I pasted the entire entry for the page I was looking at, I wasn’t trying to cherry pick anything. I don’t see why you’re jumping to this conclusion. It wouldn’t have been difficult to confirm that I did in fact paste it word-for-word.
Not jumping dude, your “fancy” text is written DIFFERENTLY and puts nonexistant phrases like “Including demons” -that aren´t there in the original WoWpedia article taken from the video, go figures…
Wonder why?
Also, next time properly complete your job and cite the source, cause as far as I´m concerned you could have perfectly manipulated the information if we take into account the texts are almost identical BUT yours aren´t properly sourced.
The Azeroth group had them at some point or had to have a lore reason for them those wouldn’t have been tied to Kael and his schemes anymore than any other Azeroth BE would be. So I’m not sure I follow.
The game play not equating lore argument to me is for things like why VEs have holy priests because obviously shadow priest makes sense etc, not for an entire class period, there has to be some lore tie in for a class for a race otherwise it seems to argue against class restrictions which isn’t my stance because lore wise I support VEs never getting Paladins for example.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone advocate for them getting paladin that understands the lore.
Which is fine but there should be a lore reason for or against having a class for a game with class restrictions on races.
To me to say the whole class is simply a gameplay mechanic is nonsensical unless its an argument to break down class restrictions. There has to be a lore tie in for the class for the race.
It sounds like it’s being argued that BE warlocks are tied to Kael, but Blizzard made the argument lore wise against Zandalari warlocks didn’t they because they tied them to not the main society? So if the argument that is they are tied to Kael then it seems an argument against BEs having warlocks, but we do have them with named NPC trainers and a place where they congregate in the capital city.
Is the same case than for Orc Warlocks: at some point in time, Kael´thas probably openly employed warlocks while in Outland, but he never made this evident for the Belves that stayed stationed in Azeroth. Rommath never taught the elves that stayed behind in Azeroth to “drain demons”, he literally taught them to drain mana crystals and vermins. For Lor´themar and Co., it was a not nice at all surprise when they learned their beloved leader was consorting with demons. It shocked them pretty badly.
So the class “makes sense” because the race lorewise speaking had access to the knowledge requiered to make it possible (remember: the Sunfury went back to Azeroth. Which means elves that learned to manipulate Fel and some who probably went the extra mile and became Warlocks returned to Quel´thalas. However, is VERY unprobable they are going to openly practice this art in front of the people who killed Kael´thas because he almost got ALL of them destroyed thanks to the influence of the Burning Legion).
If one goes a step further in to the speculation realm, at some point the Warlocks will probably have to covertly leave Quel´thalas now that the Light portion of the Sunwell is slowly eroding the Fel magic, because it will be VERY suspicious to see a Fel green eyed Belf while the rest of the Belves regain their original blue eye color.
Keep in mind the tailor shop that was run by the warlock and had a Succubus apparently ceased to function as per the most recent lore (Mathias Shaw mentions this in the recent book about Eastern Kingdoms). Keep in mind the “Sanctum” is NOT in a open obvous place inside Silvermoon like the Farstrider Square, but is inside Murder Row (lorewise the errr… “questionable” place in the city) and it´s run in a BASEMENT. Keep in mind the Warlock NPOC that can be seen OUTSIDE the Sanctum ONLY appears WITH his succubus pet when it´s nightime in Silvermoon, in the middle of the day he appears ALONE or is absent.
Small but important details… don´t feel bad Lann, as a rogue myself I can understand a little the bum that is playing for one of the “not openly aknowledged inb the lore” class combos… we exist and there is a “lore” reason why we exist BUT we don´t get represented lorewise speaking… not at least for “team Silvermoon”.
For the most part, every current class/race combination is valid within the lore. Of course, there are also some that are valid that aren’t yet accessible. It’s a shame though that Ion or whichever it was claimed there aren’t any plans to expand on those combinations.
I guess thats fair but I would say its speculation which is what I would also be doing if I considered warlocks grandfathered in somehow.
But there are orc warlocks.
Correct me if I am wrong but it sounded like you had said earlier lore wise we have only one BE warlock period.
That’s not a bad angle to look at it through.
I could see that.
One day I hope blizzard gives us a lot more specifics if when how and why in this.
I’m not.
Though I’m aware of the Demon Hunters having their own inner demon issues.
I disagree.
Though I also do see your, and Lanns, points of view on it.
I think its still hypocritical, though as I’ve said, thats not a bad thing in every case.
It can be both.
Rommath told them he was going to walk into a trap that would turn them into Ethereals?
Thats ridiculous.
Rommath made a guess probably off of sensible reasoning. We don’t have that info.
Umbric sought power and fell into a trap set by Void Ethereals…
Thats like claiming anyone who ever falls into a trap is an idiot just because they fell in a trap.
It’ll probably give them more reason too honestly. lol
You’re just a troll… you don’t care about any of these races.
I mean for Lights sake you liked your own OP with more than 20 of your own alts…
That can’t be true… they have warlock trainers at the very least.
Thats not gameplay alone.
Warlocks are accepted if not looked down upon and feared in the societies where they’ve been given as classes.
You see hints of it in each group that has them.
They do keep to themselves and are often reviled but those societies do have them and they are not… killed on sight.
In Vanilla Thrall even admitted to accepting them. They were known to be there.
Garrosh did kill several but hes gone and the Horde moved on from that.
You can’t pretend that an entire playable class isn’t canon.
… Just go to your browser and copy the link…
Also what are you even trying to say with this?
Gameplay mechanics mostly, it’s like a lightforged DR being a shadow priest or a void elf being a holy priest.
Desktop automatically inputs hyperlinks and
I wasn’t going to go through and manually do them all.
And you act like simply using the desktop version was an option. I’m not home at the moment, so mobile it is.
The link for the specific page was
I meant just grab it from your phone browser.
You ended up just posting a wall of text, with little context for why you were doing so. You didn’t quote anyone, and you didn’t follow it up with anything to explain your reason for posting it.
That doesn’t really mean anything given just below them there is a post with over 55 likes using alts. I believe the person even admitted to doing it some time ago. Both sides do it, so no point in targeting one over the other.
Orc Warlocks exist as a “hidden profession” in Orc society… why do you think Garrosh murdered Neeru Fireblade in Siege of Orgrimmar? Cause he didn´t knew UNTIL MoP that Warlocks lived in Orgrimmar… and Garrosh blamed the warlocks for the misery of the Orcs, ergo he had them killed.
No, he told them that playing with Void energy was gonna cause a catastrophe. Guess what almost happened. Remove the Alleria factor and the Catastrophe ACTUALLY happens.
Yes a Neeru was the Orc warlock trainer in Orgrimmar… remember what happened to him when Garrosh discovered Neeru was an actual warlock and not some weirdo bum that liked to live in shadowy places?
I´m not saying they “aren´t canon”. I´m saying them openly and proudly being commisioned by their racial leaders to “go summon some demons and kick butt” ISN´T canon. This has never happened regarding the Belves nor much less the Orcs. Heck, Varian accepting Golden´s warlock self insert in ToW was taken as a “novelty” and a sign that maybe Stormwind was being less prejudiced regarding warlocks (cause the official stance was: if it summons a demon, it´s dead while in Stormwind).
Anyone, regardless of side, who posts then likes their post with their own alts is not arguing here in any amount of good faith.
Stop doing it.
Its stupid and just makes you look desperate.
He was right on a guess nothing more.
Not a reason to think Umbric is an idiot.
Not sure why so many people are out to try to make Umbric a fool…
Warlocks are canon…
They’ve been upheld multiple times… There are many canon warlocks across WoW.
You’re reaching… for some reason.
No one is saying warlocks wander the streets summoning their demons…
Both the Alliance and Horde canonically have made use of them since Vanilla. To think or say otherwise is a lie.
Do you have examples for this? Only things that I can remember that have even come close are Gul’dan and that was more direct contact and him accepting a deal rather than any whispering and then there was Meryl but he heard stuff because he legitimately kept a demon inside of his body, like demon hunters.
Normally, I would. I thought blood elves had shorter lifespans…
Except Lorash exists now so I genuinely have no idea.
Because the narrative portrayed him as such. He´s the guy that got told to NOT play with fire and who ran to buy a megastore in combustible materials and gasoline… AND after he falls on the trap (I mean maybe a research ABANDONED by a power hungry elf like Darkhan -who was totes A-Ok with destroying his nation in excxhange for power btw- had some issue they should had been wary off… someone like Darkhan would NOT have abandoned these type of research if the power gain with no repercutions was guaranteed ffs) him getting saved by a literal Deux Ex doesn´t help his cause (no seriously, the whole Alleria just happened to learn they existed and they were SO lucky she reached them just in time reeks of Deux Ex). And to add insult to injury he ADMITTED he was wrong (this is the true condenatory part… he admmits his former boss was right.
Lann implied so, reason why I adressed him. Let´s go bck and check his post:
Implies Warlock NPCs are openly addresed by Quel´thalas government as such… and THAT portion in particular is unfortunately NOT canon. There´s no scenario in game nor short story nor novel nor novella nor interview not anything that portrays one of the Belf racial leaders openly aknowledging Quel´thalas emplys warlocks in their military.
Warlocks must surely exists in Belf society, but just like the Orcs, they probably pretend to be something else to keep the eye of Lor et al far and away from their business.
Idk given the fact there needs to be lore reasons for classes I would say playable classes on races are canon.
To be fair that was my speculation argument but if we want to take it verbatim thats fine too, I would say Rommath knew of Umbric studying the void but you think he doesn’t know about BE warlocks that have been with them since well since he returned to Silvermoon I would assume?
Which I don’t think their running things or anything but I do feel their existence is known and their allowed to exist, where as VEs arguably were cast out.
My personal speculation is that he surely knows they are there (I mean, the Sunfury probably brought back a TON of Fel practicioners back into Azeroth) BUT he most probably has them watched VERY closely. I remember one of the rando dialogues for a “Magister” of the Sunreaver Onslaught in Isle of Thunder was that she “kinda missed” Fel because while corrupting, it actually got the job done. Whcih means this “Magister” could perfectly be a Warlock that disguises her profession as a “regular mage” when she´s employed by the military.
It´s the game of keeping appearances. The Warlocks after all as magical practicioners would most probably answer directly to Rommath… and the guy is both pragmatic AND a good politician: he won´t tattle about them to Lor, but will demand they play nice and fine by the rules too in exchange for looking at the other side. The guy is such a political nerd he HAS some sort of spies close to the Council of the Six in Dalaran BEFORE Aethas goes back to sell them the idea of working together in WotLK.
I think their existence is “known” the same way the rogue guild is “known”… by some members of the military, but NEVER openly aknowledged. This explains why both the rogue AND the warlock guilds in Silvermoon have their HQ in the “morally questionable” part of the city that even managed to serve as a hide bolt for people like Thalen Songweaver (fun fact: if my memory is right, as per “War Crimes”, Thalen was “hiding” in Murder Row under the nose of Lor´themar et al), and why we NEVER see warlock or rogue NPCs -no seriously, not even ONE- when the armies of Quel´thalas are either portrayed in game OR in side materials like books and novels (it is ALWAYS paladins or hunters or mages and maybe a priest or a warrior ocassionally).