Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yeah, my background for Persistent is that she’s a very salty high elf from Theramore who started learning about the void from the first gen. More weapons and all that.


His reaction to my arguing in good faith is his reaction. Me pointing it out has him bothered because he did say those things, so I am just confused because I haven’t spoken that way to him but he is so sure and continues to make personal attacks.

Respect and kindness are the things that matter imo :sparkling_heart:

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Preach. Wonderful to see people stand up.




I’m sorry you can’t see how badly Lann has behaved. But the truth is, while he might be nice to you because you align with his wants, it’s plain to see how “not so nice” he is when he replies to others who don’t share such.

Lann doesn’t call people names Moon. He’s more subtle than that. He puts on a fake face and makes subtle barbs. You didn’t see him quoting me multiple times calling him ignorant? Without context it looks like I am just insulting him… that’s the picture he wants to paint. But the truth is he was intentionally being obtuse when I was replying to him and thus earned those comments.

You don’t have to agree, but it’s the truth from my perspective. And if you can’t understand why just by taking a good hard look at how he posts, then you’re never going to see things from my side.


If there’s one thing that seems to be universally true, it’s that WoW elves are fantastic at holding grudges.


But you do is the point. And you’re mad about me quoting you, I think it was uncalled for that you can’t argue in good faith.

Because that was wrong of you to do?

You were insulting me… ??? You were arguing your points and insulting me hence why you getting upset is on you, when I argue I don’t need to insult you Nico :hugs: but if you insult me I think it’s fair to bring up as not cool.

I will always argue that respect and kindness is important whether you like someones points or arguments or not.

They’re Alliance aligned but part of a neutral “country”.

They’re not as cut and dry as other factions.

I have read what you said one thing I want to focus on is my major disagreement here because when I was neutral about this topic Lann was still nice to me and he’s still nice to me even when we disagree on things today because I think like most people he responds to niceness with niceness.

I do want to add that I tend to think name calling, personal attacks, etc. is never the answer however and that’s on either side and I own that there have been times that I haven’t always been the nicest person ever but over time I have worked as hard as I could to try and be nicer.

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Yet they were added during BFA in the Stormwind Portal room and they actively kill any Horde player on sight, and iirc they even insult them or call for help, while the Kirin Tor guards remain neutral and don’t attack.


I find it important to respond to problematic behavior with niceness too imo, but also important to call out, when it’s seen.

There can be a level of respect and niceties you have with people even if you vehemently disagree because it’s called arguing in good faith, if someone else decides to move the convo into name calling and outright insults that’s on them I will comment on it but I’m glad that I do not return the same.

Whether support for HE options or against them that is important I think :sparkling_heart:

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Swap tendies for braids!


Lann was nice to me at one point too. I still don’t know what I did to make him do an abrupt 180 and start treating me with hostility but he’s only gotten worse as time has gone on. I made efforts to stay civil early on, but he exhausted any and all patience I had to try to maintain any sort of positive interaction with him at this point.


I will always want more braids.

Those tattoos (in red) and that haircut would also look good on Redside, though…


I don’t suspect you have short term memory loss Lann so I assume you knew I meant that I have posted links to what WoW devs/artists have said regarding the new HE customizations given to both BE and VE as well as the follow ups that more may come in the future (to both) along with the various responses Blizzard has given on what the goal of these new customizations are to all the races as a whole and the new system they have in place.

I would hope you did not suddenly forget those links this past week and even one I posted today. But I have reiterated in this post what I meant when saying Mag just gives her subjective opinion whereas I give links to actual responses from the WoW team.

The only thing I’ve noticed you “quote” is a response Ion gave pertaining to blue eyes and human skin tones on VEs pre-blog post that introduced those said customizations to VEs.


You’re claiming

A huge claim when you can’t quote me insulting you the way you’ve insulted me Nico, it’s on you if you can’t keep your cool, you say it’s laughable I argue in good faith and yet I am very careful to not insult you or others where as the same can’t be said with where I quoted you.

Hopefully you get back to that place of kindness and respect as opposed to thinking being upset at someone’s arguments gives free rein to insult them. It’s always better to disagree civilly.

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I mean, if both sides get it with the tattoo colour locks, that’d actually be amazing and let them play into the politics they got going with the race more heavily.

Hair is just hair. :man_shrugging:
It’s the effects and bonus stuff that really matters in the long run because that’s sort of the thing that aesthetically separates them anyways.


Then you don’t need the options if it’s just hair like you say.

It’s either important or it isn’t and if it is then that requires acknowledging it’s important for the opposing side as well.

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I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again, but given my druthers, any future void elf customization would have a cool color base (blue, deep purple, teal, silver) and blood elves would get hot colors (red, gold, bright green, lilac).


I’m not mad about you quoting me. I’m just appalled by your hypocrisy.

Because that was wrong of you to do?

No it wasn’t. Not when you follow the thread in context. You were either being intentionally obtuse or ignorant. Either way my comments were warranted.

I will always argue that respect and kindness is important whether you like someones points or arguments or not.

It’s clear that you have no idea what “respect or kindness” actually mean, at least when it comes to this topic.