Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Right… So do you have any canon to back up your claim on Void Elves not being High Elves/Blood Elves?


Could you imagine being that insecure in your stance you have to edit someone else’s post to make it look like their saying it too.

I think it might be a form of trolling as well in any case editing others posts doesn’t seem in good faith.


Simply correcting your statement, I forgive you z(^.^)b


make glaring incorrect statements like Void Elves not being natural-born High/Blood Elves?

Yes, I can imagine that.


And yet you aren’t are you? Pre void sure, and yet when you play a Void Elf you aren’t playing a pre void elf.

There’s a reason the name is Void Elf there was a whole intro scenario, and the visual theme you’re after is Horde side for a reason.


So, can we say the same thing about you too? When you’re playing a Blood Elf, you’re not playing a Pre-Blood Elf?

You obviously think that when we roll a Void Elf, we can only play as a Void Elf, but despite on what you think, you are completely wrong on this. It was said when customisations were given for the Void Elves is that it is allowing people to pick what fantasy they want to chose. Whether a High Elf on both Alliance or Horde, Blood Elf on Horde or Void Elf on Alliance. All that without adding another playable race in game.

And considering only Umbric and his followers were transformed, that is only a small group. There story has to move forward at some point. Why do we have High Elf Wayfarers in the rift? Why do we have Silvermoon Scholars also in the rift?

Something in which you can’t even think about, because all you care about is headcanon.


You might want to check a dictionary:

Definition of natural-born

1: having a specified status at birth


Void Elves were High/Blood Elves when they were born, ergo, they are natural-born Blood/High Elves.

If what you meant is that Void Elves are not regular High Elves, you have other correct ways of expressing it. You know, so as to avoid claims you’re not arguing in good faith and so on.


Exactly the player agency to see my character as my own was always there Blizzard confirming that player agency isn’t needed but it doesn’t add to anything, just like on VEs who are still Void Elves your character is your character but it ends there.

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Blood elves are high elves and void elves are a variety of Blood/high elf. If you’re thalassian say YEEAAH.


Void Elves and Blood Elves are both equally High Elves.


Shhhh… You’ll upset the Blood Elf fanboys.


Just tell them to go read the lore, and watch them cherry pick and keep the thread on the front page for months.

It’s what I’ve been doing for years.

Also, Blood Elves are Blood Elves by that extent, and they will never be a true High Elf because they renounced the name. The blue eyes mean nothing. You are not a High Elf, and are breaking the lore if you claim your Horde allied Sin’dorei is a Quel’dorei, and would likely be rejected by your peers for doing so, like people did on RP servers for 10+ years until it became trendy to hate on Void Elves for existing OOCly.


Oh, I tried telling them that, even quoted what the Devs and Ion has said…

They ignore that.


They ignore absolutely anything that isn’t in their agenda because they’ve flat out said it’s their “right” to argue. Which is proof they’re just spamming.

Just let them keep this on the front page so more and more people get sick of seeing it. The more it’s here, the more likely we get the customization because the pass never actually happened.


Just like how you’re making up headcanon about how that blood elves are not really high elves because they “renounced” the name?

Adopting a label to honor those who died doesn’t mean they renounced anything and more importantly, it doesn’t change what they are.

Agreed, people are tired. I am tired of it too, been at it since 2012.

It would be easier if people that can’t get over the fact that High Elves became playable in 2006 finally let go of it.


Anyways, the blonde looks amazing on the unnatural skin tones.


Is that what you would use on your VE priest? Maybe just wear a hood or use the bald option if visual uniqueness truly doesn’t bother you, but some level of visual distinction remaining is a good thing :hugs: that Blizzard themselves left in.

In any case Blood Elves are High Elves, Void Elves are void mutated and that natural hair visual resides with Blood Elves where it belongs and always has been.


We both know the answer and it’s no.

Of course they would use it with the natural skin tones to make it as close to a blood elf as it could be.


My priest has pink hair and purple skin, both options not actually available in game.


None of my void elves actually use natural hair colours (I’m not counting black as a “natural” hair colour in this situation, but if you want to try and gotcha me, then yes, I have one black haired void elf.), and I only have one high elf character that’s a low level BG twink that doesn’t have much focus.


I think their priest was using the blue skin tones from earlier so they may idk but the hair color still shouldn’t be allowed on VEs I agree on that much, and like Mag has pointed out before they have nothing left to justify continued loss of BE visuals, their trying to convince themselves as much as the rest of us imo.

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