Void Elf Customizations?

So why don’t the void elves get all the Blood Elf Customizations? I can understand Blood elves not getting the tentacle hair n such, and void elves not getting green/gold eyes. However, I think it’s a bit whack to essentially put highly customizable high elves on the Horde side when they’ve typically been a faction associated with the Alliance.

EDIT Most common retort I’ve seen is “CuZ ThEy NoT BeLvEs DeY VoId ElVeS Hurpa duuuur.” Where do you think the void elves came from? Have you done the quest chain to get them? They are literally converted Blood elves. It’s not a stretch to say some high elves got mixed into the bunch, and bam, more customization options on the alliance side for void elves. I should’ve known better that a thread like this would draw out all the rabid belf fanboys that don’t even look like they belong in the horde to begin with but Shrugs All this thread was asking for was more customization for the void elves. Basically the same race, just one is the ascended void version, would make sense to give them the customization options of the belves as well, unless blizz gives totally unique and brilliantly designed cosmetic options to void elves to separate them from their inferior, green eyed cousins.


I dunno, but let me ask you…

Why should Void Elves, an AR, brutally take all the identity of a core Horde race? That ain’t cool at all, and I ain’t even a big fan of elves.

Void Elves played patty cake with the Void. It corrupted you and you are not blood elves now. Stop trying to be a race you are not.


Customizations were for core races. VEs are ARs so they’ll get more later when ARs get more.

As for the lore, BEs are horde. There are no actual high elves except for some npc’s.

Elves are either NE, NB, BE or VE. As VE were BEs but goofed off with void, their names got changed when they got kicked out of Silvermoon.


I just want the fancy jewelry.

The Blood Elves can have their blonde hair… just give me the jewelry!


Because they’re not blood elves, and blood elves should have things that make them special. I am so tired of these dumb threads where people keep trying to give void elves everything blood elves have. It’s getting ridiculous.


You’re Void abberations. Make Void jewelry or something.


It’ll come Alleria has blue eyes. just give them more time.


This, probably.

They don’t need to have every BE hair color but it’d be nice to at least have a true white and true black. Most of the existing voidy hair colors look a bit odd with the BE skins. I settled for the dark grayish color for mine.

They’ll presumably get some more options when ARs get a pass, though Nightborne need the love a lot more, obviously.


Very much this I’m very unhappy with BE customization. We should have got Runic Tattoos, Rommath, Farstrider.

We can’t even customize our eyebrows like Night Elves.

And the jewelry being what Blood Elves got as the bread and butter of our customization is beyond lackluster compared to the big deal a second visual theme for Void Elves got. Could you imagine how Night Elf fans would feel if instead of them getting all these cool customization Nightborne did instead and NEs didn’t have much to show for core race customizations. The jewelry shouldn’t be gender locked too male Blood Elves have like … what exactly? The diversity that should have always been there that they gave all human skin toned races is the only real option I was excited for to be a bit more in line with my own tan skin.

Overall I think core races are lacking across the board and people already want more attention to… void elves of all races. And they want more BE things surprise surprise.


Because they’re still Velves and Blizz wanted some distinction left.


Why would they?..


Some people want them to look like Alleria. There’s precedence for it now. But Blizz wants to keep distinction. I see both sides.

Because void elf fantasy is being a high elf but voidy.

Blood elf fantasy is being a high elf with only difference that they were attacked by the scourge.

So blood elf dont get customisation that would made them high elf but voidy and void elf dont get customisation that would make them just high elf.

Its make sense when you accept that blood elf are the true representation of a high elf.


They could give them stuff to look like Alleria, but Alleria doesn’t look like a Belf. She has her own hair and features, she doesn’t use sin’dorei jewelry or anything like that.

At most, blond hair.

This shouts bait to me.


Which is a poor excuse since Alleria isn’t a void elf like the character void elf but is more like a shadow priest high elf.

I never see LF drainei asking for a human skin since their leader is Turalyon.


Because it is and yet folks will take the very visible and easy bait lmao. OP already got bites. HE/BE drama is so easy.


Blood elves did get High Elf customizations. Because lore states their eyes can change back.

It’s not a poor excuse. The elves in Telogrus have been studying. Seems they found a way to pull an Alleria on others now that we have everything but hair to look like High Elves.


I’m starting to think so too, people can’t possibly be like this constantly with various other threads up. But you’d be surprised.


Void Elves are not entitled to all the Blood Elf options. That Void Elves got the same skin tones as Blood Elves, and got them NOW instead of waiting like most other allied races, was a generous GIFT and should be appreciated as such.

Void Elves will likely get more customization options when allied races are given a customization pass. They might even get some of the same options that Blood Elves have if Blizz ends up being lazy. But while I do want Void Elves to get a few traditional hair color options, they don’t need to be the same exact colors as Blood Elves have, nor do they need a copy/paste of any unique Blood Elf hairstyles.

I’m personally hoping that Blizzard does NOT just copy/paste Blood Elf hair colors and hairstyles to Void Elves. I’d much rather they give Void Elves Kul Tiran hair colors and some Human hairstyles instead, and perhaps a tentacle toggle for the hair like Night Elves have for their vines. This would avoid more copy/paste and preserve some distinction between Blood Elves and Void Elves.