Void Elf Customizations?

My refutation: You’re wrong. Stop spending misinformation.

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I kind of split the difference.

I’m rocking a half elf look for my only blood elf.

My void elf looks like this and he’s amazing.

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And then I made a baby high elf.

She keeps going back and forth between blue and purple eyes. I really, really like the purple eyes.


All in all, I’m fairly satisfied with the options for the blood elves and void elves.

The half elf look, with the beard and the short ears, is particularly dear to me and may be the push I need to finally get that heritage armor. Blood elves aren’t REALLY my jam.

Void and blood elves could both use a little more affection in the customization department. It’s annoying that void elves lack a true black and a true white hair, and I’d like to see darker eyes that look a bit more voidy. I’d also kill for a hair with the void halo effect we see on the armor. Blood elves could use some decent tattoos, beards, (yes red eyes), those stupid tiny felblood wings, and a bit of the Light to 'em. And unisex jewelry.

Everyone could use scars. Not even my beloved dwarves have scars, which is a travesty.

Of course, gnomes, worgen, undead and pandaren should probably be ahead in the line, and when it comes to allied races, the Lightforged and Nightborne are probably MOST in need of a bit of TLC.

I’m really over the moon with customizations, but I’d like more. Hell, even for night elves, who are my big winners, female body tattoos, male jewelry, highborn tattoos… There’s still stuff I’d love to see.


Hmmm… But wouldn’t the fact that the blood knights being more of a military group then a religious group alter on who can enter it? I mean most soldiers are allowed to fight as long as there willing, personality not restrained unless they break laws of course. But I can see your point. Doesn’t change my opinion too much though.

Yet they said it’s HE customization for both so why in the world did you come to the conclusion it’s “Alliance Spies” as if they had a big population to begin with, as opposed to various individuals returning to the fold of Quel’thalas.

And or the Sunwell cleansing them which I understand a bit more of now.

I hope both you and Schwartzy don’t leave the forums. I enjoy reading both your postings.

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I don’t believe I have to defend my comment just because he chose to be offended by it. I wanted to make it clear that he has no place to speak for all of the people reading this forum about your postings. I’m sure I’m not the only one who disagreed with him.

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Fear not friend, I still lurk every day. I just find it harder and harder to post. But… 'tis why you have me on Discord! :hugs:

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Sometimes you need to make a fun thread to lighten up the forums. :tada:

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Random Nobody Void Elf: spews misinformation about Blood Knights.

Me: roleplays a Blood Knight hitting on other Blood Knights.

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LMao at Lannisterian randomly having a go at you for literally just asking for Void Elf customizations.

Hahah so funny naming and shaming tsk tsk

But you’ve never been funny huh? Or very good at arguing? I wish you the best

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you need a…

I mean you should to stop spamming low quality YouTube videos.

He should also stop acting like an authority on a race he doesn’t even main, let alone play on a server where lore actually matters.

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I have played enough of BE to know there lore. Your assuming people again, it’s a nasty habit. I would tell you a saying of it, but it would give me a forum ban.

Nobody cares. You’re not a Blood Elf main on a RP server. Our lore is not your business. Stay in your own lane.

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