Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Because in your head, one person who did it, means it is an entire community doing it… My god, bad logic at its finest.

Anyways, stop derailing the topic about who ever was impersonating you.


The level system you came up with is a soft removal system. Racials are created to showcase aspects of the race either via the culture/history/conditions. By adding a slider that can completely hide or change the racial you decrease the need and impact the void aspect of the race and delegitimize it. Again your trying to turn void elves into what they are not, high elves.

Your asking to remove it via the guise of a slider.

They are void elves. They should be about the void and nothing but the void.

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Oh right, because the only thing you can think off is “oh there trying to remove stuff to get what they want”. Like seriously, nothing is being ask to be removed, nothing is getting removed. I requested it like that to give more options for everyone, depending on what fantasy, as Blizzard has so nicely put it, they chose to follow.

Except, Void Elves are High Elves. Something which you’re completely ignoring.


There “were” blood elves, the group not associated with alliance high elves that people wants.

Except you are, it was your original goal, you are only disguising as a slider now so you can pretend your a race your not, high elves, in a attempt to reduce the potentcy of the void, thus ruining the lore on the void. If they can do what they do without the void, what is the point of even seeking it out in the intro quest, which shows you how they became void elves and sets their story.

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Do I have to requote everyone for you to read.

Give it up Grandbae, you lost the argument. Blizzard said that they are giving the Alliance “High Elves” through terms of customisations for the Void Elves. What we got now is all being done for now, more is coming in the future. Nothing is being removed from the Void Elves, nothing is being removed from the Blood Elves.

End of story!


If the feature allows for both the removal of tentacles from styles that have it and adding of tentacles to the styles that don’t, then the option can be used either way. How some players chose to use such an option is not your concern.

The devs have given, in their own words, “High Elf Customization Options” to Void Elves, and Void Elves already have hairstyles without tentacles. Asking for a toggle to removed tentacles from the styles that have them or add tentacles to the styles that don’t, is an entirely reasonable request.

They may not be “High Elves” but the devs have seen fit to give Void Elves “High Elf Customization Options” so players seeking to fulfill that fantasy may do so.


And yet natural hair isn’t a factor for a reason :slight_smile: that is only found on BEs the actual playable High Elf race.

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According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Once again, you lost.


Confirmed RP tools will never be the flex people try to make it out to be clearly because one thing we do know the playable High Elf race does have the desired customizations asked for, but VEs do not because some player agency confirmed for how you might see your character doesn’t extend past that, it starts and ends with your character just like BE golden eyes.


Yeah we sure lost given we can’t actually look like High Elves on the Horde side and your side the Alliance side can’t you just look like the off Kmart version with bad hair.

Because usually it is, you didn’t even say anything about it from what I saw in the post other day until after Lann had brought it up twice then you conveniently brought it up in your discord.

Try not having such bad people on your side or supporting the bad behavior and it wouldn’t have to be brought up time after time.


To be fair I feel like my point was ignored too I was replying to the sentiment put out that anyone arguing against HEs needs to “give it up”, it wasn’t even the main point of my post but the first sentence, mostly listing why the “give it up” phrase applies more to the side that is echoing that sentiment.


I screamed because we really do think alike, it’s funny being told our side lost and yet, who has the actual playable High Elves in appearance and lore? What side is still asking for that? Who lost again and why is it people who request visual distinction to stay in place? The logic isn’t adding up, I certainly wouldn’t go around proclaiming victory when it’s far from, just more of the mentality of trying to convince themselves as much as everyone else imo.

What side is still requesting for lore and aesthetics?

The side that doesn’t have the playable High Elf race as a core race on their faction.


We’re all just throwing opinions around. There isn’t a win or a lose here. We’re not involved in the decision. At all.


Usually I would support you trying to be the middle man but really Void Elves did lose it wasn’t us, I’m actually allowed to look like a High Elf on my Blood Elf characters because I can have the fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, Void Elves can’t do that so yes there is a loser here and it’s not Blood Elves and since Sara decided to bring it up to begin with I’m simply returning the favor.

To be fair, I had once said that I tried to support people on all sides of the debate and got called out for apparently supporting racism because one poster said something yucky a while back.

Both sides are pretty bad at clumping each other together.




The plot thickens.


Anyone involved in the fighting going on in these threads needs to lower their pitchforks and just focus on posting positive suggestions for void elves or high elves in this threads. Arguing, finger pointing and this constant warring is non constructive. If anyone really cares about the topic at hand, this is what they will do.


Yeah, that’s true. But it has been an endless war since god, who knows when, and some people also just given up with both groups of people due to how toxic both sides do get.


I agree that there are some who can get really heated, but I think a ton of people also debate in good faith. They just unfortunately get shadowed.

I mean, I disagree with some of the opinions above about customization options, but at the end of the day, it is Blizzard’s decision and I think both sides can express what they want. Just like how both sides can express how that makes them feel. :heart:


Flamewars and warring in these threads just adds fuel to flames and is utterly pointless anyway. Blizzard is not going to listen to people getting into flamewars. Its not about who is right and wrong. Its about not contributing to an existing mess.

I mean, I disagree with some of the opinions above about customization options, but at the end of the day, it is Blizzard’s decision and I think both sides can express what they want. Just like how both sides can express how that makes them feel. :heart:

A lot of arguing isn’t done in good faith and personal attacks/ad hominems etc as well as people engaging in agendas against groups of people.