Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Rather then colors I think effects would be much cooler.

Like See Through, More Voidy (Think Full Corruption Gear), and Sparkles like that pic from Izzabelle.

Size can be done in a Small > Medium > Large > Off scale.

It makes it a feature like Night Elf Vines but more unique to itself.


I think it could be taken either way. I don’t think anyone should be defending or accusing since it’s very vague. That’s why I didn’t delve deep into it since I didn’t take it that way to begin with but it’s possible?

I would love glowy effects like the Dark Irons have but more star like such as Tyrandes new look c:


It’s funny that Tyrande’s new stuff looks better for a Void Elf customization then what actual Void Elves have.

And it will probably go to Night Elves in the future :stuck_out_tongue:


Righttttt!!! If Night Elves ever get pallies, those tats could TOTALLY glow when they use their abilities!


Yeah I also liked Izzabelle’s pic quite a lot.

I also love your suggestions! The see-through option is interesting, I’d wonder how tendrils would look like.


Honestly I really liked Izzabelle’s other version of Hair Colors for Void Elves. Atleast it had Red Hair that is very red but a starcursed glow and etc.


Hello, as an alliance player, I do not want to see lighrforged anything on the horde side, as it dilutes lfd’s themes.

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Found the interview Taliesin had with Steve Danuser where he said this powerful statement.

Q: In the dwarf starting area, you are very much a Bronzebeard dwarf. That’s quite explicit in the story that’s being told there when you start a dwarf character. With the introduction of something like the Wildhammer tattoos, which obviously make you look like a Wildhammer, are you a Wildhammer if you use those tattoos?
A: It’s a little complex because we asked ourselves the question of, we have these really cool options like Wildhammer tattoos, but does that mean we need to make a Wildhammer starting experience? If we give trolls skin options that look like other troll tribes besides Darkspear, does that mean we have to make new starting experiences for them as well? The onus of that would’ve meant that we couldn’t do these things because that would be so much time and would consume so many resources to be able to do that, that it just wouldn’t have been practical for us to do. And so then the question is, do we limit the options that we give players because of some storyline concern, or resource concern, or anything like that? And we said, no. We’re not gonna’ do that. So while we’re not gonna’ give you a dedicated Wildhammer starting experience if you pick those tattoos, the freedom should be there in your mind to roleplay your character how you want to roleplay them. Whatever tattoos, customizations, whatever skin color options you pick, come up with a story that fits your character, and that’s your place in the world. And regardless of what quest text is, or how it refers to you, remember that it’s your choice and your character, and you get to express yourself that way. That’s at the bottom line of what we want Azeroth to be. We want it to be this welcoming place that lets all those options be out there, lets people experience them, and again, choose the path that your character wants to be. And don’t let anyone else tell you what your character can or can’t be. You decide that.

A big thank you to some friends for helping me locate it :wink:


I hope both get some kind of glowing tattoos ^^ I’m in love with Tyrande tats, and i will be very sad if nelves don’t get something similar.


I’m still upset male NE don’t get the skin tone your NE is using right now :sob:


There’s a beautiful purple skin that only males can use :persevere: i hate gender locked customization.


So RP tools like we’ve been saying. That is nothing new. That doesn’t entitle you to more of the visual theme that Blood Elves fulfill.


Tell me about it :roll_eyes: , it’s why I can’t play gender locked class MMOs, just so frustrating lol


I don’t see anywhere in that statement Danuser made that said this.

Also, if you want to read it into it that way (because I haven’t said it) then you’re just being hypocritical now when you just told someone else earlier to stop reading into certain posts in certain ways.

Asking for brown/blonde/black/white hair color does not mean someone is trying to get “more of the visual theme Blood Elves fulfill”. Especially if their requests state they’d like Kul’tiran shades of those colors.

You are again not understanding the point of these increased customizations when it’s laid out for you. Also you do not seem to understand that Allied Races did not get an “increased customization pass” yet.


This right here is very important. The whole elf back and forth with this issue is “identity”. Identity is one of the biggest choices a new or veteran player makes when creating a character.

Void elves have a very unique identity that they can lean into where blood elves are one of the blandest races in the game. Blood elves don’t have a strong identity which causes blood elf fans to protect and cling on to what little they have left.


Oh really it doesn’t? The generic elf fantasy is Horde side, natural hair colors are still Horde side and visual distinction was left in by Blizzard so yes further “compromises” aren’t compromises they have no reason to further dilute BEs and VEs.

Like Magnificent has already pointed out you have void variations of colors already.

Yes we know VEs have been allowed to infringe on the BE visual theme and HE fans are going around still claiming it was either very little or next to nothing or doesn’t count, while at the same time showing annoyance towards anyone who is keeping track of what’s been done for HE fans :wink:


No one race has a monopoly on brown/blonde/black/white hair colors, just like no one race has a monopoly on various skin tones and eye colors. We’re past that level of narrow customization now that increased customizations have arrived.

Blizzard already said more will come post Shadowlands (most likely as sold as expansion features just like the customizations we got for Shadowlands), so it’s a matter of waiting at this point.


No other race has the exact same model across faction lines, you do not get to play a BE on Alliance the way you want, Blood Elves are High Elves those hair colors are Horde side.

In hindsight a half elf model would have been better.


Yes it doesn’t. The rest of this statement is superfluous because I already stated this

That’s a dark green hair color, she just picked the shortest hairstyle where you cannot see as much of the hair color in an attempt to act as if Void Elves have black hair. There’s literally Void Elves NPCs with black hair in-game that is not available to players that are being requested.