Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

“No you guys, it’s not about wanting to play Blood Elves without playing Horde!”


why did you faction change to orc if you prefer blood elf aesthetics :thinking:

Alleria Windrunner would like to have a word with you.

And second, who are you to say on what we are or are not going to get? How do you know what the future might bring. Ion said, more is coming in the future. If not in future patches, then in future expansions. But until then, I would not exactly say on what we are not going to get.

Second of all, Natural Hair colours is not a Blood Elf thing. Or are you forgetting there is other races on Alliance that have “natural hair colours”?


Is this the thread where OP had about 30 likes from their own alts? Didn’t that get called out in this thread?

It was this thread, I have it book marked, several people mentioned it :hugs:


So yeah,



And if some of say that yes, we want that, that doesn’t change anything.
Ya’ll actually have Night Elves on Horde and can go request customization for that. : )

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Sorry but not.

While I do think they should make things even, I also understand that the least thing Night Elves need is a copy of their race on the opposite side.

Because, you know, I’m capable of thinking about what others want.

Helfers though? I don’t care.

Yes, you can dig for this years in the future and try to hold this against me, I’m looking forward to see how that’ll go.


If this is all you have this conversation is over.

I say because Blizzard went on the record at Blizzcon online and said they aren’t doing anymore customizations for any races for the time being that includes Void Elves, I know you and many others think Void Elves are special or something but they aren’t so they aren’t going to be exempt from not getting any new customizations like the rest of us.

Void Elves aren’t other Alliance races, they are Void Elves, that would be like me saying since I want pink hair color for all races that I should just take it from say Trolls when it’s a Troll thing, unless Void Elves magically become Humans, Kul Tiran, Night Elves, etc. they have no right to anything they have.


Perfect time to talk about Alleria being changed to reflect the Void imo


Yeah, “For the time being”

Doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything in the future. Thank you for quoting exactly what I am saying.


Honestly I don’t personally like the natural tones on the Void skin. (excepting White and black I think those look fine.)

Do you mind if I add this picture to my Void Elf one? Its a nice pink hair one with the blue skin for once.


For real, for real, she needs updating to represent the race she actually represents, I demand justice for Alleria and Void Elves to represent the void as they should.

Think of how long it took last time, you really want to bank on 10-15 years from now that you might get normal hair colors, is this really the hill you want to die on?


It’s almost a more valid request to have Alleria better reflect the void then to continue poaching the visual theme BEs fulfill on VEs from the standpoint of they already tried to compromise on that front so moving forward a way to compromise is to simply have Alleria changed solidifying the visual distinction but also adding story so many claim to care about wanting more for VEs, perhaps at the same time we can finally get some story of Elves getting void aspects / development ( like the wayfarers in the rift)

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Reminder that Void Elves are Blood Elves, and by that logic, the new customization should give them the fel green eyes too because they’re literally training Blood Elves defecting in Telogrus, and those just studying under them wouldn’t have the mutated skin and tentacles because they are unable to recreate the original events that mutated Umbric’s squad.


You want to get your tin foil hat off. Blizzard did say Customisations are an ongoing project. Ok, it doesn’t bother me on whether they don’t do any customisations for Shadowlands, but it doesn’t mean we’ll be waiting another 10-15 years for more customisations either. You don’t know, I don’t know, for all we know, they could possibly add more next expansion.

Until then, I would stop putting your panties in a twist, and stop acting like you have more say over everyone else, telling people what they can and can’t have. You’re not a Warcraft Developer.


I can’t stress this enough.


They’re supposedly researching that ritual (trap). Not like Blizzard couldn’t say they figured it out.

My preferred is that they develop a new ritual based both on learning like Alleria did (though much faster) and the ritual (trap) the ethereals tried to use on them.

The Outcome of which randomly causes changes in the Thalassian that undergoes it. Basically blizzard sets up a little NPC scenario thing that show those who have finished the training undergo a ritual and come out randomly with customizations available to Void Elves.

Thus its all canon options for Void Elves and they’re all actually Void Elves. (minus whatever you choose to rp of course)

None of us are… no one thinks we’re really going to be the final word here… at least I hope. lol


I mean, it could take that long for them to get tattoos and more customization for themselves, because they literally share the same rig, so pretty much any developer would do their assets at the same time because it sames resources. So, yeah, if we want to wait 10-15 years, honestly, I’m fine with that. Patience is a virtue.

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They said it would be an ongoing project before throughout this expansion and then they pulled the plug, get real.

How am I getting my panties in a twist when I’m the one being real about things here, you are grasping at straws like you actually have something and you don’t, WoW’s history is on my side here whether it’s new customizations for races or updated models, it was far in between them not from expansion to expansion so.

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The only peoples whose opinions matter are the devs, and they’ve already said that high elves are a subrace essentially.
Pick your faction. Allied race customization passes did not happen, so the more all these threads remain at the forefront and “controversial”, the more the metrics will show this issue isn’t closed.

We always used to joke that “high elves” were the “break in case of emergency” class and they already shattered the glass. They can press the button to get hype going, and they know it. It’s already been brought up in interviews.