Void Elf Customizations?


Metzen: What we showed at the end of Burning Crusade, like during the whole Sunwell event, was that the warped naaru M’uru was kinda transformed back into his purest self, purest light that Velen used to reignite the Sunwell, as a fountain of Holy power, as much as it is arcane.

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.
The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

Regardless of the fact HE’s could be returning home from the Alliance to Quel’thalas, the Sunwell is both Holy and Arcane as per the first article, and it’s established it can wear off as per the second / video. So no you can’t claim Blood Elves with blue eyes as “Alliance” spies.


They deserved it for not getting over the fact that the high elves that abandoned the alliance in WCIII joined the horde.

Oh dear lord… this again.

…Why do I do this to myself?


I like it, there needs to be a CLEAR difference. Void Elves MUST be FORCED to look grunge and tainted. After all, they were completely corrupted to the extent they are a new race. They SHOULD NOT look like us High Elves :slight_smile:


Very much this. If distinction is important to a certain number of people, I don’t see the problem in copying the hairstyles and colors from Humans to Void Elves instead.

It makes sense lorewise, as that would show the extent to which High Elves and Void Elves have integrated in the Human society.


I don’t look like you High Elves.

I look like a better high elf.

With better hair.

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You look dirty, unkept, and strung out like you were on a bender. You are almost as bad as the wretched who were completely ruined by mana addiction.

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This implies everyone followed Kael’thas, and they clearly didn’t since he went mad. Others saw through it from the start. You’re also trying to convince people that some lowly racist knight is going to be the sole reason they decided to leave the alliance, over garithos. Come on, I know you’re smarter than that. The silver covenant has been a part of the game since WotLK, and its numbers were vastly more numerous than some expedition to the void. Also on that matter, VE ARE Bloodelves, so again it was a big F U to alliance players simply creating a completely new narrative when they had one already set up with years of lore tied to it.


I hardly recognized you with the new customizations! It’s Midare 2.0! I love it! Nice to see you again all the same.

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It’s all right to be jealous.

I also have better mogs.


You’re asking if someone is smarter than that while also exhibiting you don’t understand the fact Garithos is what propelled the BEs to be neutral by the start of BC, the alliance themselves in the starting zones cemented future relations. Where did Midare say the things you said she said?


High Elves aka Blood Elves (symbolic renaming, nothing to do w/ Fel) pretty much all joined the Horde due to Garithos as a tipping point. However, they already had historic rocky relations with humans. They had already considered being independent, but the Scourge sort of forced them to pick a side and the Horde were there with open arms.

I’m all for Void Elves getting extra customization features, but probably not ahead of the other allied races.


LMFAO! Looks like they retconned her, in what appears to be 6 times, and only through novels! You know you have a bad charecter when almost her entire story arc does not take place in game!

Also no, it proves she had very little experience in a limited number of cituations, and didn’t play a big role in wars before she became a blood knight. But man this is too funny.

I agree, think what was released was just to quell the High Elves Requests a little is all, im sure there will be more options in the future for all. At least they are showing the Alliance High Elf Community they are listening.


To a certain extent they could still do something like this, but i think it would be more of the Nightborne route. Maybe give Void/High Elves something like a different idle animation at the very least. But obviously something not so stiff and awkward looking as the Nightborne are currently.

But overall yeah i think they should have got a different model. I’d still be fine with some animation tweaks though if done right to make more of a difference between Alliance & Horde Thalassians.

I do think we’re eventually going to have most if not all of the High Elf options. Hair Colors/Styles and maybe even some classes in the future. Especially if we get subraces as the next branch of customization. I think it’s coming through at least for the cosmetics. I’m happy for what we’ve got and what we may get in the future, but the they chose the worst road possible to give us those options. It should have been High Elves from the start with maybe Void Elves being a side faction of that race.

When it comes to Alliance Thalassians in the story though, going forward i think the Void Elves are going to end up taking a backseat to the High Elves. Just my opinion ofc. The Void aspect will probably still be used here and there but i can see them using the High Elves more and having them better fit in whatever the current story is rather than using the Void Aspect of Alliance Elves.


You totally nailed it with this post. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


You can’t actually be serious with this post, Void Elves already got more customizations in the core race pass which took away from a lot of the core races getting customizations they actually deserved, if anything Void Elves deserve nothing in the allied race customization pass and furthermore nothing until every other race has got customizations equal to what Void Elves have got already.


I looked back in the history of the wowpedia page and the “retconned” novel section was added over 6 years ago, at 8:28am on March 31, 2014 by poster Falsetti.

The page prior provides no mention of her history and certainly provides no mention that I can see of Uther. Googling Lady Liadrin Uther comes up with nothing significant.

I’m sorry but I trust wowpedia as an information source more than I trust some random high elf fan. Especially one who seems to be going to great lengths to make things as justification for his previously confessed hatred of the lore character.


The folks at r/warcraftlore brought up a pretty good in-between about how new Void Elves don’t have to necessarily be void-infused. It’s possible for them to be practitioners of shadow magic who also hear the whispers of the void since they’re dabbling in that type of magic. This makes it pretty easy to justify the Helf options we already have as a Void Elf without destroying Velf lore in the future.

Either way, I hope the one thing Blizz will be concrete on is the light/shadow difference tbh. That is a fundamental difference that should keep Velf/Belf apart forever.

Girllll look at my mog and say that again. :heart: