I don’t mind that idea either.
And even if they do do what I suggested above I’d like to still see Pheonix Tattoos.
I don’t mind that idea either.
And even if they do do what I suggested above I’d like to still see Pheonix Tattoos.
I wish Void Elves got a Void Portal racial that let them travel to waypoints around the world. My favorite racial in the game is the Vulpera camp thing, and I hate it since I want it on my characters.
Dark Iron mole machine is great!
Well, it would be better if I remembered to utilize it more.
What a reach.
Light =/= Lightforged.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say?
If you’re referring to them being “infused with the light”, that’s not canon
Please give Void Elves all of the Blood Elf hair options
Yes Please, and also the some High Elf tattoos that we see with the High Elves.
Ah. I seem to have mistaken the signs they had. I retract my statements. I thought he was saying the opposite…
This is why I’m supposed to wear my glasses. Lol
It is a really great racial, I’d like it better however if it had more locations as well as locations in BFA zones and Shadowland zones.
Tell me again how it’s not about playing a blood elf without playing a Horde.
It is a really great racial, I’d like it better however if it had more locations as well as locations in BFA zones and Shadowland zones.
I’d love it if it had an option to set a specific place to hearth to, sort of like the Vulperan Caravan racial.
Ofcourse. Got to make the love for the Alliance High Elves…
Or are those because you’re happy I’m back?
But it is Light = lightforged. And thus not a reach.
Light = lightforged
Huh? How did you come to this conclusion?
The way they want it portrayed as race customization and how it is defined as race customization by blizz. Showing you are transformed by the light = lightforged.
Tell me again how it’s not about playing a blood elf without playing a Horde.
I almost mentioned that yesterday (was too tired I just got my first covid shot the other day, feeling better though) because in the BE thread someone had a moment about the Farstrider tattoos in a post and how the example was a “HE mock up”… but Blood Elves are High Elves so the Farstrider example for Blood Elves was valid lol. I mentioned before one of the main things in hindsight for me was the fact a HE AR would have been dependent on keeping options from BEs like a new model example wouldn’t make sense from that POV even if the argument was always “well the culture changed them” (why again in hindsight my POV would be if anything a Half Elf would have been the route to go).
Ah… It’s a Draenei thing.
Kinda? The way it’s shown to work and the amount of pure holy energy needed for it to work is not present in the sunwell, at all, it’s not pure holy energy, and before it had any holy energy it was pure arcane energy, and if they did not become “arcane-forged” from that, then they cannot become “light-forged” from the current iteration of the sunwell.
Also making BE’s holy themed will kill the other themes that they should have that is reflective of the history and current things that the BE have now.
Anyways, going towards this topic
So, in regards to this thread from Blizzard in giving the Void Elves, High/Blood Elf Customisation, was wondering if there is by any chance we can have an option to change or disable the effects of Entropic Embrace? After all, it is pretty clear that Alliance are never going to get the Alliance High Elves as a playable Core or Allied Race. So, this is the closest thing we got to the Alliance High Elves, for now. Now, I am not saying remove Entropic Embrac, but having an option to disable the eff…
I think we should maybe look at skins or glyphs yeah? Allow us to chose on what we want.