Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

And Ions already stated where the visuals for the Elves you’re looking for exist hasn’t he? And the core of his statement remains the same because the natural hair colors are still on the natural born Thalassian Elves that have always fulfilled that visual fantasy.

It’s a Void black

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And we know where Blizzard landed with this by allowing eye colors and skin tones for the moment. Also, Pandas.

That’s okay because I am merely looking to expand HE on Alliance options.

And Kul’Tiran hair colors are Alliance side.


Ion’s stated a lot of things, he used to say blue eyes and fair skin elves were ‘Horde only’ too.


An intended neutral race working as intended isn’t the flex you think it is trying to have a gotcha moment.

On the Thalassian model that replicates the fantasy BEs fulfill.


A neutral race just means they can be played on both factions. It has nothing to do with customization options. This isn’t the flex you think it is trying to have a gotcha moment.

How can it when “Blood Elves are a Horde race”? :thinking:

My Void Elf/High Elf isn’t suddenly besties with Orcs and Trolls and playing cards with them in mud huts with spikes.


Which Blood Elves are not nice try.

You brought them up as some sort of moment as if Pandaren existing gives you free rein to poach the BE visual theme and now you’re trying to act like this is my failed gotcha moment, nice try.

Doesn’t matter, no one cares, what people do care about is visual distinction and the visual BEs have, natural hair colors bring VEs the visual theme you want and you don’t have it for a reason just as Ion pointed out before it’s a Horde race.


I could’ve simply said instead “Also, Pandas.” But we knew where you’d be going anyway. The point is Blizzard decided it is ok to share customization between the two. Nice try trying to act like this is my failed gotcha moment.

This can be said about people trying to gatekeep hair colors too.

The reason is they decided to give a few for now and ultimately may do more later - as Ely Cannon recently said, more recent than Ion’s statements which are defunct (Ion also said the new customizations are where they decided to end up for now after re-examining the conversation). So aka reason is ‘time’ and also again to remind you

But doubt you care :man_shrugging: so keep staying in denial I guess.


Pandaren don’t equate to the BE VE situation and if you’re referring to the BE VE situation they also decided the complete visual theme isn’t yours for the taking so :slight_smile:


Going to try this one more time since you’re a fan of repeating things. I’ll let it be going forward.


Other ARs you mean? VEs very much did receive a pass.

What’s more moving forward if you think you’re not going to be only getting void unique options and somehow think you’ll be allowed to completely poach a horde core race that’s just wild to me.

I’m fine with finding an adequate summarization that’s been said before in case you missed it sure



I don’t take that quote seriously because it’s a random poster giving their subjective opinion and various WoW team statements have said nothing remotely close to that.


But you quoted yourself as if you aren’t doing the same thing?

See how you quoted yourself?

And yet what that person said really hits home more than your attempt to say VEs didn’t get anything unlike other ARs.

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Then what about the blue and purple eyes, blue hair, dark skin? It just sounds like you’re picking pieces you like to support an argument for the sake of arguing. Which is what I’ve seen from you on just about literally every “elf” thread I’ve ever looked at. You try to look like you play nice but toss bait left and right and claim people are so nasty when they go out of their way to try to give you legitimate, fact-based responses and ask what you’re going on about when you start making accusations.

Precisely. No one gets to stake claims to anything because we aren’t in charge. And he was right, VE’s haven’t gotten their “allied race” updates with the rest. The fact is that you truly don’t play as nice as you think you do on the forums and you treat every elf thread as your own personal stomping grounds.


This still bugs me given Nightborne needed and needs the most improvements and customizations of all the Allied Races followed by Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes.

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Not only is this not true but even it was that doesn’t equal more HE options :slight_smile:

You not liking my arguments on pixel elves isn’t my problem, the fact you think that somehow is an issue is hilarious though when HE fans have shown repeated breakdowns in threads and myself and other people who value visual distinction are living our best lives.

I would say arguing in good faith is key in these discussions :hugs:

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It’s not the fact that I don’t like your arguments and frankly, the emojis you tend to post are even more passive aggressive. I can dislike your argument and still find it something support-worthy if you went about it in a less disgruntled, “must make everyone on the other side my enemy” way. But you do tend to ignore when people give you facts.


The fact that you have such deep thoughts on my posts when at worst it is your own interpretation of

But I think it would be clear my repeated stance because if you watch me like you’re claiming you do

You would know that I almost always echo this, if I’m friendly people are upset and declare people are in my squad, if I show annoyance then its blown way out of proportion while others are allowed far more grace for not only annoyance but outright personal attacks, if I try to make it clear with an emoji that I am being friendly just arguing against your argument you’re taking issue, and frankly its not my problem, I’d say pay more attention to your own side and try holding them accountable because if you have enough time to pay attention to me like you claim I am sure you have noticed their shortcomings.

And it all adds to arguing in kindness with respect :hugs: don’t you think

Could you imagine if I went around with posts like these? I imagine you’d be quite upset and yet I don’t because I do conduct myself civilly you just still dislike my arguments and thats fine :hugs:


Projecting your own bias onto quotes isn’t stating facts, I don’t ignore those, like the fact that Blood Elves are High Elves is one example.

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Not with how you typically make posts on threads like these where you ignore when people point out facts. And no, just because you say you conduct yourself civilly doesn’t mean you actually do lol. I truly wish I could show you the other viewpoint where it seems just as nasty, but I’m mostly convinced you’re a troll, considering how you always derail the thread in your own way. I don’t know this person, but I understand their frustrations with arguing with someone who always “argues” in the way that you do.

There have been plenty of threads where I’ve asked what your thoughts were on a subject and you’ve simply ignored what I asked or when something was pointed out to you, but whatever works for you, I guess.

I’m not here to create a flame war, but seeing this on every single thread and the exhaustive energy put into making points that go nowhere, becoming this spiraling argument feels like it goes against this “good faith” point you made.
And sure, you can acknowledge one point I made when I point it out… /shrug. I dunno. This seems to go nowhere every time.

Invalidating others’ thoughts when based on facts and not opinions and pointing fingers is just dirty. We shouldn’t live in echo chambers. Legitimate arguments are one thing, but truly, this isn’t that.


Arguing with civility bothering you isn’t anyones problem but yours, and making excuses for personal attacks and or bad behavior and actual rude comments on people who argue in good faith while lecturing others who do not do the things you’re bringing up is very eye opening for a greater problem maybe on your side of things?

34 posts and we’ve spoken before?

So is this an acceptable way to term people asking for the options you’re trying to see poached from BEs now? Or are we done with villainizing people based on support or lack there of for HE options on Alliance?

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I don’t trust blizz at all, they dropped the ball this xpac.