Void Elf Customizations?

and now another one with the personal attacks. Considering there is litterally not enough lore with the blood knights after BC on what the blood knights thinks as independents, any assumptions of how they are just baised on one person, whom literally has bad story btw, IS head canon. Yes, what I think may be head canon, but also what YOU think is also head canon. I am willing to debate, but these attacks must stop.

It isn’t just one person.

It’s The Matriarch of the Order.

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(Commentary): Considering the Blood Knights joined the Silver Hand during Legion I think that any significant issues in morality would’ve also been resolved.

(Speculative): There are probably, “enough,” that a player could be such an individual if they so chose. That is to say, the mindset of controlling, mastering and dominating the Light is probably not completely eradicated from the Blood Knights. That said, part of me thinks it’d be interesting if, say, extremists were removed from the order, and wound up among Umbric’s group. It’d create an interesting situation. It’s just a pity the Void Elves have no lore characters other than Umbric and Alleria, and no lore organizations developed enough for such a hypothetical group of jaded ex-Blood Knights to exist.

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A matriach, that leads a military faction she had nothing to deal with before joining that faction bud

Almost all HE fans I ever see when they start talking about BE’s starts on some tangent about WC2 lore, to the point where it is quite the opposite for me I am fine recognizing when people go against the norm and that situation doesn’t apply to them, but I’m not going to act like its not the norm. It doesn’t take one long to figure out why BE players don’t trust HE fans on the topic of BE’s when they take skewed views of the lore which requires them literally ignoring a lot of the lore.

This is all fair, sources are always good things to search for, one should always want them. I’m just saying if someone displays love for Blood Elves I’m not going to be suspicious of their takes on aspects of Blood Elf lore the way I see red flags anytime a HE fan starts talking about Blood Elves. But I don’t think anyone should be blindly believed if they don’t make sense isn’t what I was trying to imply either. Sources are important, but so is experience and in this case experience to me would be someone with a connection / disposition to liking and playing Blood Elves.


OP the Blood elves were high elves so having the customisation of what they have been for thousands of years makes perfect sense.

You do realise they were called blood elves before they got green eyes right? Their eyes didn’t change the moment the sunwell was destroyed and silvermoon sacked however they were officially blood elves well before they used fel crystals to repair silvermoon

While I personally have doubts that the mindset wasn’t squashed after the Order’s redemption in 2.4, there’s no saying that people can’t roleplay what they want.

One of the things that makes roleplaying a member of the Blood Knight Order interesting is the conflict between ideologies between a few who choose to be old guard verses old guard who have switched to the new ways or anyone who has become a member after 2.4 when they changed the quests that indoctrinate a Blood Elf paladin into the Order.

I’ve got about 14 Blood Knight characters on Wyrmrest Accord, I’ve played them before and after the quest changes. I know both stories by heart.


Not only this exarcitor, but in the horde it’s been shown several times that there is ways to weild the light other then the traditional methods the alliance uses. The tauren is a fine example, as they get there power from ashe, and not directly from the cosmic powers of the light.

(Correction): An’she, but yes, the Tauren have a different path, but still through the same method. An’she is one of the eyes of the Earth Mother, specifically the Sun. So, it’s sun worship, which means they do achieve it the same way some Alliance races do; a combination of willpower and faith. Zandalari Prelates derive their powers through a patron Loa, which feels closer to the original Blood Knights relying on M’uru.


This is why I remember I don’t regard anything he says about Blood Elf lore because of the take on Blood Elf paladin lore.

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Lann, you need to chill on the personal attacks, this is bordering harrassment at this point. I’m not even saying anything to you at this point.

You’re on a public forum and I’m discussing your stance that you’ve posted about Blood Knights, and I do not based on that take seriously your opinion on Blood Elves. That is hardly a personal attack.

This is a personal attack.

Note the difference?


Talking about someone and continuedly stating their stance is pointless and should be ignored right in front of them is a personal attack. It is indirectly stating the person your talking speaking towards in front of the other person that they lack the mental capacity to think properly, or it is an attempt at trying to get peer-pressure onto someone out of a conversation you do not deem as an equal.

I think it’s whack that Blood Elves have been on the Horde for over a decade and we are still somehow considered an Alliance race by some people.


You stating your opinion in past threads is pertinent if you’re just on the same old same old head canon you usually talk about. That is me vehemently being against what you say here, and in other threads. Nowhere in there is a personal attack because I personally don’t care about you, its your opinion on a public forum I disagree with that is pertinent to the conversation.


I think there’s a difference between someone expressing their opinion on someone and their takes, and someone legitimately making personal attacks.

“I think your take is headcanon and I’m not accepting it as truth,” --This is a disapproving opinion.

“Zandrae is a big dumb peacock.”–This is an attack.

Kind of...

I secretly am a big dumb peacock.


Then just say you disagree and move on, don’t go up and tell others that I’m not worth speaking to. You might as well tell them “Look at that loser, ignore him and treat him like trash”.

That is you projecting and thats entirely your problem. I’ve never said that or alluded to that, and I’ll continue disagreeing with you, you aren’t the hall monitor of conversations, you can’t tell people how to move, what to say, how to hold debate.


You done that twice Lann, I’m not dumb. I know what your trying to do at this point.

What twilight zone is this

You linked me comments that falls in line with what I just said here

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