Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Having it change colors sometimes would be cute. Or maybe have them be a sort of mood indicator


Not all of the orcs drank from the blood to get green skin, some was born with it and others gotten it from exposure to warlock magicks proximity. To discount that fel is a magic that acts like radiation more so then any other magic not only defeats your point, but makes it obsolete.

Actually while not shown in game, warlocks and necromancers getā€™s bodily changed the more they practice their magic. Fel eventually breaks down there bodies while necromancy slowly turn them to undeath itself.

So you want to ignore the other more defining aspects of the BE race that defines who they are? Also, light runes isnā€™t really a thing, that is an arcane thing.

But your not just argueing with one group, your fighting the antiā€™s and the VE fans here, you guys are literally asking for veā€™s story to be meaningless and want to over-write them with high elves.

Itā€™s like they only want the model to be 100% BEā€™s and canā€™t think of any other way to get the story playableā€¦ like half elves or something lmfao :stuck_out_tongue:

Are we doing this again? Do you not read your own qoutes? And even if they where, why are you ignoring what void infusion, and curruption, does to the body?

She also didnā€™t go through a mutating ritual meant to change the persons very race into etheralsā€¦ Do the intro quests!

I want starcursed options, I wouldnā€™t mind feeling more void-walker-ish.

Ummmā€¦ your argueing with a VE fan that is actually making the case VEā€™s got changed? You ok? did you read the past comments?

Thatā€™s because the lore is represented through them and nothing else? because they are void elves?

Even if VE getā€™s more hair colors, they should not get warm hair colors lol. The void is a very Cool place :stuck_out_tongue:

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So they changed the canon. Big deal.


gameplay =/= canon

Same issue with wildhammer/troll tribes, you can cutomize as them, but your not playing as them as the game story tells you your a darkspear troll or a ironforge dwarf.


Except that weā€™re not asking for the Void Elf story to be re-writen as the High Elf story. If you canā€™t really bother to look at what Blizzard has said and what weā€™re asking, then what is the point of you being here on the forums arguing?

Yes, I done the quest. Only Umbric and his followers were the ones who were transformed, and that is because they were taken by the Void Etherals. If it wasnā€™t for Alleria, Umbric wouldā€™ve also become a Void Etheral.

Alleria absorbed the powers from the Dark Naruu. Alleria is there to help Umbric and his followers control there newly found powers, and to help any future elves who want to study the void into doing it so safely.

All you want to look at is the one group. So how is the lore going to move forward if you donā€™t want it to move forward?


First of all, weā€™re not fighting. Weā€™re arguing like adults, i.e., in good faith, with kindness and respect.

Second of all, youā€™ll excuse me, but I am a Void Elf fan. You donā€™t get to decide who is and who is not a fan of a certain WoW race based on their personal opinions and preferences.


Thatā€™s why you refuse to accept that RP intended options are just that and not a representation of canon?

So you do know that she went through a complete different thing, yet you try to use her as an example?

Because you donā€™t want to move forward the lore of the group you apparently donā€™t want him to focus on.

Void Elves are Void Elves, anyone that joins them will be a Void Elf. Itā€™s their lore and no one elseā€™s as it should be, and as it is for the lore of any other playable race.

Adults donā€™t go around trying to dig out ways to sling mud on those they disagree with.

Then why do you keep on trying to erase what they are?

Why do you look like a cheap imitation of a blood elf if you like Void Elves so much?


Because his interpretation of what a void elf is is different from yours.


And thatā€™s fine and dandy.

But donā€™t try to say you like something when you donā€™t even stick to the canon you claim to like so much.

Itā€™s as if I wanted a human model for Forsaken.


They certainly did come close with the freshly undead options.


If you think that the fresh option looks even remotely close to what a human in WoW looks likeā€¦

Then I fear that makeup itā€™s really covering your eyes.


Are you going to run that tired insult into the ground?


You donā€™t know what an insult is clearly.

But donā€™t let that get on the way of dodging the argument, of course.


Lol wait, are you going after Fenā€”the biggest advocate for void customizationā€”by saying his case is closed because heā€™s void? :sweat_smile:

Clearly you donā€™t either.


Tell me, do you really think the fresh option looks the same as the human?

Can you answer that or you will keep on dodging?

For starters you have more skin. Also you can look like a pale, blind (forgot humans can be blind too so strike that), emaciated human with scoliosis if you so wish. I think that comes close enough and and Iā€™m even in favor of more human options like posture for the forsaken.


I do think they at least need to add the thin boy options for humans or kultirans or both seen in bfa as well.


Congrats, you stopped dodging.

But boy, thatā€™s a lot of very specific things that humans donā€™t have.

Also no thank you, itā€™s bad enough that youā€™re trying to erase more of the uniqueness of Void Elves, leave my mainā€™s race out of your goals.


Who was dodging?

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