I actually liked Void Elves for this reason because they weren’t just another Human this or that which is what everything on Alliance is basically, well at least they were until they added the normal skintones and then it made me like them a fair bit less than I did to begin with.
It makes the statements they throw out like “more is always good, we’re adding to the game, you’re all keeping VEs from options!” ring very very hollow, because what their asking for is in game as it always has been the visual fantasy Blood Elves fulfill, and actual unique options that brings something new to the game would be more Void options.
On just a Void Elf account it’s a disservice to the main theme, and for people who value visual distinction and faction lines poaching visual options from a Horde core race after the model was already an exact model copy etc it’s just not a universal positive for the game like so many would try to word it, others with other requests / other opinions on what’s important for the game arguably don’t find this positive at all but negative.
No it does not. Players choosing to use an optional EE effect does not hurt me or any velf in the slightest.
Except it is not. Having an option for those who want to follow the High Elf Fantasy is not going to hurt those who want to continue the Void Elf fantasy. It is basically an idea on which fantasy we want to chose, as per said by Ion.
Except, where have I mentioned anything about seeking out Arcane or seeking out other magic? I am not talking seeking out magic, I am talking about allowing our characters to chose the fantasy that they want.
What story is that? Oh, Umbric and his followers were transformed by Void Etherals and now randomly turn purple when mummy Sylvanas insults Alleria?
Dude, there is still not much of a story on the Void Elves. And there is no hints on the story moving forward. I mean, I put it this way:
Umbric and his small group of followers turn purple randomly in combat because of the effects of the Void Etherals transforming them
Alleria Windrunner turns purple by choice because she learnt how to control the Void magic within her self after absorbing the void from the Dark Naruu
And where does that lead for the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers?
while this won’t appeal to the void elf fans I thought I would try something for those that like Alliance High Elfs. While not 100% natural it does lack the normal void colors.
Still looks really good
Damn the envy about the “moltres”… though I must confess I´m not disciplined about getting that mount.
Yes, because as much as some of you would really like to reduce the race to “Holy elves” fact is, apart from Liadrin and her merry band of Light worshipping zealots, most Blood elves aren´t portrayed as terribly interested in that “Holy Light”. It making half of the Sunwell is just that: a magical mixture which has not had terrible cultural consequences for the Belves apart from weaponizing it.
Compare to LF Draenei who not only weaponized it BUT constructed their whole Râison d´etre around it. That´s the HUGE difference some of you literally refuse to see. And frankly, I´ll speculate that you people only are so forceful in your “Lightforging” suggestions cause you just want to reduce the Belves to be the “opposite” of the Velves and nothing else. You don´t see the race as anything but an accessory to the Velves, ergo, the suggestions about reducing it to the required niche to achieve this.
Lucky for us, the Belves are waaaay more than the mere magical counterpoint to the Velves, cand have rich enough lore to stand apoart by themselves without even having to interact with the Velves.
That´s called “narrative development” people. Also, no wonder you guys refuse to aknowledge it exist if the only thing you deduced and liked about “TBC Belves” was that they were “mega edgelords”.
It is depending on how you explain it.
Light customizations in general supported by individual faith? Not Lightforging, merely a huge investment and use of that magic school.
Light customizations in general supported by “Sunwell is Holy Light fount”? 100% Lightforging connotations, after all this implies EVERY BELF/HELF connected to the Sunwell is getting bombarded 24/7 with so much “Holy Light” to the point they are getting mutated thanks to it.
So, playable light bulbs confirmed.
Thank you
Well, I suppose you didn´t chose a male avatar to make the bad joke, so you didn´t fulfill 100% the MHP poster trope, but the attempt will be noted… just like the lack of care over the actual response given.
Yeah, my bad on the attempt at the bad joke.
But back to the topic, yeah, I get what you and he means. But the mutation of the BE’s in resolve to the Holy Magic are mostly just those that channel or are infused with the Light. Or in other words, Priest and Paladins. And the only thing that they mutate with is there eyes to being gold.
Exactly. Which as per the actual lore and story, means that no, the Sunwell is NOT “infusing” no Belves/Helves with Holy Light. The words of the developer on that infamous interview were quite clear: the Light ERASED Fel, nothing else (he didn´t use “replace”, “overrided” nor any other synonym implying Belves were gonna become the elf version of the LF Draenei).
Can the Belves get “Light” inspired colorations for their customizations? sure, as you correctly put it, that´s fine and complies with the lore regarding priests and pàladins. But that´s a HUGE different connotation to say they “get them” cause “Sunwell is mutating them to become Holy Light Elves”, which is what some posters in this thread are trying to argue in favor, and that frankly ends up as stupidly restrictive and detrimental for the Belf race.
Almost as if they wanted to do to the Belves what they hated it was done to the Velves or something…
I can only see preists and paladins getting light based mutations because elves are the Eevees of Warcraft and many priests and all paladins literally roll in holy magic all day long.
The others, not so much.
Paladins and priests and golden eyes but the player agency to use them on any of the BEs is what sticks out to me. It’s still not a “Lightforged” esque race and there’s some player agency as is but it doesn’t go the further than that, blood elves are still high elves as they always have been.
On the flip side confirmed player agency exists to some extent on our model counterparts on the Alliance as well, but it doesn’t go further than that just like Blood Elves aren’t a full Lightforged race Void Elves aren’t natural born High Elves nor do they fulfill the theme visually to the full extent that Blood Elves do.
Indeed… and to continue looking like a parrot: the difference between saying Belf Paladins and Priests getting their fancy “Light” tattoos or something because it´s the result of their professional career AND saying it is because of the “Sunwell”.
The Sunwell does NOT give choices people, whatever happens in the stupid fount WILL affect the Belves and Helves regardless on the place they live. If the Sunwell “suppoosedly” Lightforged the Belves, then guess what? It would Lightforge the Helves too, ergo no “arcane” nor “farstrider” customizations for you Alliance players either… we all would get stuck with Holy and nothing else!!!
I usually love pretty much everything you post but this is so much yikes, Void Elves look so bad with natural hair colors.
Just thought I’d correct what you said so there isn’t misinformation being spread. It’s not good to teach people incorrect lore, especially if you care about it like I do.
If only the actual lore would had pulled the Velves from Allerian Helves instead of the parody that ended up humiliating the very Velves they concocted…
I know some pòsters love to headcanon the Belves were the ones ridiculed in the scenario, but when one goes and DO pay attention, the stuff doesn´t compute precisely to this view.
Indeed, ergo why you could “explain” the golden eyes on your lock as some sort of “effect” thanks to idk “devotion” or something. Meanwhile your PC can continue summoning demons in his basement when he´s not taking walks around Silvermoon.
Explaining the golden eyes as a DIRECT consequence of the Sunwell per se is literally saying all Belves/Helves will get affected irreversibly by the Holy Light, and god forbids, mindcrontrolled by it at some point, ewww…
Well not “bad” just unremarkably ordinary… ironically like the "Belves"some of them despise oh so much.
But to each their own…
It looks unnatural like it’s not supposed to be that way which is probably why Void Elves don’t have natural hair colors to begin with, therefore I’m standing by my yikes.
Editing someone’s post isn’t cool but it still doesn’t make the statement you’re trying to say anymore true.
What’s funny is you can click the up arrow or the expand and see that you never actually said that, I swear these people really do grasp at straws sometimes.