Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

AHHHHH!!! YESS! That looks AMAZING!! A proper Silver Cov!


If only this wasn’t the case for everything I’ve said thus far.
It’s almost as if coming to a thread with the purpose of saying void elves shouldn’t get customization applies here…

Anyway, have fun. I’m done trying to point out the other side of the argument where I legitimately feel that the behavior has gone poorly with the intent to stay on topic.
I’m ready for more VE customization and truly, truly wish these threads didn’t deviate so much.


The silver covenant is neutral and that is a Blood Elf based on the hair.

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Meh in the end they help us maintain these threads’ visibility by bumping them this way, so in the end they’re doing us a favor. :hugs::hugs:


Actually the Silver Covenant is an Alliance faction that simply resides in the neutral city of Dalaran. Additionally, it’s a High Elf which both factions lay claim to equally. :hugs:


I guess what you said earlier doesn’t really hold up.

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Oh dear get ready for Bible long posts about the Silver Covenant being neutral while simultaneously killing Horde players on sight.



I don’t personally say this, I say that I support Void Elves getting void based customizations, otherwise I support what I see when others post stuff and if I like it, I don’t sit knocking it if I dislike it I just don’t praise it.

And it is on topic whether someone wants normal stuff for Void Elves, void stuff for Void Elves or nothing more for Void Elves, you can disagree all you want but it’s still on topic.

As someone that is in these threads a fair bit backing him on the fact that stuff isn’t on topic when it is whether disagreeing or not isn’t cool.

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Thanks for going out of your way to reply to me but I’m done. Everything I’ve seen here thus far really gives me ample reason not to continue speaking with either of you on the matter.


It’s two different questions and one’s a bit fuzzy.

First is whether they are a part of the Alliance or just friendly to them. And that’s the fuzzier one, are they primarily Dalaran based or something like UN peacekeeping forces where they are members of the Alliance doing work for Dalaran. I don’t think we’ve gotten an actual solid answer on that.

The other part is where they don’t like the horde, which isn’t in question. But plenty of groups attack the horde without being part of the alliance.


Good then I’ll reiterate that next time don’t come into the thread attacking someone whether it’s Lann or someone else just for the sake of being drama because as someone that defends people on both sides, I will call you out again because being a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk isn’t okay.

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This is pretty aggressive of you. Goodness gracious lol what even is going on? I have done no such thing.


And that’s not dripping with passive aggression at all.


Oh but you have, you called him a troll, you said he derails threads and so on, why because you wanted to cause drama and now you are acting like you didn’t, want me to go back and requote you?

Yet the only reason the SC could have to attack the Horde is because they belong to the Alliance, at least to some extent.


I said I was convinced. Go requote me.



And here.

You literally came into this thread to start drama and to be drama pretending like you didn’t to begin with is BS.

So really knock it off, you aren’t cute, you aren’t funny, you are just a jerk like I already said.

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You’ve given no examples just cryptic “I’ve been watching you” type statements when everything you’re claiming is easily disproved, now you’re including Naughty in your finger pointing and it’s no surprise that Naughty echoes an argument asking that you not make personal attacks.

On the Silver Covenant topic, it’s interesting that the leader is one of the NPCs presenting the Alliance player with their PvP skin in Legion. Pretty much all the characters involved are racial or military leaders.


Me seeing someone on every thread I click on doesn’t mean I’m watching them. Just means they’re present everywhere.

Okay. I guess I’m here for no reason but to incite the very thing you’ve been doing. I love Quel’dorei. I love Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, Kaldorei. I love elves. Void elf thread has my undying support.