Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Also the camp Vereesa was in was with Alleria and the Alliance when sieging Org AGAIN in BFA. They also sided with the Night Elves representing the Alliance in Legion.


I’ve been doing, I wasn’t the one that came in trying to be drama just to be drama. What part of that don’t you understand?

If you want to be a Lann stalker that’s a bit creepy but if that’s the case actually own it don’t come trying to call him names or personally attack him just for the sake of doing it.

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Ah, more claims. Alright. Catch ya on the flip side, yo.
This is literally costing my sanity.

Elf support /cheer. Yay elves. Sparkly, voidy, elves. Can’t wait for more allied race customization :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I wonder what Blizzard could possibly be trying to say. Truly it is a mystery.

…although this being Blizzard, it’s probably not subtle.


You are the one that said you follow him, not me.

You should have said this to begin with instead of personally attacking or calling names, remember that for future references.

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Right… I just can’t put my finger on it also their tabard being alliance exclusive and their mounts… Who knows!


It’s curious he claimed earlier

It’s so interesting he acknowledges the niceties and respect I display but then claims perhaps because he simply dislikes the arguments he sees bait everywhere.

Might be what he is doing and perhaps overall not even worth engaging once we’ve cleared the accusations he’s thrown out.

Just sad people can’t argue civilly without all this other stuff.

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Elves, elves, elves! Don’t you guys love elves? Personally I think that having a void-walker-esque coloration full time seems like a great option.


Probably that all elves are puntable marmots with very good makeup artists.


I know right? Like the SC actually appearing below the “Alliance” reputation interface, and the description box literally saying they joined the Alliance Vanguard forces against the Horde.

Such vague statements, indeed, guess we’ll never know until a dev explicitly says they’re an Alliance faction. :man_shrugging:t2:


It’s just a prime case of someone disagreeing and not being able to be mature about it, nothing more which isn’t really surprising about people from that side of the argument.

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Practice what you preach, or don’t critique others.


You would think that with a group of people who dislike their own perception they give off when people take issue with it that they may actually try working on that.

I think that was the entire point with that other poster maybe you replied to the wrong person :hugs:

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More seriously (Sledgehammer here), there’s a fair amount of races aligned with the factions that aren’t playable.

For example, Revantusk trolls.

High elves are just in a wierd spot where they keep getting trotted out and they have some… pretty high elfy options on a slightly different Alliance race.

Go figure. I will also once again mention that I suspect Blizzard could have saved a lot of angst by pulling the void elves from high elf ranks instead of “some blood elves who were kicked out and secretly never liked the Horde anyway at a nebulous point in time.”

Oh well.


What’s the logic behind that? I don’t think there’s any shortage of reasons for anyone to have beef with a group other than belong to the opposing big group.

They could just still be connecting the horde to the old horde, or they’re letting their beef with the blood elves cover the whole horde.

If I am commenting on how you speak to others, then yes the parts that are in question get called into question.

You do speak this way, it’s not my problem you lose your cool and don’t argue in respect or kindness, you can’t say the same about me because I don’t speak that way to you Nico :hugs:

Could you imagine if I spoke this way to you or HE fans I wonder :face_with_monocle:


Yup, that was my main issue with Void Elves, that they were pulled from Blood Elves instead of High Elves.

But that’s something I no longer see as an issue, because SL gave Void Elves skin customizations to make them look like regular Blood/High Elves, and devs did say Void Elves were accepting new elves into their ranks. So that means we can infer that they are a few High Elves among Void Elves, the “2nd” generation of Void Elves. :slight_smile: That’s all I needed, but ofc it would be very much appreciated for a dev to clarify this explicitly.


I agree!! We have blood elves from the Horde but we can also say that High Elves joined too! It’s a win-win for us imo! I love how the Void Elves are allowing Blood and High Elves to study among them! That’s an amazing detail in our own starter zone!


I get you and Lann don’t like one another and I have considered both of you my friends but wow, what an uncalled for post and I thought a lot of what you said other day was uncalled for but this one takes the cake given I have never seen Lann call you names like you have and you just did him.


Yet now you do have RP tools to imagine yourself as such, and that still isn’t enough for you, so how is that saving themselves any issues? Visual distinction remains a concern you seem to overlook.