Void Elf Customizations?

Yeah Velfs options are crap. Fugly. No white hair option…disgrace.

The biggest sin is no white haired entropic embrace!


I am loving the blue eyes! Can’t believe they even gave us 3 options. :smiley_cat:


(Commentary): Liadrin certainly seems to have rekindled her faith in the Light, but the Blood Knights in general are stated to get their power over the Light through the Sunwell specifically. That suggests they don’t wield the light the way other Paladins/Priests do (through faith/willpower). Granted that lore is also very old. The Sunwell is still a font of Holy/Arcane but there hasn’t been anything to suggest Blood Knights haven’t grown to follow in Liadrin’s example over the years since the Sunwell was restored. In fact, I’d be shocked if they didn’t.

(Speculative): I would say the Light within the Sunwell now should function similarly for Blood Elves as the Arcane in it does; mages don’t need the Sunwell to perform spells, but it can greatly empower them.


I can’t decide between 8/10 now lol I was liking 9 and 10 I just don’t know, I’m using 8 right now!

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Ugh another one of these threads, stop trying to steal Horde races to put them on Alliance, if you choose to play Alliance over Horde you don’t need to play our races or have our customizations, you have your own. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Hmmm I wasn’t sure if that’s what was being said or if it was being alleged they are still their BC incarnation of power hungry / darker vibes which has been said before in that regard.

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(Speculative): I can’t see Liadrin allowing Blood Knights with that attitude to continue service among their ranks. Just my two coppers on it.

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:heart: always nice to see you though!


I just wish my avatars would update. I’m going to use all 3 different blue options for my many blood elves. lol


Awww you are sweet to say that however I will always show up to defend our faction, our races, our customizations, etc. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Sorry little orc, the idea of giving the be model to alliance was blizz’s idea not ours. We wanted an altered model at least. :man_shrugging:

Just an opinion, but I would find it odd that every be paladin to be following liadrin, they don’t have to join the blood knights to be a paladin with their link to the sun wells energies can give them light magic to use at will.

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If you login and logout a bunch of times on the characters it forces it to update that’s how I did it on all of my characters. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Ok, I’ll try that on all of them, this is one that updated at least.


(Speculative): Well, from what I recall of the Blood Knight quests, when they didn’t have a natural connection to the Light they had to actively drain it from a source, such as M’uru. With that in mind, it seems logical (to me), that any Blood Elf who couldn’t naturally channel the Light would need access to the Sunwell directly to drain Light from it. Access to the Sunwell would seem to be something of a vetted process, so I can imagine Liadrin having any false-Paladins denied entry, or observed to make sure they’re not draining the Light to use for nefarious purposes. Again, this is all my speculation.

(Commentary): I’m also aware that traditionally the elves have been able to be sustained by the Sunwell regardless of their location, but that is arcane energy, not Light. Considering we haven’t seen High Elves spontaneously developing golden eyes, I think accessing the Light from the Sunwell would need to be done directly. Again, that’s my speculation and opinion.

I would like to see what lore about the process is, but I assumed that any blood elf or high elf that is connected to the well can draw out the magic at will now. A world revamp would be a nice way to elaborate on the processes of Mana drawing on the current sunwell since magister’s are no longer required to send the energies to it’s people.

(Commentary): From what Unit Exacitor understands of the process, all elves are passively sustained by the Sunwell, their addiction to magic fed by it. Empowering one’s self through the Sunwell, however, seems to be a process that requires direct access and proximity to it.

i was very disappointed in the skin tones. i was really hoping for a drow choice. why no gray or black? a dark brown drow just doesn’t cut it.

Dear Void Elf,

You’re not an authority on Blood Knight lore. In fact this post implies how little you know.

Please stop putting your foot in your mouth,
Belf Lore Aficionado.


How bout you refute me instead of making an attempt at an insult. And also, assumption is a bad habit. I’d try to break that.