Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Bookmarking this for later. Can’t reply now but I’ll take a look at what you said in a bit.

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Night Elves and Nightborne can both have white hair, and it’s pretty much the core “hair colour” for the Nightborne. (Even on the NPCs.)

Although this could stem down to how the void elves should have had more work done to the model to make them look different to blood elves, or at least had new animations to keep the distinction. At that point, shared hair colours would make way less of an impact.

We’d be having way less of a problem if the silhouettes were even slightly different, but it’s just a texture swap with some 3D assets for hair/tentacles.
I really want to hope it’s not ever too late to fix that, but the Legion allied races sort of all got screwed in one way or another. (Nightborne got the custom models, but a freakish lack of customization because of it. Lightforged and Highmountain are all very “could have been customizations for core” and Void Elves are uh…)


I’m not saying it for certain, I’m pointing out a fact Void Elves have more than enough already Nightborne need customization time not Void Elves.

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I’m not saying Void Elves should get anything else before Nightborne get a respectable pass. You know that’s my stance. But if you’re trying to say Void Elves should never get anymore customization I’ll vehemently disagree. But I don’t think that’s what you’re actually saying.


I’m still amazed, that even when it is now just down to hair colors that some people are pushing so hard for the laziest path of just copying over already existing options to the other faction.


When people don’t keep track of what’s done it suits their argument to not talk about it or downplay it and I notice that a lot on that side.

I’m just thankful that blizzard can very clearly see wherever this convo exists it has pushback and that side is who was not listened to last time around. That has to be a thought for them moving forward which has to worry HE fans it’s why they keep trying to either villainize us out of the convos or make these compromises where they get everything they want and act like it was really hard on them to compromise on that lol

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Do you not consider Void unique options more?

Naughtymoon has been very clear on support for those but maybe you’re saying you don’t count that you only qualify HE options?

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I think Void Elves should be last with any new added customizations and that when they get anything new it should be completely void based options nothing further normal since that’s a Blood Elf thing not a Void Elf thing, everyone knows I feel that way and if not they will now because I just said it again.

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I agree.

and that when they get anything new it should be completely void based options nothing further normal since that’s a Blood Elf thing not a Void Elf thing,

I disagree.

But everyone here knows that’s my stance as well. :slight_smile:


It really warms my heart to see this sudden and massive influx of new supporters. We welcome you all, thank you for supporting void elves getting the blood elf hair styles and colors. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to log into the game and use the feature to submit a suggestion to let the devs know how popular it is.

If you need help navigating to where that feature is located, feel free to reply and I can post some images to provide a visual guide!

Additionally, this amazing community has a Discord where we have a lot of great discussions on this very topic! If you’re interested in that we would be happy to invite you.


That’s fine, we established quite some time ago when I changed my stances that we’d never see eye to eye on Void Elves getting further normal customizations because I see them as well Void Elves and so I figure Blizzard should go all in on that.

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Oh I absolutely do consider them more. I just oppose being pigeonholed into only those options being added. But you conveniently left out the sentence that came after that:

But I don’t think that’s what you’re actually saying.

You should really quote the rest for context


That’s perfectly fine. :slight_smile:

We all have our wants. We’ll just have to see what Blizzard deigns to give us when the time comes for more customization. For all we know we could all end up disappointed.


So then why say it at all to just give the implication to make naughty look bad?

If you know naughtymoon supports more void options, then you know for a fact that support for more options for VEs is a stance that has been said before.

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I think Blizzard is going to decide what they want to give us with only a passing regard for what those of us on the forums have to say.

And if you truly believe that Blizzard hasn’t listened to you up to this point (because Void Elves got the skin tones), then what makes you think they are going to start listening to you now? :man_shrugging:


Most people know this about me but they tend to disregard it and say I don’t want Void Elves to get any more new options at all which tends to bug me but it’s whatever because anyone can literally go through what I say in my posts and see otherwise so it’s all good. Lol. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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If you really think you’ll be listened to again at the detriment of another fan bases request that is just a lot to take in isn’t it Nico and very telling on a lot of your stances in these threads.

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Did I say I think Blizzard will listen to me? No I don’t think I did. I think I said:

I think Blizzard is going to decide what they want to give us with only a passing regard for what those of us on the forums have to say.


We’ll just have to see what Blizzard deigns to give us when the time comes for more customization. For all we know we could all end up disappointed.

But by all means continue to make assumptions and put words in my mouth.

Just remember, you aren’t making a request for customization for Blood Elves. You’re making a request to deny customization to Void Elves.


You certainly implied what you thought of the opposition and that Blizzard would continue to listen to you yes, because you asked the question in a way that implied people valuing visual distinction weren’t serving a point in these threads which is a stance you’ve echoed before when you’ve said as much coupled with “why don’t you ask for things you want to see” because you always fail to realize visual distinction is a valid request, and or are just entirely too dismissive of it which is fine it doesn’t detract from the validity despite you obviously wishing so.

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If you took what I said as some sort of implication, that’s entirely on you. Only Blizzard can decide what requests are “valid” or not. They could decide that requests to deny Void Elves certain hair colors are valid… or they could decide that they aren’t. That’s not up to you or I.

And there’s no such thing as “too dismissive”. I’m 100% dismissive of your request for Void Elves to be denied certain hair colors in the name of visual distinction because I don’t care. :man_shrugging: Visual distinction between Blood Elves and Void Elves just doesn’t matter to me. It’s never going to matter to me. Not one iota.

I originally wanted to have some in the hopes of having some middle ground but I am well past the point of offering compromises.