Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I used to be extremely active on the forums before the new website launched, but I did take a good break after that. I may have been on a different character where I’ve replied to you, but I don’t think that looking at someone’s post count is a valid way to gauge it. For example, when I play my druid or mage, it swaps my forum character for whatever reason. I dunno.


No, having a different opinion doesn’t make you a troll, but flinging accusations and making baseless claims under the guide of “civility” does, while you’re talking nasty to people and going out of your way to praise your one friend for being a nice person just because they agree with you… lol


If accusations or claims have no basis they wouldn’t be made by me, and if others are making them if they are baseless then I wouldn’t stand by them being made, most curious this is a topic you’re bridging into though.

So you’re back on to villainizing others?

It may shock you but yes anyone I am friendly with does tend to argue in good faith because I don’t give passes to bad behavior like we’ve seen so obviously rampant from many who argue for HEs, so while I don’t doubt people argue in bad faith on both sides if you’re hyper focusing on who I interact with and noticing a theme of me finding their arguing styles in good faith and with respect there is a reason.

Wasn’t on the old forums



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I imagine there wouldn’t be so many people riled up because of what you say for no reason. I’m brigading nothing, but if this helps you sleep at night, enjoy your arguing I guess, but from the other side, this is massively different.

I guess I’ll just stop because this is getting absolutely nowhere. And no, I don’t know what character I interacted with you months ago was.


This is uncalled for and not true.

So is this because Lann has quite a few friends in these threads on both sides just like I do, trolling isn’t trolling just because someone doesn’t agree with you or push your agenda like others do.


I literally said that I don’t have to agree to support an argument.
I’m done trying to communicate with him, and therefore you as well. It’s a fruitless endeavor and a waste of my own sanity.

Pretty sure I said this exact thing though lol.
Meanwhile I said I’m convinced. Doesn’t mean they are. But I can still try to reason with someone when I think they’re being nasty to encourage better communication so neither side is riled.


I mean if you’re watching these threads like you claim then you’ve seen the great many meltdowns from HE fans simply because it bothers them people don’t support HE options, and actively villainizing the other side, so yes there would be a reason people get upset by the other sides arguments even if the arguments are not personal because one side equates wanting HEs as a good trait and being against them as a bad trait.

I don’t know who you are at all so if you’re going to make the claim I guess its on you.

Well like I said I always echo this so if that bothers you that truly is a you problem.

Well I’m just simply crushed, not really but I’m sure that’s the reaction you was hoping for but the reality is I don’t really care and I’m sure Lann won’t either because you replied to him and started saying stuff you shouldn’t be saying anyway followed by oh well I used to be in these threads on another character but you can’t or better yet won’t cite said character.

As for me, I’ve only talked to you in this current post and the post before this one so I’m not going to lose sleep over us not interacting I assure you, I just don’t think it’s okay to be saying someone is a troll or doesn’t have friends when clearly they aren’t a troll and they do have friends.

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But… you do this.


And you’re claiming any time I’ve taken issue with behavior I have seen it is unfounded?

The difference is no I do not take issue with HE fans for liking HEs, but it’s not my problem if HE fans have problematic takes worth calling out. That bothers you?

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I’m not exactly sure what point you’re trying to make here, but okay.
The tone of both your posts just proves to me that you have no intention of legitimately playing nice on the forums.

Especially here lol.


Hey guys, are we actually talking about high elf sub race customization for void elves yet?


Naughtymoon always argues with respect, so I think that is uncalled for to claim just as the claims you’re making on myself and others.

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My tone, I’m not the one coming out of nowhere attacking people just for the sake of attacking them, that’s you dearie.

Not something Alliance is entitled to, but you do have active RP tools to the extent of still keeping in place visual distinction for BE fans :slight_smile:

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Stating what you said about calling someone a troll then saying they don’t have friends is wrong now? I mean after you had said you didn’t want to interact with me when I called you out, I mean what exactly is your point if you actually have one besides coming into the thread to cause drama.

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I want blonde, brown, white and black BE hair colors for Velves!


I have more :popcorn: if you wanna sit by my side while we wait?


Again you just have an issue with the poster and the arguments, none of the arguments are uncalled for or in bad faith like you’re claiming and also this entire situation is something you seem to have instigated, maybe in the future its best to just argue in good faith :hugs:

It’s actually all beyond uncalled for and I’m sad yet another HE fan is initiating taking issue with people because they dislike their arguments.

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This looks so lovely~