Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

You should’ve replaced “fellow kids” with “fellow Forsaken”.


I found it and find it weird too because all the other animalistic races can have hair and hair styles but not Vulpera, it’s really weird to me.


I know, but I don’t expect her to care enough about them to even remember what they are :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, why when I’m googling pics of Anduin this is one of the results?


This made me laugh so hard. I like Shrek chilling in the background.


Jesus I didnt even notice till you mentioned…


Are you making a bunch of warlocks as well!?

So far I’ve got BE and VE pretty much finished atm. I’ve started on an Orc and Worgen(posted above) :stuck_out_tongue:

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More like made already, I have 12 currently. :yum: :yum: :yum:

So far behind I am :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, they are really easy to level and I really enjoy the class I always have so I’m sure you can catch up if you really want to, not that you should unless you really want to because I learned from making lots of characters I didn’t really want it’s annoying when you just end up deleting them to make stuff you really want to play.

At this point it’s like a collection thing. The end goal atm is to have a Warlock of each race. Maybe someday I can do a Male and Female of every race as well lol…


The only one doing SL’s while it is current is my OG here :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t have any male characters anymore because my only ones were my Demon Hunters and I kind of miss it but I completely understand where you are coming from, so I support you. :+1: :+1: :+1:

12 wow!

I think I have 5 warlocks total… Only two of which are really leveled.

Really like them I’m just lazy…


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Yeah 12, 4 are at 60, 1 is at 56 and the rest are at 52, I tend to slow down leveling this xpac when I hit the Shadowlands zones because they suck and after doing them a couple times I’m already sick of them.

We all have our lazy moments and this xpac playing is more like a chore most of the time than playing for fun so it’s completely understandable. :yum: :yum: :yum:

That’s why my goal is level 50. At least that way I get some of the Heritage armor sets.

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So much this.

I’m trying to get a few of my toons to 60 at this point but only so people here on the Forums don’t pull the old, well you clearly dont play that toon.


(Fenelon again)

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I just whip out my main (This warlock since it is my only level 60) so they can see I don’t play any of my characters very much :stuck_out_tongue:


This one I’m really excited to play.

Hes a warlock and an Orc but hes very much against using fel for evil or for simple power for the self.

He wants to use it to get back at the Legion. They thought they could control the orcs? the Orcs will control them.

Hes very much about using the Fel to move his clan forward and not to corrupt it.


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I noticed and maybe it’s just me but there’s a lot more small obstacles landscape wise that you can’t just jump over and keep it moving. It’ll be like the worlds tiniest rock or tiny little wall I can’t jump over? It’s a little eye roll worthy to me anyways.


So it isn’t just my imagination…

I knew I wasn’t 100% crazy yet!



Right like I noticed it a lot in all the SL from day 1 I was like this is gonna annoy me