Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Maybe its because lore wise most goblins are factionless outside of their cartel and go where the money is and the only reason horde has playable goblins is because the bilgewater cartel goblins joined after being saved by horde prisoners after escaping a remote island.

Nope. The real reason is that Blizzard is COWARDS who donā€™t want Azzle Tengears to have a 7th Legion tabard.

Do you really feel this way though if VEs for example werenā€™t enough for you but the HE options are required as well?

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Iā€™m sorry, I assumed you knew both blood elves and Nightborne were Highborne. Thatā€™s okay, Iā€™m always willing to help people who have lore questions. Youā€™re welcome.


Well, yes. Thatā€™s what I just said! I like customization, and I play both sides.

I would also genuinely like Alteraci humans on Horde, and some fresher, more people looking undead. Twist my arm and Iā€™ll even admit that seems to be where the lore is going (even if itā€™s dumb) and they should add the damn night elf dark rangers to redside (preferably with the og dark rangers).

My personal preference is maximum freedom for customization. I love making new characters with new looks!


Mean, I think Iā€™d still be cute one either side. :yum: :yum: :yum:


You said a version is fine enough with you.

But your stance on continuing to infringe on BEs a version of Thalassians is evidently not enough for you. Thatā€™s why I doubt the validity of the statement.

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Itā€™s my personal opinion that I care less about infringing, and more about lore and freedom to create characters.

What are you doubting about my statement?




Splassy would stay Horde regardless.

Because heā€™s a classy gent.

ā€¦But I would absolutely roll another goblin for Blue. GIVE ME MORE CHARACTER SLOTS.


Highborne/Kaldorei were first, and then split into High Elves and Nightborne.

I never claimed that they werenā€™t both Highborne.
You were incorrect on what you said, so I corrected you.
Like I said, theyā€™re not from the same population, which you claimed they are.

Nightborne came from Highborne/Kaldorei, it wouldnā€™t have even been possible for them to come from a population of High Elves.

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A version of a race being enough for you.

If you arenā€™t fine enough with VEs without making them into BEs/HEs that statement rings false to me.

Are VEs not a version of the HE you wanted? And do you not still want the exact thing? So a version of a race is by your own statement not enough by your own stances.

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Yes, blood and elves and nightborne DID split off from highborne. Iā€™m glad you get it now. If you need any more help Iā€™m happy to give it. Youā€™re welcome to the assistance any time, I know Warcraft lore can be daunting.


Shoot. I canā€™t find Sledgehammer in my roster.

ANYWAY. Well, youā€™re free to doubt me, but Iā€™m pretty sure I know how I feel!

And how I feel is that I like customization, and Iā€™m also realistic. I know Blizzard isnā€™t going to add a solid dozen races. Heck, I was genuinely surprised they added kelfin hair/skin tones to goblins. But Iā€™d like to see variety. So, the more, the merrier.


More customizations are great but BEs/VEs are the only case where the model is the exact same, and yes thankfully Blizzard left visual distinction in place and hopefully you never get that last bit for the BE/HE theme but I hope you get more unique Void options.


I really donā€™t understand why youā€™ve resorted to unnecessary trolling simply due to me correcting you over your incorrect depiction of the lore that you were explaining earlier.


Me, too!

(Also, there I am).

I hope I get lots of things. I also really, really hope that not giving Darkspear Forest Troll skins was a BIG HINT that maybe weā€™ll get Forest Trolls someday. Revantusk are on redteam. Should be playable.

I donā€™t need all the options for myself (even I can only level so many toons), but I like seeing a lively group of coconu-- players when I wander around, with lots of different looks.


No, sorry Iā€™m discussing elves. Trolls are actually an entirely different race. If you need any more clarification Iā€™ll be here!


This post.

And this post are wonderful, just saying. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Thank you, I love discussing the lore. I know how hard it can be to come to terms with the Warcraft lore and we all need a little help sometimes.