That person didn’t say to use that story to argue that in current times BEs dislike Forsaken or ever have?
That shows BEs being skeptical of one person prior to any of the betrayals she did.
To use that story to say yes Lor’themar has had doubts about Sylvanas is one thing, to say it makes a case for him and BEs not having a friendship with Forsaken is…??
Lannisterian was claiming that if one were to show a named NPC in some place it would follow that they were representative of a larger tendency for the race of that NPC to also by in that place.
You’re bringing up unnamed HE wayfarers as a trend, how much of that is game play mechanic flavor.
You having a few named NPCs is already taken into account because Alliance HEs are a rare site.
They haven’t commented on the trend of HEs returning home, is that rare or not? See how your side is already accounted for by the devs when they made sure to elaborate how few are on the Alliance but they do exist, Blood Elves are High Elves and if more HEs return home that hasn’t been said to be a rare thing.
Well your premise was unnamed nobodies being indicative.
And in the case of HEs returning home we have no comment from the devs how rare that is, but we do know what ever Alliance HEs that are present are few and far between
I do agree that named NPCs are generally added to represent an in-game demographic, and I don’t think anyone is questioning the idea that a demographic of Alliance High elves do exist, simply that their presence isn’t indicative that there’s any resurgence of them within the faction, or else I’m sure we would have seen some force of them represented in game during an expansion centered on the faction conflict.
The High elf mage trainer in Orgimmar is unique because it’s unprecedented, but it’s not the first example of a named High elf joining the Blood elves or the Horde.
Lol, I came back and read what’s been said since last night and I really can’t believe some people still haven’t gotten over that Blood Elves are a Horde Core Race, I mean honestly we got them in Burning Crusade back in 2007 and we got them again for Burning Crusade Classic, it’s like let it go already my god.
In my opinion not every race need to fit the main theme of their faction. Blood elves made the horde more diverse and opened the precedent for other “pretty races” to join ( like Nightborne).
Void elves have the potential to do the same for the alliance. I commented in another thread that if naga became playable some day, they could have a good dynamic with void elves, they have a lot in common.
Both factions are very diverse now, and i like that.
I see them as a fit because we have been there for a long time and while we were the only pretty race for quite some time the model updates made lots of Horde races pretty like Undead, Tauren and even Orc and then came Nightborne and although we aren’t the prettiest race ever we go hand in hand next to Blood Elves as the same type of backstory, looks, etc. so yes I feel we fit in the Horde and that’s why we are there.