Void Elf Customizations?

no /10 char

Then prove you’re a Belf main on a server that matters.

Because right now all you do is post headcanon from someone who has never played a Blood Elf and is skewed with helf bias and gets all his lore from bias YouTube videos.

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again no, for no server matters more then another.

You have no credibility or authority on Blood Elf lore.

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and neither do you.

(Commentary): If the qualification for expertise in a forum debate is the server one plays a character of a specific race on, and not the accuracy of the facts they post, then I think we’ve not only missed the point, we’ve gone in the exact opposite direction.

(Suggestion): Maybe you two should drop the conversation. Or, if you must continue it, provide sources for your facts. Sources are always great. Its the only way to really learn.


I do, actually.

I main Blood Elves and have since BC and I play on a server where lore actually matters.

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great mate, I played BE in BC too, this proves nothing!

I suppose, but it seems I’m a target in this thread since I lashed out against a certain someone and the lackeys took notice.

Then post on your Blood Elf main.

As far as I’m concerned you’re being disingenuous to justify your malicious helf disinformation campaign. I’m not buying it

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Why? To prove to a random forum poster that I could care less about something. I’m actually having fun with your attempts to provoke me.

A lot of HE fans are notorious BE haters who push an anti BE agenda based on that outlook of lore.

I’m more accepting of fans of Blood Elves who are actually fans of Blood Elves and play Blood Elves on topics about Blood Elves. That’s just me personally because sometimes people’s biases are very obvious especially when they’ve been proven wrong before on these things in other threads spreading their biased takes on a race they aren’t a fan of.


(Commentary): I can’t say I haven’t seen that, but I also can’t say I’ve seen it to the point I’d ever feel comfortable generalizing like that. Most High Elf fans I’ve met (which is dozens, not hundreds or thousands) don’t have much interest in the Blood Elf story. Some used to, but were unable to really reconcile them going Horde when looking at the older lore, and then at modern High Elves in the Alliance. I can’t blame them for that. How we interpret the lore affects how we enjoy certain parts of the game. I love Mechagnomes but I’d be lying if I said I’m very unhappy they’re not the Ulduar variety.

(Commentary): Ergo you’ll always find me asking for sources when I don’t believe something. I’ve been proven wrong before, and I find sources help me better understand something I didn’t know, rather than taking someone’s word when they may have their own agenda.

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I actually kinda like BE lore, I also like HE lore.

Honestly only thing I don’t like about BE lore is liadrin.

I personally want VE/BE to be given different customizations to keep them seperate in appearances.

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Just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean she doesn’t exist.

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Blood Knights are an order of Sin’dorei Paladins founded by a priestess who had lost her faith in the Light named Lady Liadrin.

Originally they ‘stole’ the Light from the Naaru M’uru.

In World of Warcraft patch 2.4.0, which launched on March 25th, 2008, a skit was added to Shattrath that is still there today where A’dal reveals that M’uru knew what he (or she) was doing the entire time. Basically the Naaru allowed it to be captured intentionally so the Blood Elves could get their light back after losing the faith in the light with the fall of Quel’thalas.

This was part of the Liadrin Redemption Arc. Basically M’uru was the turkey all along and arguably The Light was in the Blood Knights all along, they just needed some vessel to help revitalize their faith.

This wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has given us “the light was there all along,” Tirion Fordring’s original story in Classic was similar in theme, and Velen himself tells someone in Swamp of Sorrows who believes that they’ve lost the Light that, “The Light doesn’t abandon its champions.” Basically it’s “where there’s a will the Light will find a way.” Blizzard themselves said, via ask CDev a number of years ago that the Light works on the faith and willpower of the user.

So if the Blood Elves believed that they could get light from draining a Naaru, then that worked for them. If they learned that they could get power from elsewhere, like the Sunwell or it was in them all along? That works too.

It was at that point that the Blood Knight Matriarch became redeemed and became a good light follower. This trend has continued with her since then.

Not including 9.0, there have been 7 expansions where the Blood Knights have existed, each lasting about two years. For only 1/2 of BC did Blood Knights wield the power by stealing it from the Naaru and having it be a force of will thing.

7 * 2 = 14 - 1 = 13.

So 1/14th of the time, or 7% of the time the Blood Knight Order has existed they were the dominating the light stealing it from a naaru type. The other 93% of the time they were following good light loving Liadrin.

Logic dictates that 7% or less (as some of the Blood Knights probably followed Liadrin into faith) are the edgy dominating light today, assuming that the Blood Knights continue to recruit more members.

Blood Knights haven’t been edgy church burning bad guys in ages. To still refer to them as being such to this day is a gross-misrepresentation of what the order is now.

Our model for the Order and its beliefs is Lady Liadrin, we should be looking at her as she is now not looking at outdated lore from over a decade ago that has clearly changed.

You don’t get to ignore 13 years of lore just because you don’t like the major lore character.


I thought his take was that all BE Paladins… were still in BC or something and Liadrin is the odd one out / not the norm representation of Blood Knights.

Idk I haven’t taken his comments on BE Paladins since a bunch of people tried explaining why he was wrong about that.

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didn’t say she didn’t lol. Having fun putting words in other peoples mouths?

To think people is one dimensional to only think, feel and be like one person is a norm?

I don’t think they follow the light the same as liadrin does, she is the exception not the rule.

I’m not saying that they all don’t follow the light like she does, but there is others that pulls light from the sunwell and don’t truely have faith in the light. And they don’t need to with the connection to the sunwell, which is half light energy.

That is just an opinion piece of mine, exarcitor also made an propor counter arguement that picques my interest.

They may not burn churches, but many would in private resent the current rules of the blood knights.

There is no lore indicating that the majority of the Blood Knights didn’t follow Lady Liadrin. If anything, a statistically insignificant number (<7%) might secretly keep to the old ways that were only there for like a year over what was there for 13 years.

This is headcanon. We have not been given any official lore that indicates any members of The Order cling to the short lived ways.

It’s highly unlikely that enough of them exist to really be a talking point.

Opinions are not facts and should not be stated as facts.

This is headcanon.

There is no official lore indication that a significant portion of the Order privately resents the current Blood Knight leadership. If anything, the increasing size of the order over the years means that the few who might cling to the short lived ways would be vastly outnumbered by those who subscribe to the established ways.

I do not accept your headcanon as fact, nor will I adopt it into my roleplay or inflict it on others.

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