Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I have to agree with you wholeheartedly here Lann.


I mind only on the basis of we’ve seen what they do.

People give a lot of grace for this expansion because of the pandemic but what was their excuse in WOD? Why is ESO and ff doing a lot of content / keeping up with things? It doesn’t add up to me, and they’ve sacrificed other things before like tier sets or something? But those are coming back?

I don’t like people who solve problems they cause and thats what Blizzard I feel does a lot, people give them too much grace for the bare minimum or solving problems they caused.


I’m glad you like them! :hugs:

I feel like they’d be a decent compromise and provide a different kind of option that still provides aspects of the Void elf aesthetic.

That’s not a bad idea, I’ve seen a few different concepts with varying areas of corruption, so that could definitely work too. Possibly with different kinds of corruption, like flat purple, glowing purple, Starcursed, etc.


First of all yes we do and second of all Warlocks deserve more pets in general especially the opposite sex ones for all current ones that we were promised years and years ago.


Well yeah warlocks do deserve more pets in general.

But the golden eyes being a gameplay option / RP tools for warlocks as BEs is my point.

Do the golden eyes provided to BEs give substance to an argument Warlocks should be a holy themed class in some way? I don’t feel that it does, in the same sense VEs HE options are simply RP tools.

Blizzard confirmed we can see our characters however we want. But the golden eyes don’t make warlocks a holy class is what I was saying just like Void Elves are still Void Elves despite what HE fans would like to believe.


Still waiting for that Incubus Glyph!


I’ve been a fan of mixed corruption options, where you see the original or corruption peeking out around the other, stuff like one skin tone with blotches of the other (think of stuff like Zuko’s burn scars in avatar across the body) etc. There’s so much interesting stuff that can be done with the void


like this!

but no blizzard is going to remove the sole selling point of a core race and give it to the allied race based on it. giving both void/pure blood elves to alliance would ruin the void elf aesthetic and makes no sense. the window for an allied race called ‘high elves’ closed. i believe the window closed for a full clone as well after their recent discussion, now was the time to do it with all the sharing and the reasons for not sharing all arent going away


what about red into purple, with sparkles?


I know you asked Feyerre here, but those look wonderful.

I’m less happy with the last one but I’d live with its closeness to a natural tone.

Those are wonderful!

I like this.

Would the three of you mind posting that (or letting me post those) in my thread?


You know what those void altered skin tones bring up in my mind?

HEs transitioning into wayfarers / VEs , lets say they do add more “HE” RP tools on VEs, hair can always remain a distinction factor, they can add half void effected skin tones like that.

you are free to post any of the mock ups I make in your thread.


This is super pretty, you are very creative. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


What’s lazy and boring to you can be exciting and welcoming to another.

Fact is that there’s many different kinds of players that have the same race as their favorite one and Blizzard works to incorporate as much diversity in options as the diversity of fans of them.

It really speaks for itself that every core race got at least 3 hair colors and those colors included some or all of brown/blonde/black/white colors and no race got only the same shades of hair color they already had.

So when Allied Race customizations come around it’s easy to deduce Void Elves (and all other AR) will follow the same rules.


I mean tbh think about what some of you trying to deny certain customization on Void Elves are doing.

You’re literally going against the exact goal and reason why increased customizations happened in the first place. And none of the goals included “keep races to the narrow aesthetics they were introduced with”.


yes we still have 4 core races to get to. youll get your ear length purple/pink/black tats and 5 new hair styles with hopefully starcursed flavor in 5 years. knowing their track record, thats being optimistic


And hair styles don’t equal hair colors at that let alone assurance for natural hair colors found on Blood Elves

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I mean, I’m fine if they decide to give you black and white, I think when there was that bug in beta or something that had some velves lacking any texture on their hair that that pure white worked for them.

Meh, I think you’re really pushing the concept of deduction here. It’s all up to Blizzard’s whims, and who knows what they are. I mean, I’m not gonna bet against you all getting your wishes fulfilled because that’s just another drop in the bucket of ways in which Blizz dumps on the Horde. But I hope they leave us something.

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why are you 2 arguing if youre fine with that :thinking:

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I’m fine with black and white, especially less than natural appearing versions, the rest I’m not so fond of.

Oh yeah, and the sort of smug declarations of sureness that they’re gonna get everything that they want.