Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

All dark trolls are trolls. Not all trolls are dark trolls.

All night elves are dark trolls. Not all dark trolls are night elves.

All highborn are night elves. Not all night elves are highborn.

All (naga, shal’dorei, high elves, fal’dorei, satyrs, honestly probably a few more I’m forgetting) are highborn. Not all highborn are (ect).

All blood elves are high elves. Not all high elves are blood elves.

All void elves are blood elves (that we know of). Not all blood elves are void elves.

And also, night elves and nightborn probably speak the same language but Bliz is super weird about language barriers. And apparently you could have a set of elf quadruplets born in Suramar where one joined the rebels and became a night elf, one stayed and became a nightborn, two joined the rebels late and became high elves, then changed their name to blood elves to honor the fallen… And then one went off to investigate a void slurpee.

Elves, man.


Oh cute (and cutthroat and deadly, never underestimate a goblin) for sure.

I just personally always saw them as more a Horde thing.


Technically Saytr may not be.

While the initial bunch were they can change other night elves into Saytr and likely have done so to many non-highborne.

Even when they were neutral they were Horde leaning according to Cycle of Hatred, where the seamen and traders of Theramore were super salty because the goblins would charge the Horde vessels less in fees and let them skip past any Theramore vessels that were waiting to enter the port.



For me it’s probably WCII that makes me see them as Horde.

Back then they were Horde and it’s just cemented in my head.


Honestly satyrs kinda fall in my oddball request bracket.

I wish I knew more about them. Though obviously they’re mostly very bad people.


That was part of it according to the book. The goblins had a genuine sense of comradery with the orcs from their time in the Horde due to enjoying their shock and awe military style and they would get together in Ratchet to share war stories and reminisce and stuff.


Just so you know, the High Elves left the Alliance after the events of Warcraft 2, as is implied by this quote. Only a handful stayed behind.

“When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.[7]Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War.[11] Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.[2] Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[12][13] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals.”


Oh my god.

I can’t believe this is still going on.

Just give those skinny bishes w/e they want.

I’ll be looking at my night elf’s beautiful booty instead :ok_hand:t2::sparkles:


blizzard already did. just not on their preferred faction


I love goblins. Forsaken give me conflicted feelings but goblins are literally the worst all the way down with such fecklessness abandon and joy that they’re just chef kiss.

We already tried that when they got our skins. They will never be happy and nothing will ever be enough.

Now they’re demanding hair colors to show how gracious they are about forced sharing. If they get their way then they’ll demand hair styles, then paladins, then Quel’thalas, then the deletion of Blood Elves.


This is super legit and what gets me the most about that is they will say about how much more favored Horde side is yet they don’t want to play the supposed favored side because they won’t be the center of the spotlight anymore, get handed things left and right, get bonuses we don’t, etc. but somehow we are supposedly the favored ones. Lol.

I always laugh at how many void elves I see. Yeah … y’all thought blood elves were sexy this whole time, ally. They don’t compare to blood elves though so w/e. I’ll take the original vs an imposter any day :sparkles::heart:

I think I look good. :cry:


Wait no. Don’t we come from trolls?? Night elves. Trolls are ugly af.

I stand corrected by myself.

Exactly they will never be satisfied, if they get hair colors they will start asking for paladins, they get paladins they will start asking for druids, they get druids they will start asking for all blood elf options to be shared with void elves. It will never end. If you don’t believe me fun fact they were beginning to beg for paladins and druids as soon as it was announced they got skin colors until they eventually decided that hair colors will be the next thing they beg for.


Part of the reason goblins are interesting imo is because they’re essentially trying to oust the Darkspear trolls as the orcs’ best friends by tempting them with high explosives and profit margins. There are orcs in the Bilgewater Battalion for example and it’s pretty clear that any orc industrial tech we see anywhere is either designed by or at least informed by goblin engineering.

It’s kind of neat, just as the Tauren are the orcs’ spiritual mentors, the goblins are their scientific ones.




