Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

If your reading comprehension isn’t up to snuff, that’s not my problem. :man_shrugging:

I can’t be any clearer than when I say "I don’t know what Blizzard will do."

Do I need to chisel it on a stone tablet for it to stick?


I’m just glad the tones I always detected in your posts are much more obvious now.

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I’m happy I could provide some clarity to you! :slight_smile:


As opposed to missing the point that it is not increasing diversity, it’s just lazily copying an extant race’s options to give to another faction. I don’t think it was good for Void elves as for many people it’s become not a new take on a race with its own story to tell and turned it into a way to try and get a copy of a blood elf on the other faction. And for the blood elves it has turned them into the lesser version of the model despite being the original.

I mean, if you want to stick with the language of denial, this push to turn what could have been an interesting ouitsider type race into the no frills high elf is a denial of people to get a strong void story for the race, and a denial for blood elves to be the playable face of the thalassian story and to have a unique appearance that every other race that was not introduced as neutral has.


I mean some people for some reason think if they win some petty forum argument on the forums that it’ll dictate what Blizzard will do.

I remember back when

phrases like this were thrown around before the sharing of skin tones and blue/purple eye colors happened.

I remember when people on these forums would make statements such as, “Blizzard should just deny these people because of how many threads they’re making, look how they’re whining and acting like children! They should just kill off all High Elves!”

Those were all very petty statements that then turned out to not have any impact on Blizzard’s decision to offer High Elf customization to both sides. Yet for some reason some posters here believe ‘if I post online in the forums to point out X being ‘greedy’ or ‘constantly whinging’ it’ll show Blizzard that they don’t deserve A/B/C options!’.

It’s a strange mentality. It’s why I brought up total number of posts on these forums before, because tbh arguments over whether customization options should be added are not as strong as simply making the requests

And as you said, the side not wanting VEs to get customization aren’t making an argument about adding anything to Blood Elves, simply focused on denying VEs something. It’s probably why Blood Elves received the customization options they received, because these people who love BEs so much spent too much time trying to deny specific options on a different race instead of giving feedback on what they want to see on their favorite race.


It does increase diversity within a race, this is a very weak argument. That I can make my Blood Elf black and not simply another shade of fair means there’s far more options within the race itself. And also having the same dark skin choices across Dwarves/Humans/Gnomes/Blood Elves/Void Elves doesn’t do anything to diminish the increased diversity each race has within their own racial options.

That’s your own prerogative if you wish to see it that way. Blizzard does not.

To Blizzard: Customization options increase the story you want to tell for your character. They were not meant to be some expression of the canon story in-game, Sand Trolls as a whole didn’t suddenly join the Darkspear just because you can make your Troll look like one but you are free to RP your character as having joined them if you wish. I’m sure you saw the Danuser snippets I shared in the other thread so I don’t need to re-link those here.

You are also free to simply pick those customization options just because you like the look of them - that’s the entire point of why these options were added in the first place. It’s why Ion said, and other Blizzard devs have repeated it, that they’re options to increase diversity within a race (they didn’t say increase diversity between races).


Yes, but anything copied between the two is not really an addition. It’s just the same thing gifted to the other side for no good reason. It’s not like you couldn’t play those options without them being added to the alliance.

I’d say it’s a straight up fact that you want to deny because I guess you feel it would get in your greedy pursuit of taking all of the blood elf options.

To Blizzard they also do not need to be the full of the desire. With some skin tones and eye colors you have some options to represent more options. It doesn’t seem like they’re looking to give all the requested options a full blown deal. You get some stuff that lets you approximate a subrace without all the details that would make it explicit. Throw in a skin color to represent more tribes of orcs or trolls, some tattoos for the wildhammer and so on.


I love ALL of those!


I know the post was about the hair, but now that the skin tones are a lost battle for me, I don’t mind that sort of fade in the limbs in that first picture, but I would also want to see a reverse to give the appearance of an elf being corrupted from the inside out.


You literally couldn’t be a light skinned Thalassian on Alliance without these options, now you can. Which gives a very different experience playing on Alliance than it would playing on Horde. You stating “it’s not really an addition” is your own subjective opinion, it literally is an option they never had before, an addition.

Your feelings/opinions are your own subjective interpretation. You can’t say ‘it’s a fact Blood Elves are lesser’ or I guess you can say it but stating so doesn’t turn it into a fact.

Ely Cannon already stated BE/VE might ultimately get more HE customization in the future, they just gave a few options for now. So it doesn’t seem like Blizzard has said ‘they also do not need to be the full of the desire’ whereas there’s repeated instances of Blizzard saying what the increased customization options are meant for.

You sound like you’re trying to argue against what’s already been stated by Danuser as well. “You get some stuff that approximate a subrace without all the details that would make it explicit.” Yeah Danuser answered that already - ignore quest text, these additions are 100% lore appropriate, you define what subrace you want to play as.

I’ll take Blizzard giving me actual customization options over some quest text.


Which isn’t an addition to the game, it’s just a copy paste of options already available. Lazy and boring.

So, tell me how you make a blood elf into a close approximation of a void elf?

I mean, there’s instances of Blizz saying they’re adding some options that you’re turning into a stronger statement than was made.

And no, I agree 100% with Danuser and always have, your character is your character no matter what. That does not have anything to do with whether they add explicit graphical details that let you perfectly reflect that in appearance.


Just because golden eyes on BE warlocks fit into blizzards vague do what you want with your character it can’t really be made out to be “warlocks deserve holy themed pets etc now”.

Just because Sylvanas loyalist quests existed in BFA and I have RP tools to imagine how I want my characters to be, that doesn’t mean the game has to answer or cater to that moving forward its a recognized RP tool / “do what you want” with your character imagination but I agree it doesn’t translate to effecting the game just like HE rp tools don’t translate to VEs being turned into HEs.

Yeah, I actually discussed this in another thread. I’d be more interested in giving Void Elves void-specific customizations rather than players trying to say, “Well, Blood Elves can get these so Void Elves can have what Blood Elves already have.”


I hope they do. All races need tons more work.


im amazed as well. it was pretty clear early on when blood elf blue eyes were datamined that they wanted to give blood elves blue eyes back to blood elves. they just felt bad for void elf players who wanted to play lotr and tossed them one last bone. i dont see another great sharing of customization happening again between the 2. appropriate skin and eyes colors were shared and thats it. anymore ruins the aesthetic of void elves

3 core races on each faction got the lions share for customization this expansion, i could see 1 core race on each side getting this treatment next expansion but not shocked at all if no customization comes. itll be interesting to see if they can keep this going for another 5 years while pretending the option for normal hair thalassian is still unplayable and blocking anymore void themed suggestions


I agree. Allied races in particular should get a proper pass (with Void Elves being very last and probably getting notably less since they already got the skin and eyes in SL). Hopefully 10.0 is when the magic happens and Nightborne finally get the love that they are long overdue for.

But more options for all races are always welcome. I have a shopping list of requests for Blood Elves myself.


I don’t think customizations should ever be advertised as an expansion feature again, and if they are then they need to actually be held accountable by the player base as such half the people on the forums have the mind set of “well blizzard never really even implied they’d do more in SL”.

I think they should be held to the standard of doing customizations without allowing them the grace of making it a one time gimmick in an expansion.

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Maybe Blizzard will remember this. I recall Blood Elves being some of the first to have their new customizations datamined on wowhead with the release of SL since they were the last to get their new models in WoD. But, sometimes Blizz still plays favorites. We’ll see.

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Ugh this. The fact that customizations were advertised as an entire selling point of an expansion and then abandoned early in the expansion is dismal.


I don’t take comfort in that it might be a selling point coming up in the future again either.

I don’t really mind it being a selling point, tbh, if it was something that was continually expanded on with each patch.