Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I don’t think Void Elves gaining Druidism should be a stopping point to prevent Nightborne or Blood Elves from also receiving druids. If anything I think it would open the door a bit more to the options of letting more races become druids.

I get the comments that the Night Elves would detest the Void Elves for being Nightmare Druids, but I kinda feel like most all the races of the alliance already hate the Void Elves. They are the embodiment of everything the Lightforged and others hate. So I don’t think allowing their druidic Drust/Nightmare druidism would break the camels back.

I also absolutely would love to see Nightborne druids gain their connection to the dream from the Arcandor.


Blood Elves according to Ion - are High Elves. High Elves called upon the trees to defend them during the scourge invasion - and had friendships with treants in which the mourn what has become of their friends in the starting area during the Burning Crusade.

It is weird that Blood Elves can’t be druids.


100% agree. At this point I feel like we should get them in 10.0 or sooner.


Anyways, since this is a customisation thread discussion, one thing I would like to see is the hair colours on Void Elves that only the Alliance High Elves had. As well using the same colours from Humans and Kul Tirans too.

Then adding some more hair styles from the Alliance races to the Void Elves would be a good option too. But I still think that the option on the visual effect of Entropic Embrace racial would be good to have options too on how strong the effect it has, with 0 or 1 being nothing to say 5 turning us into something like a very dark purple Void Elf with tentacles all over.

Then this can really give us more options on which path we shall chose for the Alliance side. Whether the High Elven path or the Void Elven path.


Absolutely not.


If they were custodians keeping the nightmare at bay or in “peace” night elves would perhaps not entirely be ok but at least have some begrudging respect.

Druids should always be defending and maintaining nature, and the balance of it. Regardless of where they come from or how.


But… But… But… Master


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A small list of suggestions.

Void Elf Additions/Improvements-

-Racial Customizations/Lore

  • Official Lore stating that High Elves and Void Elves are merging/enteracting in some way.
    Potentially by having Alleria’s troops from Allerian Stronghold in Outland follow her or by having some Void Elves join with the Silver Covenant in some fashion.


  • More hair color options in White/Black/Blond/Brown/Wine Red.
  • A Tendril, similar to the toggle for Night Elf Vines, for all Haircuts.
    This allows for more variety by having more haircuts with or without tendrils.
  • Options to change the Affects on Tendrils. Like Glowing/Transpatent/Currupted.


  • Ear Size options.
  • Void Markings/Scars.

Oh, I love the sound of those options :smiley:


Yes because the one faction that did not like the idea of mana vampirism is all gonna join the faction that studies the magic that is dead focused on consuming all things…

No. Void elves needs to be more unique. We need to be better

Only if it replaced by another Void option instead like starcursed.


Indeed, those options are lovely! :octopus::heart:


What about also the Blue Markings? Like the one Alleria has.


Considering Blizzard is now telling us to chose our path through the Void Elves whether we want to be an Alliance High Elf or a Void Elf, I thought of some customisations ideas here for the Void Elves that could be good for us to use:

  • Tattoos: Some blue tattoos like what Alleria has would be a nice addition for the Void Elves. As well as also some “Void Tattoos” for those who want to follow the path of the Void Elves.
  • Scars/Runic Markings: I was thinking this idea should go for both Blood and Void Elves. Void Elves are not thousands of generations apart from the Void Elves, and there is some who would join the Void Elf ranks.
  • Hair Styles: More hair styles would be great to give to the void elves. But having a mixture of Void Hair Styles and Normal Hair Styles. This will give us more options on what fantasy to play out as.
  • Hair Colours: Void Elves should also receive the same hair colours as Blood Elves, as well as the hair colours from the Alliance High Elves. After all, as just mentioned, Void Elves are not thousands of generations apart. And Blizzard did say they are giving everyone the opportunity to chose the fantasy they want to play as.

On top of these options, Void Elves should also receive the same ear options as the Blood Elves. After all, in the lore, Ren’dorei are basically Void Infused Blood Elves, but with the lore having to move forward, as per said with Blizzard about allowing us to pick our fantasy, we can also pick to be High Elves as well.

Entropic Embrace should also receive a customisation slider, with the slider being of sorted into 5 levels, and it will gives us the option on how Voidly we turn into when the racial procs, with 1 doing nothing at all to 5 being entirely full of tentacles and full of void. This will give people more option on the path that they want to go by.

Also, and this is my own personal thing, but I think Void Elves also should have the option to receive non-void looking heritage armour. If Blizzard is giving us the option to roll as a High Elf through the Void Elf, then give us the option to have something that can represent the High Elves.


How bout no. Stop trying to remove the void portion from void elves.


And what is being removed? You obviously can’t read anything properly or correctly.


It’s never been removed, people are just receiving other options alongside it. That you feel it’s been personally removed when it still exists in-game to this day does not mean it’s been removed.


Also people should really stop trying to keep races into a narrow color palette. The whole point of increased customizations is to break open the narrow palettes and give more diversity within the race’s options different from what they’ve already been given.

This is why you don’t see a race with several blonde hair colors receiving even more shades of blonde hair for example.


“High Elves? Honestly, spoilers guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves. Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves.”

Any English teacher, or fluent English speaker in general, would be able to tell you that his use of “also” and “another” imply that he was using the “flavor” point for Blood Elves as well and not exclusively just Void Elves.

Ion: Blood Elves and Void Elves are both flavors of High Elves.

“The Void Elves were a case where we didn’t want the Allied Races to be something you were always familiar with before. We wanted to introduce new ideas, and new opportunities,” Danuser says. With Alleria Windrunner’s story being an internal success on Argus, the team saw it as the opportunity for a new twist on elves. There’s just one question: If they come from a small group of Silvermoon Exiles, how are they an Allied Race? Where do the numbers come from?

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

Danuser: The reason Void Elves are playable is because they have an actively growing population through other High Elves and Blood Elves joining them to bolster their ranks.

Demon Hunters - A group of Fel infused elves. Some had visible mutations, others had no changes occur at all (outside of the burning out of their eyes which was part of the ritual). Like Void Elves, they also have different colored blood. Since some had no visible changes to their body, they are capable of looking exactly like a non-Demon Hunter (minus the eyes).

Death Knights - A group of undead, infused with Death magic. Some didn’t retain their original looks due to decay, but some are also able to look exactly like their original selves minus their eyes.

Void Elves - Group of Void infused High Elves. Some underwent visible changes, some didn’t. You should be able to make an exact copy of a Blood Elf minus the eyes, just like with Demon Hunters and Death Knights. Lore wise they should 100% have access to the Blood Elf: hair styles and colors, facial hair, blind eye options, ear length options, and jewelry. There is zero debating this entire discussion, because it’s valid in the lore and that is ALL that matters.


They aren’t High Elves in the sense Blood Elves are, and deserve only Void options moving forward, poaching the visual theme of BEs even more should rightfully receive push back. It’s a detriment to two fan groups at this point, actual Void Elf fans and Blood Elf fans.


Oh Lann, give it up with your bias. You lost the arguement.

Blizzard has already said they are giving the Alliance “High Elves” in terms of customisations, and that there will be more coming in the future. As Byucknah has said…

Never have I seen such a generation of pettiness on these forums as what the Allied Races have seemingly brought out. So many people who seem to come to these forums with their only mission being to try and make sure people don’t get the things they want to see or like in the game, people who will make up absurd accusations and logical fallacies, constantly move their argument goal posts, and then devolve into kicking and screaming when inevitably they didn’t get their way and couldn’t stop those people from getting the things they have passionately asked for.


Never seen antis have to resort to impersonating the other side to make their arguments look better though so I hardly think visual distinction advocates and antis are the side that is desperately clinging / reaching / doing things that one might say “give it up”.

The fact people can argue in good faith so well for visual distinction and that it seems to bother so many despite simply being a different stance / desire for things in game, radiates the fact that despite trying to declare this side as not valid the visual distinction argument is actually very much so.