Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Anyways, enough arguing for arguing’s sake.

I would like to see Blonde/Brown/White/Black hair colors on Void Elves.

More non tentacle hairstyles , or even substituting them for braids as displayed in the thread.

I would also like some more Starcursed customization for Void Elves such as starry ombré hair, mish mashed void/regular skin, and N’Zoth style eyes!


We’re halfway there, and subraces post-Shadowlands updates for the core races, are now very much so a thing! Just a couple tweaks for void elves and we actually have it pretty much in full. Allied race customization actually hasn’t happened yet, so it’s still very very very much so on the table, and we can talk about it as much as we want, preferably without derailment.



Hypocrisy would mean I have to insult you too and then be mad you insulted me though.

I don’t insult you Nico :hugs:

The fact you take such issue with how I speak when I have never insulted you, but you defend your own behavior which isn’t arguing in good faith? It’s a lot to take in for sure.

It means not speaking to people like this for a start.


Yeah, you should know that sarcasm and passive aggressiveness =/= arguing with respect and kindness.


See stuff like this is the type of stuff that sounds interesting to me and could easily win my support because it’s creative and it’s different but it could also be fun and beneficial to both races and both sides. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I’m not a fan of it myself, unless its explicitly obvious its Void coloration and hair options

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Not really important… It’s clearly not canon that we’re portaling into the past…

Like I said. Alliance aligned.

Honestly on the fence if I really want this for velves but can I just say I really want this for belves…

Also this.

Which none of you did for a while now. Ganging on someone, calling him name and than using the ‘‘out of context’’ excuse.


I mainly like that it’s creative and different for both sides and both races like I said but I can understand why you would feel that way due to your feelings on this topic so that’s completely fine with me as well. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Swapping out tendrils with normal hair colors for VEs just isn’t cool imo, more void stuff is cool. The picture displayed is literally a picture of a Blood Elf with our Farstrider tattoos.


Why stop at just N’zoth?
Red eyes as a whole suit the gothic aesthetic heavily, and frankly, I’d like to see the bat style eyes from the San’layn as well to easily make them a sub race while Blood Elves get Dark Rangers and expansion on their light themes. Dark rangers are at least a part of the Horde, while the San’layn failed to join and turned traitorous.


Got some amazing story potential in that, not to mention, the san’layn kit expands on the aesthetic of the ren’dorei way more.


Beautiful art by ShadowPriest that keeps getting tossed around my Blood Elf friends. Red eyes should have been a given for them out the gate, and being able to potentially play them as San’layn might have quelled some of the High Elf requests out the gate because it’s a subrace the playerbase asked for, and especially one that breaks the mold.

But, this is a high elf thread.
Blonde hair to piss off my void elf who got ICly stuck with pink hair because he was in the first heavily mutated batch from the C U B E, which also isn’t an option.

There’s this phrase I was taught years ago. I think in Kindergarten?
Treat others how you want to be treated?
Is that what it was?

Funny how that only seems to apply if you want to deny people things, but the moment people are fed up with constantly being told “no” and get annoyed by it, you have to be nice to them.

Funny that.


That’s where I’m on the fence. I want more void based things.

I’m just not sure it would bug me either. Like if we don’t get natural hair colors but did get a braid option?

I’m sure most know where I stand on farstrider tattoos.

I do hope both sides get them.


Careful there, some people think red eyes are trademarked by the Horde.
And still some people think non void options would make Void Elves less void xD


It’s really cute when the Horde playerbase tries to gatekeep something they don’t even have.

Almost like it sucks to have NPC races shoved in your face all day you can’t actually play.

But hey, I like to live dangerously.


I think the biggest difference with people who don’t support HE options is if I ever did name call or do anything uncalled for I have full faith that they’d say hey thats not cool, and I’d respect them for that.

I don’t see that on the other side even when I was arguing on that side prior to VE RP tools, and it’s sad to me that arguing against HE options they perceive as default hostile or aggressive when while I don’t doubt they feel it is personal arguing against their request isn’t personal, them proceeding to make insults and things personal is uncalled for.

Like here captures it perfectly, people arguing against HE options can do so in good faith just fine, but because others feel insulted by it they then feel they get free rein to conduct themselves as they wish when it comes to not being respectful, just isn’t cool imo.


So yeah, who wants to talk about Alliance high elf subrace in the high elf subrace customization thread?


I mean to be fair you were just talking about school, I am not sure I follow.

But I do voice my dissent for HE options on the Alliance as the playable HE race is Horde side, is where I fall to answer your question :hugs:


San’layn fans aren’t entirely encompassed by your enemies here…

Can you not be a jerk to them to prove some antagonistic point?

You’re as bad as the few helf pros who popped into the ogre thread to tell them no because they had to wait 15 years.

Chaos though I guess.





It’s been like that most of the day today, so much so I’m almost tempted to dip out of the threads and do the maw unlock questline on another alt which is just terrible given how much I hated doing it on this one yesterday.