It was in one of the comics and honestly I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was a one off situation.
Blizzard kinda set the Thalassian age range as a moving target it seems…
Given that the hero champion commander general of the Horde or Alliance can be a warlock, its pretty well assumed that they have them on both sides working fine.
We even occasionally run into warlocks in the field working very much for the Horde or Alliance throughout our adventures.
Yeah, I think you might be thinking of Meryl. I could be wrong though maybe you’re thinking of something else, he was in the comics and was the closest thing I could find with that. He was undead, and was a mage/warlock. Ring a bell?
I mean I agree which is why I liked a few posts saying as much and also made the point to say I doubt they hang out by the Sunwell to someones speculation on why BE warlocks aren’t kicked out lore wise.
If you know of something and choose to give it a pass that is still acknowledgment, warlocks would in that case be grandfathered in or given a pass even if not paraded about where as Void Elves were kicked out, this is what I was saying.
If I come in late and my professor likes me and pretends I didn’t come in late he still knows I came in late, I got the okay from him to do so, because he knows my work ethic and knows I bring value to the class or it would be a disservice to me to miss out on my time there, what ever his reasoning he has it and allows it, my speculation was simply that there is reasoning for warlocks to exist, where as the Void takes it too far and I would say the fact the warlock class is available to BEs and the VE narrative of getting kicked out is my reasoning for feeling this way.
I think it was just odd to see you say there was only one BE warlock in response to my stance though thats where I kind of think our points were missing each other.
U-hu. That´s why Sylvanas went into an “anti-warlock” rant when she was nominated as Warchief in Legion, amrite? Cause warlocks openly being employed in the war against their equivalent to a rock star (a.k.a. Gul´Dan) makes sense.
And yes I remember this dialogue was present after the cinematic in which poor Vol´jin burns because my best buddie (who mains a destro warlock btw) felt very sad about Sylvanas insulting him to his face and acting “racist against warlocks” (I won´t lie, it was funny to hear him moan because he ADORED Sylvanas. He also hated the rando dialogue made for one of Illidan´s World Quests in which he referred to Tehd Shoemaked as “Marius pet”).
It´s the difference between perceived hypocrisy and actual hypocrisy… the Belf govenment can´t be hypocritical when they have NEVER openly aknowledged they employ warlocks as military personel… heck not even as civilian personel. As far as the canon lore, the military of Quel´thalas is composed by Mages, Hunters / Warriors and Paladins / Priests, nothing else. and frankly, I´m afraid Lor´themar and Halduron are yes, most probably unaware there are people playing with pet Succubus in their beloved city and living near their beloved Sunwell. And let´s better not mention Liadrin, that woman would probably orchestrate a crusade worthy of the worst Light zealot to “clean her city” of “Warlock scum” had she been aware they actually exist and live IN her city.
A true hypocritical government would had openly employed warlocks and kicked out magisters enamoured by Void. Fact is… this isn´t what happens as per the current lore.
NOW the argument we CAN make is that Rommath COULD be a hypocrite regarding the warlock paradigm… that´s a different argument.
I bet your professor would AT LEAST pretend to chastise you in front of your classmates even if he doesn´t end up punishing you in this hypothetical scenario… cause IF he lets you get away when he doesn´t let them get away, the people WILL complain and maybe issue that complain towards his superiors.
And this is the thing: you probably play by HIS rules for him to like you so much. The moment you pretend to play by YOUR rules and ignore him, is the moment he WILL punish you when you get out of line. That´s how life works. That´s what happes in the Velf scenario… Umbric refused to play by Rommath´s rules and, exposing himself as a dangerous element (sorry but it´s a fair assesment: a subordinate that refuses to follow security protocols becomes a burden and is usually fired from a job because of this), he got himself and his followers kicked out. The “warlocks” that stay in Silvermoon nowadays don´t work close to the Sunwell… heck, they most probably don´t work openly as Warlocks ANYWHERE inside Quel´thalas.
But this is exactly what I mean about Warlocks their existence on some level means they play by Quelthalas’s rules. IE: they probably don’t hang out near the sunwell for sure, and they contribute in some way while not being problematic, where as Umbric obviously was too problematic.
Even if you’re employed discreetly you’re still employed, Liadrin or anyone else doesn’t have to be the warlock pep squad by any means. But someone in the decision making end (Roommath?) is giving them a pass to exist, I’m assuming he either likes their methods to some end and or he finds them useful to some end, if he had the power to kick out Void Elves arguably he could kick out warlocks and yet he doesn’t, at some point I would say if Blizzard thought lore wise warlocks were an issue they could have just withheld them like they did to Zandalari or they do for any other race class combo they feel doesn’t make sense but we have warlocks, we don’t have Void Elves though, we also have one NE paladin yet no NE paladins and on your point that there is only “one” BE warlock added in Legion, I don’t think BE warlocks just don’t exist I think they exist in some capacity like they have.
I don’t think it’s ridiculous, especially after having the Sunwell finally restored to them. I imagine they aren’t willing to take any risks, and didn’t find it appropriate to continue searching for alternative sources of power anymore, especially sources that might prove a danger to the Sunwell.
If there is one thing that’s consistently been in character for blood/void/high elves and the Highborn, it’s that if something is a terrible idea that will cause untold loss and probably blow up the world and is forbidden…
Blood / High Elves aren’t risking their Sunwell to blow up the world.
How are you able to ignore how seriously they take their Sunwell lol?
This like Softsong points out is what we’ve been shown on the matter and I have to question why you keep bringing up Highborne, Blood Elves aren’t Azshara the culture is changed and they are protective of their Sunwell as we’ve seen so what are you talking about exactly?
“‘We come in the name of the champion of the Banshee Queen,’” he quoted. “That is what they said when they arrived. ‘You have something that belongs to him.’” Renthar turned again to face Lor’themar. “We held a copy of the registry detailing Marris’s acceptance into the Farstriders. They took it by force, and slaughtered any of my rangers they could find. Horde, Lor’themar. Including Forsaken. Sylvanas’s people. Your allies.”
Allies don’t kill allies, take their stuff, and hold their lands hostage. Rommath was right to hate Sylvannas, and believe she would make them into puppets. The forsaken are no allies to the elves, the elves are puppets of the forsaken.
It’s pure speculation on your part to say Forsaken aren’t allies of the Blood Elves.
You have Sylvanas who betrayed the Forsaken as far as we know as of now as much as anyone else who felt kinship with her either as a former citizen of Quel’thalas or just as a member of the Horde.
It’s not speculation when it is quoted by a source. There is a high ranking blood elf saying their actions are incompatible with that of allies. Incidentally, the same who who predicted the void elf thing.
This is not how allies talk:
Sylvannas: “Then you can hide here like a beaten dog if that is indeed your will, Lor’themar. Though if you believe anything can come from it, you are a fool. Do you think Arthas will be content to ignore you whilst you wait here and lick your wounds? Do you think I will tolerate such cowardice? I would warn you: those who do not stand with the Forsaken stand against them. And those who stand against the Forsaken will not stand long.”
And most recent lore has Blood Elves fighting for their Warchief until like everyone else they feel betrayed, that includes the Forsaken.
The Forsaken are part of the Horde, Blood Elves and Forsaken still have ties of friendship that Sylvanas initiated and there’s really nothing other than speculation you have based on one persons actions.
Blood Elves are more Horde than ever with Lor’themar on the new council and I can tell it bothers some as per the tone of your posts
Horde, Lannisterian. Including Forsaken. Sylvanas’s people. Your allies.”
This is why it’s totally understandable that High Elves would want to join the telogrus expedition, if only to escape the wicked forsaken that attacked the lodge.
It stands to reason that non-purple void elves are part of that second wave that came later. Those, who were never “her people”. Even Lor’Themar makes a point in distinguishing the two peoples, since obviously the forsaken actions have cause a number of Quel’Dorei to hate the horde and never join it. Even if it means breaking the High Elven nation.
I love how you’re giving us WOTLK era text when were in Shadowlands and the story progressed past that, if Lorthemar still held a grudge he sure sugar coated it as recently as the Blood Elf heritage quest, and as for everything else you’re trying to allege is pure wishful thinking because Blood Elves are more Horde than ever by the end of BFA and I can tell that is an issue with you
More speculation interesting take. It’s arguable more formerly neutral High Elves are returning to Quel’thalas, to their people and their home.
Does it? And yet there’s no official stance on this, maybe you’ll never get one and it’ll just be a “RP” option until indefinitely I like how we can both speculate though.
I actually started throwing the WoTLK lore because it was thrown to me. I was specifically told to read this story.
In more recent evens, the alliance stood by the gates of orgrimmar against Sylvannas. Both factions made a point out of purge the wickedness that had taken over the horde, so if the Blood Elves belong “more than ever” in the horde is because we coup’ed them and installed better leadership.
A subject for actual speculation is how do blood elves like Rommath feel about the forsaken after unknowingly helping them fuel the Jailer. I don’t think it’s reasonable to just assume everybody is like “oh well”.