Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

No one can guess my characters :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Um Yeah were all for it?

Um Iā€™m not and I play void. I felt when void elves came out. A renegade group of mostly former blood elves that experimented with the void and were altered by it to have unique blue skins and void elf hair was pretty cool.

Yet, that wasnā€™t enough for some people. Some people had to ruin this new race by allowing void elves to look almost to zero difference between common blood elves.

Yeah, so Iā€™m not for this at all. I only see true void elves as those who have become altered, through one of the original void skin colors (light blue to dark blue) and a type of void color hair.

What exists now is that Blizzard caved and destroyed a unique new race that was suppose to have similarities to blood elves and high elves (in body shape) to always remind the blood elves and high elves where they came from but at the same time remain their own thing (only be able to choose void colors for skin and or hair colors.)

I wish they had left void elves alone.

Now we have a situation where it doesnā€™t even make sense for void elves to exist because their uniqueness from the start was robbed.


Wags herā€”oh wait. Sad trombone.

They are.


Really? We should check their armoryā€¦ been looking for a particular Pandaren related to this topic.

I see VE fans and BE fans in the same boat especially in terms of continued compromises to please the Alliance HE crowd / people who want that visual fantasy on VEs.


I wouldnā€™t mind having a tail.


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As for Alleria photoshops (well actually I used GIMP), I did this one to encapsulate her involvement in BfA.


Well I am le tired. So Iā€™m going to take a nap then fire ze missiles.


If they are on the same B-NET account the achievement points will be the same or similar usually.

The pet collections will also match.


Iā€™m tanning by my pool on the forums on my phone, but Iā€™m about to go inside.

Iā€™m finally doing my campaign storyline that I havenā€™t done since re subscribing so Iā€™ll finish that later I think.


Achievements are hit or miss.

There are per character ones and its more muddled. Canā€™t fake the pets though.

Also the armory seem to update them readily even when its not updating other things.


Iā€™m sad the cat thread died.

Napping for real now.


Tails for worgen and Karen hairstyles for Vulpera now!

The only Photoshop Iā€™ve done has been this:

But does it really surprise anyone that this is the only one I bothered making?


You was my biggest supporter when I mentioned Vulpera getting hairstyles previously and I love/loved that. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I want a character service sale so I can make my VE mage into my Vulpera character I have my name picked out already though on a character I never got around to leveling.

I just hate the idea Iā€™ll do it and then next month thereā€™s a sale idk


My colorless Draenai, I might get her to 60 someday, havenā€™t really been able to get into the game since they ruined Blood Elves.

I support this highly, I love my Vulpera Warlock itā€™s my third favorite behind this one and Nightborne one.

I totally feel you here, they have those sales at the oddest of times, literally. Lol.


I feel like weā€™re due for one hence why Iā€™m not making any service purchases until I see it.


I didnā€™t realize there were others who wanted hairstyles for Vulpera. I race changed out of vulpera I think mostly because I couldnā€™t stand not having hair style choices. Thought I was weird. LOL