That will be the day, like literally the game will more than likely die before that ever happens.
This should never be the way it works for Void Elves, it should be if they ever get natural hair colors and that’s a really big if but if they ever do that they have to use a natural hair color with a void skintone and a void hair color with a natural skintone.
There’s nothing to be lost by giving blood elves and void elves the same customization options. I would love to be able to have a similar looking character on both sides of the fence as, canonically, he has dealings on both.
I’ve always thought this was a really weird hill to die on & I’ve been primarily Horde since Vanilla.
Apparently Blizzard felt the same way, so at least visual distinction has been upheld, I’m excited to see what void options take up their next block of options as that should be where Blizzard invests in new unique options that brings something to the game that doesn’t already exist
I would have more than likely been the same way because I don’t think Void Elves should be able to copy looking 100% like a Blood Elf without you know actually having to play an actual Blood Elf.
Additionally I can’t make my Nightborne look like actual Night Elves so there’s that as well.
If High Elves become a playable subrace through like, 3 hair colour options and maybe tattoos, they’ll never be able to play Horde allied Blood Elves. They’re being removed from the game. There will never be a focus on Thalassian lore again. It will all be Alliance exclusive, and we can’t have that.
Still funny that the Horde players whined in larger numbers about Blood Elves going Horde back when it was announced though. But lets all forget about the 10+ years of rampant homophobia slung at the males of the race from the Horde playerbase.
But apparently it’s /my/ fault that I got harassed for picking a race when I was still new to the game.
I mean, if you guys can use the exact same arguments for over 3,000 posts, then I can use the same reference images when we clearly have supporters new to the thread.
It actually doesn’t because Void Elves are playable on Alliance not High Elves whether you or the rest of you want to accept we have actual High Elves and you don’t no matter what you say doesn’t change that, learn to enjoy the emo elves or play Horde.
Oh god, here comes the few actual High Elf NPC’s arguments.
Reminder that these are Alliance NPCs from Battle for Azeroth.
These particular hair cuts do exist already on Alliance NPCs, so it’s only fair that they become two that are ported over. They’d look really nice with the Void Elf exclusive Purples/Blues as well, and even with a tendie added if we get the toggle option.
And Blizzard is giving us the oppitunity to be High Elves on the Alliance with the customisations that were first introduced with the Shadowlands pre-patch, so we can play by the fantasy that we want to, not by the fantasy others want us to play as.
It’s why I said it seems more they are trying to convince themselves as much as us, because the reality is they don’t have a HE playable race, they have Void flavored High Elves, and the High Elf race is Horde side.