Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Glad to see your post, yet again, was restored.

If only people knew how to disagree without false mass flagging.

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There is no unanimous support. Stop trolling.


I definitely see why people see it that way yes. There’s no way to know who took issue with it but that it wasn’t “false flagging” is evident and even more so that “it was restored” is also untrue as an edited post after the community takes issue with it can / will un hide a post.

Curious there was no edit mark until it was brought back and now is being called restored.

In either case I feel so much work can be done for a better conversational environment starting with what you listed not trolling people as it’s obvious this is a disputed topic, it can’t be support if every time people take issue with how much opposition exists they go and start a new thread in an attempt to reset the convo.

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Rejoin the Horde today! We will restore you to your proper forms free of charge.

You don’t have a transmog discount though.


Rommath doesn´t have the power to kick them out per se… he advices Lor´themar and the Regent IS the one doing the kicking out.

Shinfel exist since Cata if my memory is right… and how many times do I have to repeat that there are maybe TONS of warlocks in Belf society, but NONE openly aknowledged inside the story (I mean people with all due respect, I get this just fine… you are the RPers and you can´t get this? How the hell do you RP?).

To simplify: If I decided to create a Belf warlock in Moonguard or any other RP realm, you can bet I wouldn´t make him/her take a walk in the middle of the day near the Sunfury Spire nor the Bazar with his/her pet Voidwalker in plain sight. Why? Simple: cause INSIDE the story my poor warlock would probably get linched by the guards.

I sustain my case: Rommath is probably a mega nerd or something… guy has remarkable insight in both magical stuff AND political stuff.

The text would imply Sylvanas herself didn´t act like a “good” ally, and in retrospective to nowadays lore, she ends up looking as someone who only supported the elves expecting a personal benefit… just like she ended up taking advantage of the Forsaken at the end too.

I do agree this (Sylvanas NOT acting like an actual ally) is VERY different from saying the Forsaken as a political entity in the Horde aren´t allies of the Belves (and that´s a falsehood cause they STILL as a nation ARE allies of the Belves). As far as canon lore is concerned the Forsaken that stayed in the Horde post SoO 2.0 are pretty much accepted as Belf allies, period.

You´re welcome, a pleasure to give you tools so you could get away from your former ignorance (cause coming here to say Rommath was A-Ok with Sylvanas when that short story has been present in WoW´s web page since like a decade ago was really something).

A shame you try to use the story to headcanon stuff like saying “Belves like Rommath will not consider the Forsaken allies anymore cause Sylvanas” when this is clearly NOT what happened -sorry man, but as far as the story is concerned the only person Rommath stopped considering an ally was Sylvanas herself. We don´t know his personal opinion on the other Forsaken characters that rebelled against her post BfA-.

Oh, and the individual qqing over “yOuR AlLiEs” was Renthar… who btw was so idiotic as to waste the chance to get reparations from Lor´themar himself thanks to his pride and ego… and look!!! How did him and his subjects ended up again in Cata? Yes, mutated into Wretched cause they never developed the balance nor the discipline required to drain magical artifacts without crossing into overindulgence!!

Still beat narratively wise the Human clones that pollute your faction -heck, not even clones, more like cheap copies that still need Human Potential to even function- (poor dwarves, the whole Varian tells you how to rule yourselves was a terribad story… talk about getting neutered so the Humans could hog the leadership forevermore).


Yeah the two political entities are formally allies. I wouldn’t deny that. I think the “your allies” part was necessary to get Lor’Themar to say “both Quel’Dorei and Sin’Dorei” which is really important because it’s the proof that even he recognizes a difference, even if it is in name only.

Edit: But yeah, the wretched thing is just too sad.

I’ve come around on the Lore-Hole.

The Lore-Hole is safe. Lately when Blizzard wants to showcase a species that isn’t humans or orcs, you get the night elf treatment, where you’re suddenly thrown the idiot ball and then bludgeoned… or the undead treatments and bludgeoned, beat with the villain stick and the idiot ball simultaneously, and then ignored.

I’m happier with MORALLY GREY Dark Iron mass revenge goblin murdersprees.


No but I do have real hair and a home



I have a home…

It’s three rocks and two tents…


Lol but ouch. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Double Lol and ouch. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Both your replies are funny though. :joy: :joy: :joy:


I chuckled at myself for too long after that post…

I am seriously mad at blizzard for not even giving us one building though! :anger:


That’s legit the only place I feel Nightborne won vs Void Elves is we have a whole zone and city of our own and a phased zone of the city that’s our starting area. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Well the “implication” of this comment is pretty vague - is he referring to the Quel’dorei who originally defended Quel’thalas and died, like Sylvanas, or new Quel’dorei who’ve returned and continue to fight for their homeland.

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I thought it was clear that he was talking the Quel’Dorei that told him they were not his people. So, to respect that he referred to blood elves as Sin’Dorei, and those in the Lodge that refused him Quel’Dorei, because he didn’t want to impose the new name upon them.

Edit: But that’s my interpretation.

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Honestly I wish they’d made all the cities of the AR’s full mini cities with their own flavour of buildings and vendors. Maybe even some cosmetic transmog options to be added then and later to expand the themes of those races.

I also wish they’d go back and update our Void Elf guards in the Rift there to have armor more similar to our Heritage.


I thought he was referring to the elves who fought, and died defending their position in the ghostlands, since he only brings it up when Rommath suggests letting the scourge take over below the River. I don’t think the High elves of Quel’lithien lodge were close, or even involved in the reclamation at all.

If anything, it sounds more like he’s referring to both groups collectively, outraged that Rommath could overlook their people’s sacrifices. If anything this suggests that Quel’dorei are still fighting, and defending their homeland together with the Sin’dorei.


Creative and I approve. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

They totally could, they let you switch racial guards in garrison in WOD so it’s totally not impossible to do and with as much as they copy/paste it’s really not.

Sadly that’s beyond the scope of what allied races are supposed to be, which is quick and easy to implement, and requiring little to no upkeep. And because of that, the bugs that still exist in Telogrus since it was added, are still present today even after years of being reported.

I do wish to see Telogrus expanded upon though. I love the ambiance and would like to see Void Elves (as a people) get some serious development in game.


I think Telogrus Rift is better than the other Allied Race hubs.
Literally their own ruined planet, and it’s implied to be the Void infested World Soul planet Sargeras cleaved in half which is much cooler than boring cities.

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