Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I used to want it, but I now renounce it. I also urge all of my fellow voidies to go purple, or alliance blue, and maybe to also get a tan like the humans find fashionable. Also, wear alliance tabards, and all the symbols you can.

Wish not that you were blood elves! Be the thalassian alliance elves you know you are!

Edit: Also, we know that bloodies get tanned for the human look, even if they deny it! :wink:


Uh huh, as I just said sell that to someone else that can’t see other wise.

And this right here automatically ends this conversation because none of my characters wear so called Alliance colors even actual Alliance ones so waste someone else’s time and for future references don’t waste my time and yours replying to any of my posts.


I wasn’t adressing you. You’re not a fellow voidy, but I’m glad we agree that blue is the alliance color for elves and red/blonde the horde color.


I feel like having a DK in any colour but blue is ethically wrong.

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Your original reply was literally directed at me, anyone can see that, you can play dumb all you want but you did reply to me directly so whatever.

Again anyone can see I haven’t agreed with anything you have said because all you are doing is peddling BS so really take a hike.


I would at the very least like the ability to choose if I have tentacles or not. IDC about hair colors, just let me choose tentacles or no tentacles with any current hairstyle.


[I used to want it, but I now renounce it.]
This part was addressed to you.

[I also urge all of my fellow voidies to go purple, or alliance blue, and maybe to also get a tan like the humans find fashionable. Also, wear alliance tabards, and all the symbols you can.]

This was addressed to fellow voidies.

I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear.


Can we not do that already? Do I have tentacles showing? Oh god, DO I?

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Believe there are one or two hairstyles that don’t have them, but would like that option on all hairstyles.


Point is as I said next time don’t bother as you say addressing me, it will work better for me and you and you won’t have to sit trying to make up lies where I “supposedly” agree with you where anyone can read my posts and my post history and see I don’t agree with you at all and that I have found talking to you for the short time I have a waste of time. Make sense now?

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Ok, makes sense. I love this haircut, so I’m fine really. But I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

Pretty sure they mean a tentacle toggle.

Which I think is a good idea.


Ohhhhh. Yeah that’s a good idea.

Lore: Question: Do we get tentacles everywhere we get hair and, if so, do we wax them?

I’m not a fan of it because it allows people to take the void out of the hair and it arguably is asked for most by people who just happen to be be long time HE fans and also want natural hair colors, and it’s asked under the guise of “you can add tentacles on the one style that doesn’t already have it too!” So it just seems like a transparent addition to taking down the visual distinction Blizzard themselves left in place.

I’m for adding more tentacles but not a toggle per se.


Do you want to be addressed or…? (Apparently I have to ask now)


Neither am I, they should be stuck with having to have void effects in one way or another because they are Void Elves not Blood Elves, I know they want to pretend they are but they aren’t so.

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There is at present no answer to that question.

I do however RP my four tentacles on my back.

I see where you’re coming from.

That we do have hairstyles without tentacles and ones with I’m in the camp of we should be able to choose tentacles or not.

I also, though, want more tentacles. Different options for each hairstyle, ones that come from our backs, head, shoulders, legs, arms. Everywhere.

For me it’s just a continuation of what already is brought out in full.


Ah, she’s so lucky.


I meant he!

He’s so lucky!

Very happy to see the continued unanimous support going on! I wonder if maybe we should start a group using the new Community feature that was introduced not too long ago, it would be great for becoming friends with everyone here outside of the Forums.

I can’t express just how much I appreciate the Forums Moderators not allowing our voice to be silenced by those who disagree and harass, troll, and derail us and our thread. False flagging is unacceptable, and we thank the mods for reversing them.

Don’t forget to go in-game and submit this suggestion if you haven’t already done so, and perhaps again if it’s been a long while since your last time.

The “few and far between” argument hasn’t been a thing for ages, especially with some of the Allied Races. I’ll also be going through and counting every NPC to provide some statistics, so stay tuned. If you think you can do it faster, I can provide a link to where the data will be coming from.

I’ll leave us with a video from T&E:
