Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Oh, I forgot about the Warpaint and Feather accesories. I should say they are needed too :slight_smile:

But what I am saying, after 15+ years, the High Elf community has finally got there Alliance High Elves. Though it is through terms of customisations, but in the end, it is better than having nothing, and I am glad to be apart of the community to receive these options.


Yusss, out of likes atm but I’ll like these tomorrow haha :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bruh they look so good.

As for velfs, I happily fully support whatever they want


But not yet. Seeing this will be a fatal blow to the people who want to deny these customization towards the Alliance players. Give them one to two years.

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I love seeing those longer Male Velf hair styles with the tendrils turned off. They look so good. Finally it will be nice having a decent variety of hair styles to pick from.


Now if only the PTR didn’t crash when you use the barber >_<

Fortunately Nico had a character customization applied to him when I copied him over so I was able to try it out instead of rolling a new toon.

Still, I can’t “fine tune” my looks until the barber works and I can make slight adjustments on the fly to see what works in what light. The lighting at character creation is a bit too bright for me to get a good sense of how it will actually look in game.


Barber wasn’t ready for all the incoming High Elves :stuck_out_tongue:

Your character looks soooo good! So fitting :blue_heart: :heart_eyes:


You mean void elves.

There is no high elves playable.


Lol, your replies pointing this out in multiple threads today are on point. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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By that logic there aren’t Wildhammer Dwarves playable, that didn’t stop Ion from announcing them playable at Blizzcon through customization updates. Or Danuser mentioning that Sand Trolls are a sub race for Darkspear through the customization updates. Nor Ely Cannon from referencing the newly added customizations to Blood Elves and Void Elves as ‘High Elf customization’.

You being a pedant about it does not mean the majority of the rest of the world doesn’t see the customizations for what they truly are.


In way wildhammer isn’t playable. It had been stated multiple times by blues that customization =/= lore, specially recently.

Also if wildhammers was really playable they would not have paladins.

Also are we really using danusar again? That qoute had been debunked 1000 times on these threads.

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I’ll take the direct words from the WoW team and several hundred players in agreement over some random pedantic posts any day.

Ion literally stated they are, on stage, at Blizzcon, and got applause for it.

Danuser commented on Sand Trolls.

Ely Cannon literally used the phrase ‘High Elf customization’ to describe what BE and VE got.

You’re not the authority on defining what these customizations are, only the WoW team can do so. And they’ve defined the added customizations as High Elves.


Denial is a classic symptom of unhealthy rage.


Wildhammer were done dirty.

They deserved to have an AR just like the DID.

They don’t make sense as just customization when their people would never touch warlock or mage and paladins, IF they exist, would be extremely rare.

They would still have warrior, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman and death knight of course but one class they could get to balance out the loss of three others would have been druid. It would have made sense with their lore…

But regardless a Wildhammer with out a Stormhammer racial and something for gryphons?

Thats not a wildhammer dwarf no matter how hard Blizzard pretends. Waited 15 damned years for a whiff there.


Oh really, and then they back-tracked in a q&a later saying they are just customizations and by lore your still technically a bronzebeard, you can “rp” as a wildhammer, but your not one in lore.

Neither is any of you HE trolls that is causing harm to void elves.

I am not denying anything.

Just ppl denying the truth cause it hurts them.

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You’re not correct. You have problem with the Void/ High elves . Even you are telling people wich elf they are. Or wich elves are playable. Open your mind and you can just stop trolling people?


Nice contradiction. Should I quote every post of yours where you have stated about the High Elf customisations are destroying the Void Elf Lore?

And yet, nothing has been requested to be removed, and nothing has been removed.


I have no issue with void elves, I play them. I have issue with high elf players trying to remove one of my races.

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Where are you getting that from?