Man your post reminded me of Kylie Minogue and now I can’t get her song out of my head
Oh so NOW the devs know what’s going on. Does that include the statements like Blood elves are our high elves? Or is that still one where the devs are wrong?
I wouldn’t give them or anyone else the ability to copy another race 100% and really there’s nothing wrong with that.
Don’t mind me. I’m just some random person completely unrelated to anyone in this topic here to say that alts in the same guild definitely means it’s someone else.
Hello this is Lannisterian … seems almost silly to even have to say if someone can’t put my naming pattern together?
Guess I have to say it louder for the people in the back who seem confused on when I change a character, which I do engage in but I try to keep consistent in the convos I am having, it’s more of like I am bored of seeing an avatar or I wanna make a point on a Dif character for a specific reason.
You mean like me saying that Void Elves should get void based customizations because they are Void Elves and that I support them highly?
Hello Lannisterian.
I’m new to the topic.
Blood Elves are High Elves and I’m definitely someone completely new to this topic, mind telling me why so many have trouble grasping this?
From what I can see of that velf mog its pretty cool. Tentacle based mogs work so well for them.
No fair, I don’t have any classic alts. Lol.
Yeah, but then don’t call out other people using their alts to like certain posts?
It’s not difficult to understand.
I think you need to tell the truth!
I am having a suspicion this might be the same person and you didn’t even say it was the same person.
Joking aside I love your BC classic mage with red hair
I’m going to casually link this
But yeah. We have the same like 4 people drawing out the supportive thread of void elf/blood elf/any kind of elf threads because “I’m right, you’re wrong, you can’t have x, y, or z.” It’s nice to see that it’s getting bumped nonstop though.
People that are obviously the same person and don’t hide that they are the same person? Why call those out? They’re not hiding with the ulterior motive of making it look as if their ideas have more support than they actually have.
What can I say, I have a monkey brain.
In the future he’ll be a fire mage (can’t pass the easy mode that is frost while leveling…). Fire red… so red hair.
Just give me a stick to smack a rock with at this point
Wrong, if a charecter gets the same effects from another magic source it defeats the purpose fir the void to be sought out and delegitimizes the void story.
It does, if the arcane does the same thing, why would umbric and Co. Even bother studying the void.
Lore-wise the arcane works differently then the void, if it did functioned the same then seeking void powers would be a pointless goal.
Being transformed by a void ritual after seeking out a new more powerful magic source to protect silvermoon with.
Blood elves would not have monopoly rights on that, every race that would worship the light in that case should get those customizations. So I doubt that is what be fans really wants. They want lightforging.
Not really good looking… so your opinion there bruh.
Problem is, both sides are not morally good
Except for a few individuals lol.
The guys that is not becoming void elves? ok! (they are there is study, not become void elves, and if they did, they would had body mutations like the rest.)
I miss the days when HE-pros used to talk about compromise without stealing from BE’s…
You mean the elf that had 100’s of years of void study, and ate a naaru to use the void verses the playable void elves almost being transformed into etherals?
Oh yes they are the same thing indeed! (NOT!)
The only sub races they announced is wildhammer dwarves and the troll tribes.
They are allowing “Some” HE customizations for blood elves, and VE’s is inheriting the skin colors of BE’s. The blue eyes is for everyone to enjoy.
Source needed.
I don’t know. Ask playable Demon Hunters why they keep using Arcane Torrent.
This is actually funny, demon hunters do use the arcane, the tattoo’s they have is made from that school of magic.
See? It’s perfectly possible to combine two schools of magic without affecting the main theme of a race.
I don’t know if it invalidates their story, but it does seem like it kind of defeats the purpose.
It’s like those people who complain about the worgen form.
Like… just play a human bro.
(“B-but druiiiids”)
Arguing morality in a topic about video game elves it’s like bring up world hunger when discussing WoW’s economy.
That never truly happened really.
They were subtle about it but it was clear that they only half heartedly supported things like that, at best.
Except demon hunters is a class, not a race, and the main theme of the void elves is the void.
Remove the void part and what do you get? blood elves? (All playable void elves where blood elves, not from the high elves)
This is on top of lore that the arcane works differently then the void, like for instance portal usage between the 2, void has an easier time making portals with little to no effort, while the arcane you need someone constantly focusing and using multiple incantations in order to keep it stable and open.
It’s funny you say this because I couldn’t choose between the two so I made both as Alliance Warlock alts.