Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Good idea, lets ignore the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers too while we’re at it. Lets really show how stupid we all can be?


Void tainted High Elves twice removed from being actual High Elves because they became Blood Elves and went by Blood Elves first.

Blizzard had two chances already to give Alliance natural hair colors but they didn’t, so grasp at those straws all you want but be careful you might start a fire.


It is very odd how the Horde hated it and said it would ruin their faction, and I would lay odds most of those fighting against the High Elf community so vehemently are ones that initially bemoaned Elves being Horde.


There is a difference between void elves and elves that study the void.


Also, I just noticed this is now approaching 200 likes!
How wonderful! It’s almost like this is something people actually want! The former threads had many more because they didn’t start as a silly troll thread, but the fact the thread’s still here 3,000 posts later shows that this is very much so a requested feature!

How exciting!

Data analytic are very much so an important thing for Blizzard, especially when them bringing them up in PvP interviews. The more people discuss the topic, the more it’ll toggle such metrics.

Anyways, here’s a picture of a High Elf from way back to keep things on topic!

Never stop asking!
Getting to 4,000 posts will surely up the metrics.


Do I have to requote it all again?


Not to mentioned confirmed RP tools and confirming player agency that frankly I never thought was in question, isn’t really the statement their trying to make it out to be, your character is your character 100% but that ends with your character.

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I’ve been here long enough to say that yes, this is very much so the case.
I used to main Horde, and now I’m Horde again. Outside these threads, most people don’t care or want the elves out.

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No Sara, I don’t need you to requote anything, I’d prefer you give it a rest but I know you won’t so please don’t bother especially if you are directing it at me, I’d hate to have to block you due to spamming.


The first few replies are on up there too :hugs:


And the replies to particular other threads also exist too. Oops.

You’re confusing the fact that I’m not using headcanon for those with me ignoring them.

I know that they are there. You are the one that wants to act as if their existance justifies anything.


Spamming now huh?

Kettle, meet pot.


As they should be because Void Elves are Void Elves and Blood Elves are Blood Elves, there should never be 100% crossover and thankfully Blizzard up until now hasn’t allowed that because they want people to have to play Blood Elves to be pure High Elves or Void Elves to be tainted High Elves.

I’m not the one saying I’m going to repost what I already posted earlier, that’s you but as I said keep grasping at your straws Sara, you are never getting normal hair colors that’s a Blood Elf thing not a Void Elf thing, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

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Not really
Subtract about 50-ish likes from Zandae’s alts and about 3-5 from your own alts.


Don’t forget, it’s their right to.

I hope the 50 characters cap doesn’t get on the way of this.

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You of all people saying this mate?


So yeah,
