With all the problems in WoW, to think we have people holding on to “lore” …WHILE THOSE SAME PEOPLE are usually… not on RP realms and always say things like “i dont rp” EVEN THOUGH they are playing a Role Playing Game.
Good point though. I will like your post. We have to try to get people to relax. Your character’s appearance isn’t the end of the world. Blizzard has more important issues, such as gameplay and story progression.
Tossing void elves a few more hairstyles to COMPLIMENT their new hair colors would further support the subtle push to ENCOURAGE people to join the Alliance and help balance things… in all facets of the game, endgame included obviously.
Each aspect of the game would have it’s own priority list, though, and I wouldn’t expect the art team to be sitting in on a class balance meeting. HR isn’t likely to be creating the boss mechanics in the 9.2 raid.
Where I work, there is a list of improvements for the ticketing system and a product release timeline. No one is going to wonder why so many updates get implemented in the ticketing system if a systemic bug halts a product release.
well in that case void elves would like void type stuff
void helves would like hairstyles for all void elves
belves would like the tiara to be unhooked from the hairstyle, red eyes, tats and undead skincolor
nightborne would like their glowy hands to have the legion outline and mana hair
night elf males would like to have non snarly face options and the snarls to be more natural
think that covers most elves.
I always find it odd that the same barber can do a list of hairstyles, but only depending on your race. Unlock all hairstyles for all characters.
that would be so awesome.
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Pretty much.
Which kinda is odd since they share a commonality in alleria and I didn’t know it was hard to come up with a few ‘normal’ hairstyles.
Ion, it’s ok if some stuff look the same… repeat…
Yes some more hairstyles would be lovely.
I think that the Void Elves had received enought options and changes this patch, how about letting other races get something next?
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Compared to races like Tauren, HMT, Vulpera, and Kul Titans, it does feel that way. All I was saying is that it is a genuine complaint for people on the forums to be a little exhausted with the constant stream of void elf requests. I didn’t say you had to stop, but it is okay for us to feel weary.
I disliked the tentacles before the update, but them and the white hair look great together now.
Updos and braids, please.
And seriously, unique assets.
I vote yes for more hairstyles!
Yes, would love some new hairstyles that look good with both tentacles added / removed so the full spectrum of high elf / void elf customization is achieved.
And yes, please some unique assets or at least, largely borrowed from other Alliance hairstyles… I’m sure the Wildhammer taught the high elf remnants in the Hinterlands how to make some fine braided locks.
Thank you! The draenei have some amazing hair!
I would gladly share my Draenei hair styles with Void Elves. They’re great!
In the greater scheme of things, it gives each race distinctions in looks, adding complexity, variety and flavor to them.
And let’s not give Blizzard an excuse not to create more distinctive hairstyles for each race. (Well, not for humans because they already have an embarrassment of hairstyles. )
In-game, it would be a cultural thing. Even in North American which is a mishmash of nationalities, the more predominant anglo/white/whatever-you-want-to-call-it culture is where the majority of people, including non-whites, draw their choice of looks from.
(I remember a lovely client from many years ago who was fresh from India and very traditional and beautiful in her dress, hair and facial decorations, after she divorced switching to skirt suits, a bob and conventional make-up declaring, ‘I am American now, I want to look like an American’ when I asked about the change.)
However, giving how far they have gone with the High Elf theme for Void Elves, I am confounded as to why they didn’t just wholesale transfer all the Blood Elf hairstyles over to the Void Elves.
Oh and since this is a thread discussing High Elves:
Real High Elves or die! .
I wanted these marks on the face that the Warcraft 2 elven ranger has.
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We will consider your request.
Definitely think we need some more options! I’m very happy with the tentacle toggle & the hair colors, but we could still use more variety. Especially for the Males. There’s very little variety in our hair styles. At the very least i’d be happy if they gave us some hairstyles from Humans & Night Elves.
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