Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Some more looks that cannot be recreated on void elves, yet suit their aesthetic and potentially provide outlets for high elves without “stealing” from a race that’s canonically on the Alliance already anyways:

(dyed reds over natural reds - red is very much so a void aligned colour. These styles can also

Sure would be great to have some actual variety all stemming from similar fashion/music genres. The Blood Elves can keep their early 2000’s Paris Hilton women and … whatever it is the men were turned into in TBC.


If Void Elves were given natural hair colors, how could we ensure racial visual distinction? You’re advocating for goth elves so maybe… void scars on the face?

Because my elf basically looks like the woman with long white hair. Blood Elves even have dark red lipstick options for the face. Visual distinction between the races is very important to me so I’m interested in what ideas you’d have.

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@OP agreed

but I think all races need more customizations in general…SL brought a good start to adding more options but let’s face it for us as the community who spends hours upon hours per week looking at our toon it would be nice to have it look exactly the way we want it to…

This could be easily done where if a Void Elf used a natural hair color they have to use it with a void skintone and vice versa if they use a normal skintone they have to use a void hair color. (Also no, I’m not advocating for them to get natural hair colors ever but that’s a great way to do it if they ever do.)

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So we wave away natural hair colors and then advocate for them to get scars?

There is really no wiggle room if you value visual distinction moving forward to be okay with the continued loss of visual uniqueness, they have received visuals that came at the expense of visual uniqueness, giving them the option for scars not only doesn’t help in regards to what would be again lost from BEs visual theme but it’s also giving them options BEs don’t even have.

I don’t feel bad for taking this position and I just want to point out like Magnificent and others have before that hair colors prior to the skin tones would have been fine, post skin tones there isn’t that like wiggle room it’s essentially just giving them everything they want and other people have a request to keep that visual distinction that was left in tact.

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I don’t necessarily want them to receive natural hair colors and I feel like that’s been my stance from the get go. But I’m also having a conversation using the posters logic; if hair colors were handed over, I’d be interested in what they think could be given to both races to keep visual distinction, which is the core of my argument really.

And I’m told that it’s a “feelings” argument a lot, and I’m like, yeah. I don’t want to feel my race handed over. That’s why I like these discussions.

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Visual distinction only matters if Blizzard decides it matters. When it came to Pandaren it didn’t matter since they started out neutral and picked a side. When it came to Void Elves at launch it did matter… until Shadowlands when they walked back on it somewhat with the skin and eyes.

We’ll just have to wait for 10.0 and see what the next round of customization gives Void Elves (if anything). It’s really up to Blizzard when it comes right down to it. They could end up giving Void Elves nothing at all.


I totally understand that, but throwing out the hypothetical scenario out there I should or anyone against the options should be allowed to answer said scenario as well, they’ve already said they’ll give BEs the world supposedly to continue poaching our options and to people who value visual distinction that has no value, you’re going to concede options and requests that BEs should or could get anyways like gee thanks I guess Blizzard can do their stuff for BEs anyways and VEs moving forward separate.

BEs can always get more, VEs can always get more, more for VEs will never have to mean more generic elf options.

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Where are you hair options then Nico? You’re saying Blizzard decided it doesn’t matter?

I mean, yeah. You’re not wrong. But I’m asking for what ideas could exist for visual distinction. It’s important to me and others so it’s worth having the conversation.

Pandaren were created a neutral race. Blood Elves are heavily embedded into Horde identity and Void Elves are heavily embedded into Alliance identity. Start to blur those lines and it can rightfully frustrate some people. I love faction identity.

True but tbh, I doubt they’ll get anything. I thought Blizzard said customization was abandoned, which is a big oof for Nightborne too.

I mean, Lann, I didn’t say you couldn’t. I was just pointing out my stance. :heart: I like opening all avenues of conversation, even if I don’t think Void Elves should get non-Void options.


I know I just wanted to make it clear I knew where you stood so I wasn’t arguing with you more so your hypothetical scenario.


The actual hair cuts themselves, as well as the textures being used for those natural hair colours.

Void Elves probably should not have access to as many natural hair colours as blood elves, there’s no need - one shade of blonde, one shade of brown, maybe a single auburn, then white/black are actually very fitting for the void elf kit while allowing the full(ish) fantasy of the sub race people wanted in the first place.

Unique ombres on some cuts that are natural colours going into the more unnatural shades as well, with the majority of those colours being the unatural to unatural. (With something like Red/Gold being imported over to Blood Elves.)

Somebody running around with the Kul’tiran brown with the shaggy hair cut with tentacles toggled off isn’t really going to take away from somebody’s blood elf, contrary to popular belief. It’s a different hair cut entirely, with a different shade that doesn’t belong to blood elves.

Void scars and tattoos are 100% a given.
I want tattoos and stuff for both races, but colour locks on stuff like the tattoos. Red and Gold for Horde, Purple and Blue for Alliance, ect ect.

More distinction despite some overlap can easily be obtained through expanded customization. If “High Elf” is the originator of both, and the flavor can be played on both, the evolution of each faction’s branch of Thalassian (Light / Void) is where those distinctions can come from - with more “regular” customization going to Blood Elves.


In the same place that all the Nightborne customization options are I’d wager. In a queue.

You’re saying Blizzard decided it doesn’t matter?


I’m saying that visual distinction only matters if Blizzard decides it matters. Sometimes they decide it does, sometimes they decide it doesn’t, and sometimes they change their mind. :man_shrugging:


Honestly, if this whole thing didn’t matter, we would have never gotten the skins in the first place with the whole “pick your flavor” thing, ontop of High Elves still continually appearing in the Alliance as NPCs.
They’d have written them out - which they easily could have done since Burning Crusade.

But they’re still here.
And people are going to ask for them until it’s either given, or they actually kill them off.

I also want to note as a Shen’dralar player, Nightborne don’t bother me that much. I just want some holo tattoos and I can move on with my life. Horde didn’t really steal that much from me, even though they got Suramar and… lore.


VE hair options are in queue?

Or more Void options unique to VEs are in queue?

You think their going to defeat the purpose of their own AR to the detriment of fans who haven’t been listened to in this convo so far?

Or until they change Alleria to better reflect the Void as she should, and showing HEs in the rift becoming Void effected and VEs.

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I think every race should get white and black, but I think warmer shades should be reserved for Blood Elves. One is very warm themed and one is Void, cool themed. I like that distinction.

I like requiring ombré hair colors on non-tentacle hair. It’s a good way to keep distinction clear.

You’re right, but the Kul Tiran brown and the Blood Elf brown are pretty similar. That kind of cuts down on distinction a bit.

True. But again, I don’t think it’s happening if it happens at all. At least for the rest of Shadowlands. Blizz axed customizations.

Good solution. Kill all the Alliance elves. :black_heart:

The problem with that question is it invariably ends up with people who want the natural hair colors, suggesting stuff to give to Blood Elves in an effort to appease those who oppose sharing the hair colors. That’s just not going to work. The only answer to your question as far as the opposition are concerned is that Void Elves get nothing else even remotely in the neighborhood of natural hair colors.

Pandaren were created a neutral race. Blood Elves are heavily embedded into Horde identity and Void Elves are heavily embedded into Alliance identity. Start to blur those lines and it can rightfully frustrate some people. I love faction identity.

You’re right, that blurring of the lines is the core of the debate being had. Some people don’t want the blurring, some do, and some don’t care one way or the other.

True but tbh, I doubt they’ll get anything. I thought Blizzard said customization was abandoned, which is a big oof for Nightborne too.

Blizzard only said customization was finished for Shadowlands. They also implied they might revisit it as a new expansion feature.


I’m going to have to disagree with you here given Void Elves already got more customizations than Nightborne and then even more in the customization pass so if anything Nightborne might be in queue but Void Elves not so much.

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Neither of us can really say for certain. :man_shrugging:

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They already view VEs as having received nothing, it’s why they get upset when we keep track of what’s been done for them and why so many people view it as next to nothing on that side

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