Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

You know I don’t see that many antis, or visual distinction advocates have to talk this point, either because of being secure in their own stances, feeling some visual distinction being left in place is a good indicator, or just the fact that visual distinction is a valid dissenting point.

It doesn’t really add anything we all are using our voices on the forum, but to me it does drive home a point to me on being insecure with ones stance if someone else stance has you resorting to “you’re not a developer”, because that argument is also very easily turned around and pointed back.

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I share your hope, but a few people here do think they know the future! :joy:


Good thing that they are Void Infused which caused a mutation, meaning they are their own, independent thing.

Or are you one of those who wants to act as if a void infusion it’s akin to a bad spray tan too?

Before making suggestions to others, you should start playing those advices on yourself.


void elves are mutants, another flavor of blood elf. they were transformed by the void. just like he nightborne are no longer night elves, they were transformed by the power of the nightwell. just like the LFD are no longer normal draenei, they were transformed by the power of the light

danuser already said void elves can create more void elves. even before the skin tones this was heavily implied by normal elves appearing with void elves once unlocked and their numbers increasing beyond a crack squad. if you want to fanfiction its a new method that results in normal skin tone thats your fanfiction. its up to you to make of it what you will as they said

i like your shirt btw


I’ve actually looked around Telogrus.

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But apparently ignored all that happened during their unlocking scenario.

Not to mention that you’re heacanoning NPCs that are not Void Elves yet.


This is the person linking pre WC3 art though iirc as if that is an argument?


thank you
i worked very hard to earn it

Mmm, what does this mean? You seem to think it’s valid to criticize Lore because of his usage of alts, but the moment Lann or Zandrae do it it should be ignored for some reason?

Where’s the coherence?



Whether they missed the year at the bottom of the artwork, or they simply don’t care about it and thought it worked, it’s unknown.

You have a worse fixation than me, that’s strange.

And unlike others, at least Lann and Zan make their alts known, they don’t pretend to be someone else. Might want to take this into account.


I linked both WC2 art and BFA.

It’s almost like the race has been connected to the Alliance for longer than they’ve been in the Horde, and that’s why the request to have them playable has been a thing from Vanilla to still wanting the proper customizations for the subrace now?

It’s almost like the history of the franchise matters? And cherry-picking lore-points to deny they’re actually still a part of the Alliance, and some of them never left, is something that won’t stop happening because it’s the truth and not “fan-fiction”?

Also, the newly created “void elves” do not have the same extent of mutation as the void elves that were kidnapped and transformed by Durzaan. I will gladly retract my statements and apologize for the mistake if I’m wrong on this, but I remember Steve mentioning they’re recruiting new ones, but the mutation cannot be duplicated - yet.
This was a very heavy source of debate a few years ago, and got dropped because void elves just aren’t popular as void elves.


I’d actually make a good dev for this type of topic because I’d replace both Nightborne model and Void Elf model with new models so they are unique and different from original races, pink hair for all races, better facial hair and body hair options for men, jewelry options for both sexes, tattoos, scars and piercings for all races, etc. but hey if someone wants to think I’d be a terrible one I’m okay with that.

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There’s always been an issue of “for me but not thee” when it comes to GD.
It’s been really bad lately.


HEs left some time ago and what you have left are few and far between the official government of Quel’thalas has been Horde for a long enough time it seems to bother you based on what you’re saying and post Sylvanas even are more Horde than ever.


A bit late, but happy late 5th of july everyone. Hope y’all are having wonderful days.


I have a fixation on coherence and logical arguments. It’s useful to discern between people who argue for the sake of arguing and people actually arguing in good faith, kindness and all that.

Mmm I don’t recall Lann or Zandrae publicly saying “Hey! See those 50 likes right there? Those are alts of mine! :hugs:


6 elves over 17 years…


Hope you had a wonderful day, Gnomest! :hugs:


Says the persons that can’t get me out of their head :hugs:


Well, in their eyes you’d be terrible at it because you wouldn’t give them what they want.

With art sure. But then again, you’d have to also ignore the canon of how “High Elves” have officially been with the Horde for longer at this point than they’ve ever been with the Alliance.

But hey, how did you say it went?

Well, you were indeed spot on, even if you were projecting.

I guess seeing alts in the exact same guild and with a similar name is not enough for you to tell huh?