Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Where did that hairstyle come from? I don’t recognize it.


That’s from LF Draenei


Nice. It fits really well actually. It’s kind of dull looking or something? But the style itself works very well.

I’m not into short hair personally, but that doesn’t matter anyway.


to quote zandrae once upon a time


also are they even a thing still? they have no presence in dalaran

oh, and that one time their leader walked all the way to trisfal glades to join the horde in the war crimes book before changing her mind. it was even brought up again in the 3 sisters comic


And the time the leader showed up with the other Alliance racial leaders/miltary leaders to present the Alliance champion with the PvP skin in Legion…

She totally did think about leaving the Alliance, but didn’t. Just like blood elves were kinda thinking about ditching the Horde, and then she went completely ballistic on 'em.


She’s neutral! She just… wanted to see Stormwind is all… I don’t understand how you’re inferring that she’s alliance from that! :confused: :joy:

Who doesn’t secretly want to go to a party with Halford Wyrmbane?


Also! Is that quest still available? I would love to re do that with my High Elf <3 It was such a good moment for the Vereesa and the SC!

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so vereesa appears in a personal capacity for the player who helped support dalaran/kirin tor campaigns in the past? so what?

she also supported a horde campaign to protect quel’thalas which she considered her homeland. i guess the alliance sent her, ty

and worked with the farstriders again during legion

shes in charge of a tiny sanctioned militia in dalaran whose sole purpose is serving and protecting dalaran not the alliance :yawning_face:

SC is bait, yw for the bumps


…I genuinely don’t remember if Aethas shows up Hordeside, though I kinda doubt it. He might, though. He doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

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The sentinels also aided the Farstriders during the Legion, they also helped the Horde regain their city TWICE but they must be neutral as well! :confused:


My point is that Bliz chose to treat her like an Alliance commander, not a neutral entity.

Now granted, Vareesa is a trainwreck of a character who vacillates between “uwu im the soft Windrunner”, “generic warrior maiden love interest, so tough and independent except when protagonist is around”, and “Actually I’ve been waiting for any excuse to murder a bunch of blood elves”


I forgot about the War Crimes book. It states that she’s even considering leaving the Alliance but then changes her mind… how is she not Alliance lol?

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The other side knows she and the Silver Covenant are Alliance, they’re just not allowed to admit it or they lose a talking point.


That… would seem to indicate literally the opposite of her being neutral, wouldn’t it?


because she considers herself kirin tor. while not a mage and incapable of any magical contribution they can still help out within the city and ofc supporting dalaran campaigns

just read her text quests

For too long, I have toiled to mend fences between Alliance and Horde. Time and time again, I’ve given the Horde the benefit of the doubt - and time and time again, they stab me in the back.

I refuse to be betrayed again! If the Horde intends to use the Kirin Tor as a weapon against the Alliance, then they have no place in Dalaran.

I have long waited for an oppurtunity to deal with the Sunreavers. I asked my late husband to remove them from the city, but he believed too firmly in the neutrality of the Kirin Tor. He was wise, but he was short-sighted. This has always been the destiny of the Kirin Tor; to serve the Alliance.

King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina! What’s happening in Dalaran? Has there been an attack?

Varian walks around the table to Jaina.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The Kirin Tor was betrayed from within. I’ve handled the situation.

King Varian Wrynn says: How?

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I’ve purged the Horde from Dalaran. You have what you wanted, Your Majesty: The Kirin Tor belongs to the Alliance.

if they were alliance, especially the last quoted bit, jaina never would have had to gone to stormwind to tell varian this(lol). whats even more comical is jaina actually threatened to pull dalaran out of the alliance at one point in the war crimes novel


She’s saying the Kirin Tor
That is completely separate from the Silver Covenant, which is already Alliance.

She created and is the leader of the Silver Covenant, a militant group of high elves who oppose the inclusion of blood elves in the Kirin Tor.

Vereesa led the Silver Covenant in aiding the Kirin Tor and Alliance forces to purge the Horde from Dalaran after Jaina Proudmoore discovered that Sunreavers helped Garrosh Hellscream steal the [Divine Bell] by using Dalaran portals to infiltrate Darnassus.

Vereesa was serving as secondary leader of the Kirin Tor Offensive, stationed near the Shado-Pan Garrison, where she would accompany members of the Alliance to Lady Jaina Proudmoore’s flagship, The Seabolt , on the Isle of Thunder. She revealed that the pandaren were concerned about the return of Lei Shen the Thunder King, but personally she was more concerned about the Horde. ereesa expressed concern with the Horde presence on the isle, fearful that the world at large would suffer should they get their hands on the source of Lei Shen’s power.

As the sisters continued to plot and bond, Vereesa came to doubt what she had left in the Alliance. Noting this, Sylvanas made her an offer: Vereesa could join her in the Forsaken, and co-rule with her.

On the cusp of joining her sister in the Horde, however, Vereesa began to have her doubts.


So to recap, Vareesa considers herself Alliance. Works for Alliance interests. Leads a faction of Alliance partisans that awards Alliance rep and cosmetics. Is utilized as an Alliance leader.

she’s really bad at neutrality


I don’t even understand what that talking point is? Like?

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As per the wiki copy pasta above I’d say it’s more “Leads a faction of anti-blood elf partisans”

I’m not arguing that the SC doesn’t like the alliance over the horde, just that it’s not concretely spelled out anywhere if they are members of the alliance, or an outside group that works with them but is not a subsection of the Alliance. I’m just not a fan of how some people take a fuzzy situation and ‘clarify’ it to mean what they want it to.