Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Curly hair for all


This really makes light of real gatekeeping that affects people of color, women, and trans people by comparing it to the plight of fans of pixel elves.


Pssst… Don’t forget draenei styles!

Since you had mentioned NE styles I wanted to throw it in.


I think it was Talendrion who first used Kul Tiran hair textures on Void Elves.

As to who did the lovely mockup of Void Elves using Kul Tiran hairstyles… I am unsure. :frowning:


Nico, you changed your avatar! I love it!

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They should turn the subraces category for similar bodytype races. So they can add them to the barbershop and freely change between them.

So horde could get orcs fused, the different races have different voicelines as a barbershop option.
Tauren and Highmountain fused
Vulpera and goblins have similar bodytypes use the same riggings.
Nightborne could get a horde night elf, moonguard or night elf category and customization.

Races like dwarves could get the three clans through customization and just add on new subrace categories like frost, metal, sand or other types of dwarves.

If they do it like that then I think more blood elf assets could go to void elves, and nightborne could get more night elf assets.


Thanks! I decided to swap to my classic Grand Marshal look. I just wish I had a staff instead of a MH/OH cause I really like the look of the old Grand Marshal staff.


You can transmog your MH/OH to a staff iirc? I believe that restriction was lift off with SL

Nope can’t do that. You can only use Legion artifact appearances regardless of weapon and even then you’re restricted to using only those for your spec (that’s only when you use the selection from the Artifact Appearances section, not when you select an artifact staff appearance from the Staves section for example).

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Ahhh that’s what I got messed up with x) Legion artifacts!

Well I hope you get a good staff soon :wink:

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It’d be nice if we could select our displayed weapon appearance regardless of what we actually have equipped but I get why that might be problematic.

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Do you mean something like what Moira proposed on her Twitter account?



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Poof! Sharing the magic!




Please don’t speak for me, I’m sure its some form of blasphemy to speak for a nature god…

A subrace toggle like that would definitely be sick.


This is becoming my preferred idea.

That’s the idea.

The could also tweak racials a bit to make them less restrictive and more customizable.


Yes that way we can choose to identify with certain clans on a mouseover. Possible add cool new racials to pick from like thevzandalari statue racial.

And add similar bodytype races when appropriate.

Some subraces could be nuetral options.

Like grimtotem, humans, lightforged undead, night elf undead, leper gnomes, vrykuls etc. And adding subrace customization like that could be just as good as an allied race customization.

For example if we fuse all the dwarves we could pick between the three. And add new types of dwarvess like metal with metal beards, and electric beard option. And add stuff like frost dwarves with cryo beards and ice like skin tones.


It’s not really the same. I can understand the point that you are trying to make but I don’t think any attempted gatekeeping in WoW’s customization debates can even get close to the oppression that POC have faced in their lifetimes. I don’t think it’s a good comparison to make, and as said here, it…


The only audacity, for lack of words that are not allowed on this forum. Is your complete and utter ignorance for even thinking about saying something so utterly wrong.

This is damned pixel elves, in a stupid online game. That you thought it was a good idea to try and link it to real world issues like that just shows how far you have you head crammed up somewhere to think that people going “No, we prefer something different than you do when it comes to the game” is anywhere near that is just astonishing.