Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I’m against it, same with dark shamans for any race. Both these counterparts of these classes are more like a built in antagonist for that class. The Nightmare is supposed to be really really bad when it comes into any form of nature or life I don’t see any scenario where the other druids are alright with people using the magic that is the biggest threat to druids since they are protectors of life.

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That sounds like the perfect way to get the night elves to absolutely hate them too.


If I wanted a blood elf look on my velf, I would roll a blood elf.

I want true black skin, cool blood colored eyes and snow white hair… and some rad glowing tattoos… Maybe some fangs (blood dk you know)

I know, it’s seriously mind-boggling for those that keep on trying to kiss up to humans like some ex that is trying to win them over again despite the fact that they’re better off without that relationship.

Blood Elves are part of the Horde, and have been for longer than they’ve been part of the Alliance.


Soooo… a case of environmental exposure just like the Belves? However and different from the Belves, these Orcs DID need to have someone closely manipulating the Fel energies to even get the green tint.

The Azerothian Belves didn NOT manipulated Fel, especially while on Quel´thalas. So the “amount” of Fel irradiation was probably much less than the one got by the Frostwolf clan who were surrounded by Warlocks 24/7 AND lived in a Fel infested planet after the whole “Burning Legion becomes our sugar daddy” fiasco.

You still didn´t got my point. My point is about Elves being waaay more SENSITIVE (as in, a lesser concentration of the magical source will cause phenotypical mutations much sooner). The elves simply have a LESSER limit treshold in comparison to other races, ergo why they manifest EARLIER magical mutation symptons AND with a lesser concentration of “contamination” present (taking any magical source as the contaminant ofc).

This only reinforces my point dude… even HUGE concentrations of Light give golden eyes to a regular Human.

Is NOT about the type of magic, is about the “resistance” to mutation every race has regarding different magical contaminants, no more and no less. And elves seem particularly weak regading this “resistence to mutate” (they literally became elves cause they just needed some arcane irradiating them 24/7 to become something else… didn´t happen to any other race in-game).

Excuse me, whud? Who said only arcane uses runes? -as far as we are concerned, runes are merely SYMBOLS that hold “magical power”, this does NOT mean the magical power is ALWAYS "arcane-.

I mean, waaay to ignore the Death Knights, the whole current Domination Magic (which is Necromancy btw), the runes used by the Army of the Light, etc.

If anything Belves putting RUNE SYMBOLS onto their bodies seems like the most practical way for them to “carry” their spells with themselves, so actually a supremely Belfy thing to do. This notion of “magical symbols” that host spells is a thing as old as the old pagan Germanic tribes, dude. and have been exploted in the modern era for both “phylosophical / religious” ways ANd for “fun pop culture” ways.

The very approach the old RPG gave to the runic tattoos of the Belves was precisely as a way for them to “hold” magic during their “404 Sunwell not found” phase.

Omg, the “lore” expert ignores the very FACT Demon Hunters don´t have any eyes whatsoever, those are just empty eyesockets filled by PURE Fel.

Also dude, regarding your hypocritical backpedaling stance regarding “Fel” in Velves… Xhul´horac would love to have a word with you… also Umbric and any other Velf who basically LOST the few Fel they had when they almost got transformed into ethereals but were lucky to get saved by the proverbial Bell.

ALL Demon Hunters are basically elf/Demon hybrids. They have waaay more than “mere taint”.

Stop mistaking gameplay with actual lore… the actual Demon Hunter NPCs look pretty much Demon busted from the get go, the “player customizations” are simply given more margin to maker the model a more attractive product for the players… but this certainly does NOT mean customizations are the Holy Bible of lore canonization and lore execution. Quite the contray, sometimes they are stupidly contradictory to lore proper.

Customizations are just the “nice” product variable the devs created to help people in their RP, yes. Nothing more and nothing less. Anmd they aren´t even obligated to fulfill the wishes of every Dick and Harry qqing in this place, they just have to put on their vision and nothing else, period.

Dude, as far as we are concerned, your side is already asking for non lore friendly stuff like “San´layn Velves” or “Fel infused Velves”… if not literal “Voidins that are mechanically a Pally but nor really” and imply the double of the work unput.

To put it simple: regardless of this and ANY other thread, fact is, the devs will implement whatever the damn they feel like it. They are the only ones with the actual last word on the matter at hand, and they WILL exercise this in the direction they feel like it. Which means they can indeed copy/paste Belves into Velves OR simply go the “full Void” direction regardless on the QQ of the playerbase, period.

/cries in Lor´themar

I´ll give you a reason: both “races” are nothing but glorified flavors in this “role-playing factory” called WoW. And while customer input IS very important, this can´t become SO important it literally messes up with the “recipe” of any of the flavors. Can one maybe modify their recipe to make it more attractive to customers? Sure. But one can´t never ever stay in the modifying stage trying to fulfill the personal desires of everybody, that simply is impossible as per design process. And as we have seen, the more you guys get “your way”, the more you ask for further stuff that DOES literally infringes in actual product design, that represents nothing but a selfish sink of resources. Maybe not ALL of you, but there are some individuals that DO act like the proverbial mouse asking for cookies from the famous children´s tale book.

Can you guys get tools to “RP” a High Elf? sure. But this is waaay less design challenging in comparison to asking the modification of the racial (a core DESIGN feature of every race) cause god forbids the game reminds them than no, their toons are NOT High elves but actual Void Elves. That´s literally trying to get modifications on the direct product design and that is OUT of the scope of the customers, period. I can moan and btch as much as I want to Coca-Cola about wanting a pink color for their classic soda, fact is, they don´t have to take my opinion into account, precisely cause I´m nobody to take such important design choices, period.


LMFAO! That picture is wonderful, I saved it. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Dude, I am asking for the visual effect of EE to have an option to be hidden. That is not asking for the VE Lore to be changed in the HE Lore.

Source of you calling this false?

Except, I’m not. All you’re doing is looking at the story as it was written when Blizzard released the Void Elves in 7.3. What about the future.

What is your argument? “Oh all Void Elves are going to be blueberries?”

Ok, I am not going to repeat it for you to continue trolling. The introduction scenario shows us only Umbric and his followers being transformed by the Void Etherals. It is not showing us on what future Void Elves will become.

Once again, read above this quote, and stop part quoting.


You are asking for a core game design feature to be modified by purely RP reasons… that´s exactly the same as my example about wanting to get pink colored classic Coca-Cola soda and expecting the multibillion company to fulfill MY petition because I´m a customer.

There ARE ways you can “visually” circunvent the discomfort EE can cause you while you “RP” dear, after all I doubt people is measuring your dps input while you use it to chat and mock battle with your friends. AND if you have the time to pay attention to the color your Velf changes randomly in the middle of a clustercensored word raid/dungeon/Bg/arena encounter, then me thinks you have a waaay worse problem you are deliberately ignoring in favor of preserving the Barbie minigame.


WoW. Harassment much?

No need for calling out people.


Impersonating me sure was a form of it sure, but looks like they deleted that character funny, regardless liking ones own posts is commentary worthy and happens in a lot of threads when people engage as such.


He wasn’t the one that made a character that was intended to mock someone. Also calling people’s alts out is pretty common and acceptable. And seeing as that Sandrinar (the OP) is a confirmed Lore alt now it is relevant. It is revealing to see people from the high elf community defend even more of their own bad behavior though.


Still should’ve submitted a ticket. Just posting stuff like that here on the forums is against the ToS.

And how do you exactly know if it is someone from the High Elf community doing it?

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Honestly making a toon to copy another poster is harassment.

It wasn’t cool months ago when some did it then it’s not now.

Neither is liking one’s own posts or astroturphing with alts.


It isn’t even remotely hard to know considering the people I’m talking about regularly are in these threads and their stances on subjects are known.


Just because it is a person/s doing it, doesn’t mean it is an entire community doing it. And honestly, just because the person doing it is regularly in these threads doesn’t mean that they could be from the community either.

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Big yikes at them defending that behavior, but of course somehow it’s my fault, this same energy wasn’t here when people were actually harassing me or not keeping their cool in an argument. I can’t imagine if I did this (which I would never do because what even) we’d be having the same conversation but because it happened to me, “oh wow don’t talk about that lann”.

Regardless it is common form to point out if an OP likes their own OP in not just this thread but just in general, but yes 100% I take issue with being impersonated.


I just finished the flying questline for Shadowlands and rejoined this thread and now I’m all caught up but really what do you expect from people on that side, they aren’t very good people and it has shown time after time and I’m sure that it will continue to show as well.

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You do know it’s perfectly acceptable to tell someone on your side “Hey, that’s not cool, cut it out” when someone’s being a twit and not figure out what the person on the receiving end should be doing instead.


The day they actually call out people for doing things or saying things they shouldn’t will be the day, I still have yet to see it happen even once.

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