to him about it. It’s all in the past, lets just move on.

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To be fair they dedicated an entire day to coming at me a few days ago and no one felt that was off topic, they laughed it up threw around likes and in the end still can’t quote me ever breaking coc or speaking to people crazy because I maintain a level of respect when speaking even if we disagree and you don’t like what I am saying.

I don’t need to get upset and attack people’s reading comprehension abilities and then justify it because their arguments aren’t friendly towards my points. Etc etc

But yeah if someone is going to mention that antis / fans of visual distinction need to “give it up” like we saw above it’s worth mentioning that literally yesterday people on the opposite side display behavior that is more showing of “just give it up”.

On top of that we keep seeing “you’ve lost” echoed and it’s brought up by the side / endorsed by the people doing these weird things that don’t show winning to me. You’re winning yet you’re still asking for the visual theme BEs have? You’re winning yet people on your side have to resort to impersonating others? Winning isn’t supposed to look like desperation. Like it’s pertinent within that context since you want to declare you’ve won it doesn’t look like it.

Just replying here instead of an additional post but what I do know is if I or any other person who wasn’t supportive of HEs had done this they would have spent all day talking about it, classic alts we’d never even seen before would magically spring up to talk about it.


Will you move on from everything in these fights and have a clean slate or not?

Can you do that?

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Lore alt hop or like his own posts.

I’ve seen no accountability from him. He hasn’t said a word about it here. He hasn’t talked to me. He hasn’t talked to Lann.

I’m glad Gnomest was able to tell him to stop and talk to him but it means little given his track record.

So again.

Are you willing to let go of everything here?

Is Lore? Is Lann? Is anyone else?

I am prepared.

I will leave here today and never return if you agree to drop all of it.


That’s little consolidation given recent events involving him. Problems don’t get to magically disappear for people because it’s not convenient. You might want a convenient lets just forgive and forget but it’s not going to happen, especially when the response is to ignore the issue rather than acknowledge the issue and own up to it.