Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

My first first character back when I was a kiddo was a tauren shaman because she looked nice…

But my first real Horde character (and second, for that matter) was a troll.

I really like Darkspear boys, but they absolutely suffer from the common WoW male problem of “one sort of handsome face and then a bunch that look like shoe leather boiled in vinegar”.


That’s cool, mine was this one, literally and I’ve stuck with it ever since I was going to race change to Nightborne when they were released but after how bad they are in looks and customization department I was yeah no and stuck with this as my main and made a Nightborne Warlock alt instead. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I’ve only race changed one character.

I had an orc death knight who became a worgen in Cata…

Except, well, we all remember female worgen original flavor. So she became an orc again before toooooo long.

It’s part of why I’m fairly philosophical about Nightborn. At least they’re not 100% broken animations and jank. Just 85%.

When I started, you couldn’t have these newfangled tiny elves, dangit


Give Worgen tails first.


yes. that makes perfect sense

being the exact same race of high elf but using void magic means you cant style your hair the same.

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Actually it does.

Because Void Elves are void tainted and Blood Elves/High Elves aren’t.

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I prefer distinct hairstyles…

But blood elves share hairdos with ancient demons from outer space already.

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It’s bad enough we share a few hairstyles with Humans and Draenei.

Plus until Nightbore start taking options from Night Elves I am so avidly against anything further being shared from Blood Elves to Void Elves because they have already taken more than enough they are basically Blood Elf Lite without the hair and I say that as someone playing a Void Elf.

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I was talking about the literal Eredar.

Of course, they have draenei hair… and female blood elves and draenei share some hairstyles and, oddly enough, faces in the day.

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any race with hair can have any hairstyle the only thing stopping them is culture.

Void elves have the SAME culture as blood elves and high elves.

they use different magic, that’s it. and alleria windrunner (you know the MAIN void elf)

she has normal colored hair/skin and a void form…


Then maybe you should have been out asking for hair instead of having Blizzard think HE options were the desired request.

They can’t do both and not completely infringe on another player bases visual theme.

You can’t act like “it’s hair it’s not a big deal!” As your response to people who value visual distinction … then simultaneously act like you need it, which is it is it important or isn’t it?

Beyond time to update her to reflect VEs thus delivering your request while not giving another concession to HE fans looking to infringe on BE options wouldn’t that be nice.

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blood elves ARE high elves, they are only different politicly.

I’m all for visual distinction if it makes sense from a lore point of view but this doesn’t.

this isn’t nightborn/night elves who evolved differently and look very different in both body, belief, architecture. We are talking about 1 race of highborn who split off from each other due to disagreements in terms of power.

And giving void elves more options simpler to what they (lore wise) would have looked like as a blood elf not only makes sense but removes nothing from blood elves.

The only thing it does it upset you and thats not a good reason if its keeping players from enjoying something that not only makes sense lore wise but the void elf leader HAS.


Exactly the point, which means VEs shouldn’t be allowed to look the part to the fullest which is what you’re complaining about not having while simultaneously acting like “it’s just hair” when opposing opinions show interest in keeping what visual distinction is left.

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any one can play a white haired blood elf(high elf) as you just pointed out. nothing is keeping you from enjoying them. turning void elves into blood elves(high elves) would just cheapen blood elves even further instead of making the void elves more unique. if you dont want to be a void elf then play a blood elf. also low post count but i still took the bait lol


Void elves are blood elves that got infused with void magic.

you’re argument is: I don’t like it and I want to feel special playing the most played race on horde even if it twist lore.

Its hair. The things that blood elves should have only to them is jewelry, the hairstyles with headpieces that are rooted in blood elf style, tattoos or anything like that.

not normal hair styles or colors. Unless using void magic lore wise makes you forgot how to put your head in pigtails you have no argument other then I don’t like it so it shouldn’t happen.


If this was true all races would have access to all hairstyles and all haircolors, yet they don’t so no this isn’t true regardless how much you want it to be.

No one cares about Alleria at this point, I’ve even seen people say she should be killed off and replaced with Umbric because he actually represents Void Elves and being void infused.

She’s also a boss model and should be updated to represent what she’s supposed to be not what she used to be.

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Visual distinction is important from a gameplay perspective, from visual identity and theme, to maintaining clarity between faction lines.

At the end of the day the Void elves are a “themed” allied race, who’s design was deliberately chosen to keep them visually distinct from the Blood elf parent race. These departures from the Blood elf aesthetic is what originally justified their inclusion in the first place, so turning around after a giant chunk of their visual identity was already given away and saying “well, we have everything else, so give us the hair now! I mean its just hair!” comes off pretty entitled.


You can log into any horde server and find like 30 of you standing by a mailbox?

when did you start caring about being cheap and common?

because that ship SAILED.


Honestly, night elves and nightborn should share more options.

They’re also less than a generation apart and while the constant nightwell exposure obviously changed them, they should still be able to style their hair like night elves, have more colors, more tattoos, more…


They should also speak the same language because it’s silly that blood elves and void elves do and night elves and nightborn don’t.


So you’re just someone upset about BEs that makes sense given your POV so far.

So it’s important to you or not?

Yet you don’t see how visual distinction is important to BE players who have already seen our options shared to VEs.

You can’t have it both ways where it’s important for you as you desperately try to paint others as irrational for wanting visual distinction to stay in place.