Void Elf Customizations?

what toppings ?! u must say this at least


If they went through the trouble of giving them a different model they should of just done the same with a High Elf AR to end the discussion in general and created an actually developed WoW “Void” race.

Ethereals are right there and K’thir are massively more interesting than Void Elves who haven’t had their story expanded in 2 years.


Pepperoni and extra cheese. With garlic dip.


Exactly. Very very good point.
Much better ways to handle it.

With the Sunwell restored, the Blood Knights now channelled their power directly from it—a far less damaging and far more harmonious relationship than their previous method of gaining power.[17]

From gamepedia.

Its been pretty clear that blizz or in this case activision, are filled with a bunch of arrogant manchildren who think they know better than the thousands to millions of players that play this game. The little tweetstorm thats been going on lately only further corroborates this. I am not at all surprised they would do this simply to be petty.

And honestly I agree with Tomdrake, it was a big F U to alliance players that have been wanting High Elves since BC and they added VE as a lazy solution. Every excuse they made against incorporating HE into the game and then they add VE on the basis of those excuses, completely making up lore and an entire allied race based off an EXPEDITION of blood elves, thats less than 50 ppl to make up an entire race. You would have to be completely incompetent not to see that for what its for. A big slap in the face.


Glad to see I’m not the only one that see’s it that way, Morvoth

This does not prove that most Blood Knights disagree with Lady Liadrin.


It proves they have a more genuine connection with the light again…? Unless I’m mistaken LOL

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There is also nothing that implies they agree with her either. So this arguement is moot.

She’s Their Matriarch.


They take the light from the sunwell, not from the cosmic force, it is different then the traditional paladins

That had been placed in command of the royal guard with no military experience!

Note: placed, it was not there choice on who the commander is

You assert the followng:

Most Blood Knights disagree with The Matriarch of their Order.

Liadrin has no military experience.

That Blood Knights are the royal guard.

As the person making assertions, the onus is on you to prove these things.

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Following the mass conversion of the high elven survivors to the [blood elves], many members of the Royal Guard—who came to believe that the Light had failed them in their hour of greatest need—went on to join the newly-founded [Blood Knight order], a prominent group of sin’dorei paladins under the command of [Lady Liadrin]


The Blood Knight order was first conceived by [Grand Magister Rommath] and [Astalor Bloodsworn], two master magi who had sought to find a better use of [Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider]'s gift to Silvermoon: the [naaru], [M’uru]. After the magi had successfully pacified the being, Rommath summoned the former high priestess, [Liadrin], and told her of his plans to create a new order of [Light] warriors who wielded their powers through sheer willpower - masters of their power, not servants of it. Liadrin, whose life had been led by extremities (a devout, pious priestess to a vengeful warrior), agreed to consider the offer in the hope of finding balance, and after an introduction to M’uru, pledged herself to lead this new order


She had very little combat experience, and leadership experience prior to joining the order, as she was still fresh from being trained on how to be a priest under uther the lightbringer. If I was a soldier under her lead I’d have doubts she’d know how to lead us currectly, but as a soldier I’d have no choice but to follow.

I really hate copying gamepedia text, I have to take out several links due to my forum rank.

Yea, the options are pretty neat! Which eyes are you most a fan of - lighter or darker? Or are they all your favourite? Hahaha!

Personally, the lighter options are my favourite. I really like the darker one though, but, i’m more drawn to the light blue. Such as the one i have for this character currently - along with most of my other BE’s :sweat_smile:. My hunter on the other hand, i’ll make em have the darker blue, haven’t got round to that though lol…

Also, i did want to take the time to apologise to you for any potential bad blood we may of had in the past - it has been a very long journey - so, if i’ve ever done anything to make you feel a certain way or anything, i’m sorry. I’m done with the whole “sides” personally. I just want to move on and enjoy these new customisation options, i don’t see a reason to argue or bicker anymore. I think it’s useless now, we both managed to get something out of this whole debate/discussion - and to be honest, I’m frankly very pleased with that. I have a way to look like a HE now, and you have your blue eyes. So, i think Blizzard did good with this decision.


What do you think the lighter/darker blue eyes represents magic-wise if you don’t mind me asking?

Umm, unsure what Blizzards intentions are. But, personally my own headcannon has the darker ones for those who don’t really use magic, if at all. Cause you can see more of the Iris - and the old female HE models had irises showing, so that’s where i get that idea from. The lighter ones on the other hand, i think are more magic reliant, imo anyway lmao. I could be wrong though. :man_shrugging:.

I still see no proof that most Blood Knights disagree with Liadrin. I’m looking for NPC chatter bashing her behind her back, or a quote from a novel that shows conflict within the order. I tend to pay attention to new lore scraps that come in because I RP a Blood Knight and I want to know what’s going on.

Some Blood Knights were royal guards. Not all of them. Simply put some of the first members of the order was. To claim they all are Royal Guard is kind of dishonest.

The full quote: The Blood Knight order attracted elves of many walks of life. Among them were former priests and priestesses who had turned away from the Light following the Third War, like Liadrin had. Others were former members of the Royal Guard, proud defenders of Quel’Thalas. Warriors and war heroes also joined the order, embracing their new-found powers.

According to her wowpedia page, she wasn’t just a fledgeling priestess when she became the Matriarch of the Order. She was previously a High Prestess, in fact she was RAISED by a priest after her family died and was indoctrinated into the priesthood at an early age. She was active during the second and third wars and was there to see Sylvanas fall to Arthas.

Lady Liadrin is by no means a green character with no experience.

However, there’s nothing about her being trained by Uther’s forces. I think you might be mistaking her with someone else.


Blood Elves literally only live three places- the eastern kingdoms, Stormwind, and Outland.

Any Blood Elf in Stormwind or Outland is actually a high elf. They didn’t follow Kael’thas, they didn’t partake of the demon power, they didn’t turn a holy wind chime into a battery. As far as I am aware you don’t turn the green eyes off, ergo there’s no reason to assume anyone who doesn’t have green eyes or gold eyes- a product of using holy energy- must therefor be an Alliance spy.