Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Most High Elven buildings are already copied from others… Whether it be Night Elven hunter halls or Blood Elf buildings colored blue.

Even Void Elf tents and I think their little void orb we use as a mailbox are just recolors.

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I never noticed this, I totally have to go look now. Lol.

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I think you’re confusing me with other posters.

Remember, I’m the one who doesn’t want Blood Elf hairstyles and hair colors copy/pasta’d to Void Elves. I want different shades of a few colors that Blood Elves have but I don’t necessarily want to have the exact same hair colors, or as big a variety of those colors as Blood Elves have. I’d also prefer new hairstyles or ports from other Alliance races.

But you knew all that before you posted.

As to the architecture… what can I say? I like the Void Elf heritage armor and I think architecture in that style would look cool. There’s absolutely nothing inconsistent about my post. I want what I want and I ask for it. Doesn’t get more consistent than that. :slight_smile:


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You’re one of the ones who continuously denies the impact the options you want having on BEs. At least Somands stance I can respect because the issue for me is the denial of the plain fact you’re still asking to look like a BE, and to constantly turn that around on others like thats not what you’re doing I just find so wild.

Yeah your end result is to fully replicate the BE visual theme. I mentioned it because its odd to somehow have an interest in the Void when it comes to the buildings (like all of a sudden a copy and paste is a bad thing for VEs when it comes to buildings?), it’s not consistent. But at least you in doing so concede you know what the VE theme is.

I also find this to be odd considering you take such issue with the Void black options others have pointed out, you’re very specific in your color scheme which further brings VEs in line with BEs which is the issue I take.

I’ll continue to wish you the best but doing so doesn’t involve actively hoping you get options that hurts another section of the player bases visual theme. :hugs:

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They are, I actually went and looked and while I didn’t even notice the orb previously that’s cool. I love finding new things. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I really like that we use that as a little mailbox.

Like… we toss our letters into a tiny void portal and I just imagine the poor Postmaster standing in his office and then a VOID PORTAL opens up and just dumps a ton of letters on him.

But yeah, all our buildings and structure doodads are just recolors or nonexistent.


LMFAO! You are so funny but I totally pictured it and it made me laugh so thanks for that and thanks for telling me about the orb so I could go see it because that was cool and new to me like I already said and that kind of stuff is fun to me. :blush: :blush: :blush:


The difference is that Fel is not inherently evil in the same sense that the Void is. You can have a torched flame hung on a wooden wall and not burn the building down, even if the fire itself can burn and consume wood if given the chance. Any type of magic could potentially destroy the Sunwell if applied correctly.

The void is dangerous because it is consciously evil with it’s own agenda. Not even Alleria, a described prodigy of the void was able stop it from using her as an instrument to carry out it’s goals. We can even hear a voice speaking out from the portal, laying claim to the power of the Sunwell before it’s eventually sealed away. The Void is a notoriously volatile, and unstable source of magic that poses a far bigger threat to the Sunwell than magic like the Fel.

Yeah, wretched still exist. They’re produced when an elf overindulges on a source of magic, or is consumed by their hunger (Even if they’ have a source of magic to readily draw from.) Funnily enough, most of the wretched we encounter are the result of elves consuming too much magic.

The Quel’lithien High elves for instance were seduced by a powerful source of magic which turned them all into Wretched, even though the Sunwell was already restored. The Wretched Blood elves we see on the Isle of Quel’danas were fed copious amounts of Fel magic (there’s an example of them all siphoning it in the Magister’s terrace dungeon)

I’m unsure whether or not someone can return back to normal after becoming wretched.


-That- is a question I’ve always wanted answered.


I want to say it’s theoretically possible since The Nightborne’s similar condition revolving the “withered” was reversible, but it’s unclear if the Arcan’dor would have the same effect on Thalassian Elves.


Have you done the Dalaran mailroom quest? I love that I can go back to the mailroom anytime I want now.


I have. Very entertaining.


With all of our amazing work together we are almost at 3,000 responses, and countless of suggestion submissions. Keep up to the great work everyone, we’ll get our request soon.


We’d also love the jewelry, and tattoos!


Indeed, and scars and natural hair colors!


Who was it that proposed porting hairstyles and colors from Kul Tirans, Humans and Night Elves to Void Elves?

KT hair colors are ideal for Void Elves imo.

Night Elf hair colors? Not so sure, but they do have a few hairstyles I’d love to see available for Void Elves.


Personally I find that to be a silly compromise, but at least it’s an idea.
There’s absolutely zero lore reason for why Void Elves don’t have the Blood Elf hair options, so that is what they should be given.
Even with that compromise, the Anti side still seethes because they think they’ve got a trademark on colors even if it’s a different shade.


Blood elf/horde players trying to gatekeep void elves from having different shades of black hair colors is like a non-POC trying to gatekeep black people from having braids.

The audacity.

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That’s a bit extreme, though some ethnic options for Blood Elves and Void Elves would most definitely be welcome and would be more inclusive for players.

Kul’tirans and other more human looking races would benefit from this as well.