Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Sure, but a people can’t live on rocks alone.

Surely we deserve a few buildings at the very least?

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I’d love some sort of Void Silvermoon, built on those rocks. :octopus:

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I wouldn’t go so big as to make a void Silvermoon.

Plus I want it to retain its flavor.

But certainly we could use some buildings and maybe some vendors.

I’d also like to see permanent structures holding the portals between the Islands and SW open…

Also let us connect to the other two islands!


I like it but it would be nice if they made it a little bigger with some nicer comforts. Need more pillows! Unless when you go Void you look down on that kind of thing. lol


Make blood elves get a little stupid cone on their heads for choosing horde over alliance

We prefer… Tentacle shaped seating and comforts.

I kid.

More pillows would be nice. Elves on the whole seem to like them.


Honestly its just bad writing on Blizzard’s part. Warlock class quests from Classic to Legion talk about the risks of trying to master fel/shadow(Void) magic. They talk about how Fel needs to consume life in order to survive. There is no way Warlocks are not a risk to the Sunwell when all of the lore established about how fel and void work shows they consume powerful sources of other schools of magic to corrupt them. Its a weird gameplay thing that doesn’t really make sense @ all lore wise.

Also – do the Wretched still exist lore wise? I thought that technically BE are still addicted to the arcane magic of the Sunwell they’re just also able to balance the addiction by empowering themselves with the Light as well.

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They are voided from having good hair color. Should’ve stayed out of the edgy koolaid


The lack of the Sunwell led to the problem, the restoration of it fixed it.

All high/blood elves are connected to it and it feeds their inherent need of magic.

The Light part just supplemented the exhausted and tainted well to restore it.

It’s now 50/50 Arcane and Holy Light energies.

I don’t know for sure if Wretched still exist but I doubt they’re at all as much a problem anymore as they were.


ive always interpreted it that way as well :+1:


Ty for this :slight_smile: makes a lot of sense now.


No problem.

I was a bit afraid I was explaining things you already knew and sounding mansplainy…

But then I was like… Blizzards so bad at making things clear…

Still I was worried I’d sound like a donkey…


I love WoW lore so I always like learning more. Its a part of this game that has always been so fun to me. I just wish there was time dedicated to updating the existing race’s lore while also working on patch/expac lore etc.

I think we are way overdue for an update on pan Thalassian life. Just like we’re wayyyy overde for an update on NE/NB relations.


Lol, I’m gonna remember this one for future references because it’s wonderful. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Ain’t that the truth.

It would be nice to get a up to date…Monster manual of sorts? Lol

Like in dnd just a book that explains how each race or species functions.

Though I also shudder to think what blizzard might do to the lore with that…


I’d actually like for it to be something brand new, or at the very least, not just a recolor of Blood Elf architecture. I mean, if the Blood Elf architecture was used as a base but heavily modified to look reminiscent of the Void Elf heritage armor, I think I’d like that aesthetic. But just painting Blood Elf buildings purple would be very disappointing to me.


So you want unique architecture but not a unique race?

Copying BEs to the fullest is your end goal but copied buildings is where you draw the line?

Don’t get me wrong VEs should have unique architecture for sure but it seems inconsistent of a stance to hold in the grand scheme of things.


That is a bit weird when you think about it. Lol.


It’s literally not consistent what so ever.

To want two races in one when it suits you, but NPC buildings being the same is where you all of a sudden have a huge investment in the Void theme?

I mean at bare minimum face value at least it concedes the point HE fans know what the VE theme is… until it comes to customization of course then it’s a totally different tune.


Good catch, I think you are onto something here dearie. :male_detective:t5: :male_detective:t5: :male_detective:t5:

Also awww, the little detective emoji’s are cute. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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